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and work union.



As much as I like unions I will say they seem to be as corrupt or more than any thing else. So far I've watched 4 of my friends magically land Iron Worker apprenticeships because their dad's happen to be foremans in the local...


but I guess once you get in you're good to go <_<

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You are an inspiration to all of us Cliff. It's no surprise to me that you continue to succeed. I have a 47 year old 2nd year apprentice working under me that was laid off from a local paper mill after 27 years of service. He reminds me a lot of you. Put a wall in front of me and I'll climb it. You can't go wrong with that type of attitude.

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As much as I like unions I will say they seem to be as corrupt or more than any thing else. So far I've watched 4 of my friends magically land Iron Worker apprenticeships because their dad's happen to be foremans in the local...


but I guess once you get in you're good to go <_<


It used to be the same here years ago but now you have to write an aptitude test to get in. Either way, if you don't produce, you don't work. You don't work for the union. You work for a company. Once the Dads are retired, produce or sit at home. I'm a foreman in our local and I couldn't get my son (if I had one) a job without going through the process. Times have changed.

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I worked my but off, went to school, studied whenever I got the chance and learned, learned, learned. I ended up with a 92.5% GPA in school. Earned the trust and respect of my employer and fellow workers some of whom had 20+ years experience on me in the trade. I made sure I was always early for work, did things for the betterment of the company that were outside of my job description. Next thing I knew I got a $1000.00 performance bonus and had keys to the shop.





Cliff, I know where you are coming from. I started an apprenticeship in '68 with NO knowledge of the typography trade; went back to school studied and learned and learned on the job. I have never looked back since and the only time I've had off is my earned holidays. I moved into Advertising Agencies (they needed skilleded typographers) in my 40s when computer took over typesetting. I've hired my teachers after they retired, I still keep in touch with them. I have passed on my skill to whoever wanted to learn and proud to have a daughter who took marketing and was hired at two companies that I had enhanced and has herself a bright career.


If you lose your job do what it takes . . . my motto has alway been "the best time to look for a job is when you have one"


I actually did it in '76 (when I worked midnights) and the next 15 years were the best years of my life . . .

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If I was young, in your position and had the chance to do it all over again I'd move out west, or perhaps even Yellowknife.


If the Soo is where you want to stay I'd push hard and try and get one of these jobs:






At least that's what I'd do if was 22 again, single and in your situation.



Yep! My fishing buddy...31y/o with 6 or so years experience making 75k working maybe 150 days/year. Especially in small town northern ontario....if I could do it all over again....lol!!!

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Yes, i have to do something, just looking for opinions, advice, etc. before i make my next move, i dont want to make an implusive descision and regret it later. i realize there are alot of others out there in the same boat and wanted to here from them or from others that got out of the boat and overcame the same situation i'm in now.


My buddy matt and i have been talking for years about opening our own business, we do side work together but we don't get enough to quit our day jobs. maybe one day it'll happen. [quote name='worm dangler' date='Feb 11 2010, 05:10 PM' post='432371'



It could happen sooner than you think! The extra work won't land on your lap. You've got to take that leap and put up your sign! If your 6000 hrs have been good ones people will have noticed and the phone will ring. Start with the small jobs the big boys don't want...buddy of mine did that and he can't keep up. Good luck.

Edited by ctdd2006
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Can't say I feel a lot of sympathy for your situation, sorry to say.


You work at a trade in the construction industry so you have to take the good and the bad. My father worked in construction. Built houses after the war, did some other things and worked as a cop too. But his favourite job was construction, steel construction, 40 years in the Iron Workers Union. Made a good living and paid his dues (besides union dues that is) and had to travel to where the work was. Sometimes other cities, other times other provinces. You have to go where the work is, either that or get out of the business.


You have a dream of a nice house, a garage and a nice truck parked outside by 40. I wish you well but some are into retirement and haven't had such luxuries, so if you succeed consider yourself fortunate.


Best of luck.

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Thats exactly what I'm doing right now. And I'm permit Millwrighting and Labouring for SIS right now. Trying also to get into the 1425 MW Union but theres a loooooooooong waiting list right now.


Gavin you gotta realize you're not the only one not working 40 a week right now....



Tell Tony that Dara said Hi

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Every police service in Ontario is hiring..........

I'm to old for Durham at 36...


How are your people skills? Can you walk up to a stranger and chat? I ask as that is what sales is all about. I'm not talking a cold calling only job over a phone, I'm talking about anything. Is there a product and or brand you would stand behind and sell it? Yes sales is hard at times but if you have "the gift of gab" and are an open and honest sales person you can do well. I'm not saying go push cars for a living (no, that's not what I do but there is nothing wrong with it) but find something that interest you and promote it. That's what sales is. No tie needed (well most days) just you out there pushing a product you would be more then hapy to stand behind. My buddy know more about cars they 95% of car salesman out there and would do a great job at it, but he cannot walk up to someone in a sales aspect to bet the ball rolling. It's just a thought...

FYI, Durham area in ONT as been building homes no stop for the past 8 or more years...

Goof luck what ever you do. Geoff

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irishfield i worked for sal-dan when i first got out of high school, they were a bunch of asses and i will never even consider working for them again.

i dont want to move where the work is, well unless is a temporary job with a local company.

syn the construction area in the sault appears to be picking up and theres suppose to be some big jobs coming up but i cant rely on that.

i also dont have a record and i dont do drugs im in the clear there.

Danc "the big 3" are looking nicer and nicer, i have hook ups with in the field and its definitely an option im considering.

im giving myself time to ponder before i play my next move, filed for EI today yipppie.

hmmmmmm..... :unsure:

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irishfield i worked for sal-dan when i first got out of high school, they were a bunch of asses and i will never even consider working for them again.


Maybe so.. I was just pointing out that a quick google search showed at least 30 jobs available in your home town, but if you'd rather claim EI than earn a wage in your trade or get something outside your trade/other experience... enjoy the fishing ! :rolleyes:

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Until you decide what to do, grab that old truck and go collecting scrap metal. There is some decent extra cash in that.


yup, me my uncle and his brother used to go ALL the time. usually at night lol. we sorta stole scrap metal that was out back of buildings really. never got caught though. (thank god). its easy money and pretty decently easy work if you have a buddy. just dont go into old mental hospitals (like my uncles brother) and get caught tearing down pipes and what not. lmao!!! (hospital was located down southern ontario.... some where near whitby i think or ajax... not sure.... along lake ontario anyway haha)

Edited by bigredneck
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irishfield i worked for sal-dan when i first got out of high school, they were a bunch of asses and i will never even consider working for them again.

i dont want to move where the work is, well unless is a temporary job with a local company.

syn the construction area in the sault appears to be picking up and theres suppose to be some big jobs coming up but i cant rely on that.

i also dont have a record and i dont do drugs im in the clear there.

Danc "the big 3" are looking nicer and nicer, i have hook ups with in the field and its definitely an option im considering.

im giving myself time to ponder before i play my next move, filed for EI today yipppie.

hmmmmmm..... :unsure:


If you don't want to take a job that is available then you don't have the right attitude to be able to earn that dreamhouse.



yup, me my uncle and his brother used to go ALL the time. usually at night lol. we sorta stole scrap metal that was out back of buildings really. never got caught though. (thank god). its easy money and pretty decently easy work if you have a buddy. just dont go into old mental hospitals (like my uncles brother) and get caught tearing down pipes and what not. lmao!!! (hospital was located down southern ontario.... some where near whitby i think or ajax... not sure.... along lake ontario anyway haha)


I meant legally.

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Well, based on that attitude, you deserve to have an old truck in the driveway and to be still living in your parents basement...

Many folks have gone out of their way to provide you with some very valuable life experiences... and all I'm getting from you is "no".



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the problem is its not worth taking a 10per hour job when i'll probably get the same on EI sadly.


then you really have nothing to complain about then ....kids these days want everything RIGHT NOW....for the majority of the world life doesnt work that way ...even though a 10 buck an hour job isnt going to get you what you want RIGHT NOW ...it will contribute to your lifes accomplishments in the form of moulding you into a man and make you more aware of how good you already have it (even with your lay-offs) compared to people without a trade or skill set to have a choice...


as i said to my son ....write a hit song and learn to sing it if you want the easy life or shut up and get to work

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$10 an hour gets your foot in the door which may lead to opportunities down the road. I'm in school right now and have been chomping at the bit to get back to work asap. Because EI sucks. Mortgage, wife and child, extra expenses. It all adds up. If, when I get out, I have to take a pay cut in order to get advancement down the road, I'm jumping ship. Put a little more hitch in yer giddyup as Foxworthy might say.

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the problem is its not worth taking a 10per hour job when i'll probably get the same on EI sadly.

haha justin what are you doing night?? the truck is warmed up! hahaha :lol:


I was going to stay out of this

what the hell I hope your not serious about the EI thing

cause if you are you need to man up and get off your rear and get on with the grunt dude


Just my 2 cents

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Call me simple, but couldnt you just strat a home renovation thing on the side to pick up some work in the meantime? I have been in the trades since HS and im 35 now..There has never been a time where I was desprate for work..always somtng to do, as long as people own houses, they need repairs! Forget about anybody giving you work go and get your own!!! New home builders are always looking for a good tradesman as a sub trade why dont you go that route? Is there any new home construction in your area? Best of luck to you and go get your much deserved work!!

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the problem is its not worth taking a 10per hour job when i'll probably get the same on EI sadly.

haha justin what are you doing night?? the truck is warmed up! hahaha :lol:


I guess that you pretty much got your answer from this thread and from that statement above. Seems you will still be making the same statements and asking the same questions 20 years from now. Don't think you will get a lot of sympathy unless you get off you ass wake up and take control of your life.


But that's just my humble opinion.......

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theres also something called being loyal, i really liked my boss, i dont want to leave him for mouthy pushy scream fit ass that ive worked for in the past there is simply no need for it. This is why ive had so many different jobs, as soon as things got slow i left and found work else where, i've worked for 3/4 of the known contractors in town already and im unsure of what my rep. is. My boss told me that we do have work coming up(next week we have a 2-3day job) and i told him i'd be there. what i was asking in this is should i sit here and wait for grass to grow or jump the fence and see if its greener on the other side.

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and no i dont want to sit and wait for my ass to grow haha!! and no i wasnt being serious about the scrap metal thing, not a bad idea for a little extra cash on the side. and for side work not to many ppl take me seriously or trust me cause im young, the only way i've got side work is from ppl at job sites that have seen what i can actually do. When i was doing new homes the owners would come in and see me hanging a door or doing baseboard and would make arrangements to come back after the house was closed and do some side jobs.

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Some very good advice on this board.


I too was in your situation back in the day. Laid off, jobs lasting only a short time then laid off again, living at my mom and dads. Well I said enuff is enuff, went and got an education (no rocket scientist here either) and am now making very good money doing something I enjoy and looking forward to a big ole pension at age 55 in 7 years.


The world is your oyster if you wanna grab it.

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