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No Tyler G2G for douG


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Been off work since Wednesday, the Dr. sez I have puemonia peunomia ponemia infectious bronchitis. How do I know it's infectious? Ask the Resident Love Goddess, but I'd ask you wait a week or so for the sake of marital harmony. He said to use two puffers, take some antibiotics, and use this cough syrup. Let me tell you, this cough syrup if sold on Queen St, could probably pay for the rest of the junk.


So no G2G for me :( . I know you will all have a great time, enjoy.


At least this will cut down on the incriminating photos.

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What you talkin about Willis ? Now who am I gonna follow around....oh Terry ! LOL


Get well Bud and don't screw around with it...nip it now. And it's "pneumonia"...we know it all toooo well in this household ! If you run low on drugs...Leah's got a drawer full.

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We are dropping like hacking flies around here tonight, with RLG and the BigKid all flat on their backs. Instructions have been given to The LittleOne to find another place to crash for a while, with the proviso that she may already have it and will infect others.


I have a quarantined area, but it's full of fishing gear, camping stuff, empties, old paint, bicycles, tools and etc. It's also a little chilly, so I guess the garage is out of the question.


One of my issues, now that I'm feeling a little better, is that I am way undersmoked, only choked back two and a half smokes all day. Nicorette sorta helps, but I think it gives me gas. Something is doing it right now, that's for sure.


PatB, mebbee it's a better thing that you don't pick me up tomorrow morning. Gastric displeasure is not a thing to be shared among friends. Best to you.

Edited by douG
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Awww ya little wimp you going to let a little throat tickle get ya down....... Get on out their and get a pack of players and tear the filters off and have a good day.......


OK now that I got that out of my system get well soon to all of your family.


Evil Art





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