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What compells u to fish?


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we're all here cause we love this sport. for some its a hobby, a past time... somethin to kill the days off. others its a passion and for some of us, an obsession that likely requires treatment from some medical professionals. lol.


but what draws u to this sport? what do u love about it, that keeps u coming back?

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Its always an adventure regardless of the situation.Apassion yes,A fever yes,Something that the doctor should check up on, so the wife says ,absolutely nooooooooot.When i sit in limbo from soft to hard water I dream of spring time as I get ready for ice.and drooling doing so.for both.What really makes me more ambitious is when I take my two girls out on an adventure as such,and they get something on regardless of what it is.The excitement and joy that come from them brings back memories of me and my dad headin out early for fishing.And it reminds me of me way back then.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i fish not just to catch, but to escape.

once a week, for a few hours, i can phase out the negative in the world and there's nothing left but me and nature.

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An excuse to get away from my cell phone. I tell people I'm afraid I'll drop it in the creek.


The fun of trying to outwit little fishies with brains the size of a pinkie nail. The little suckers beat me most of the time but every now and then I find 'em using my wits and a little help from my friends.


Keeping up with the technology is kinda neat too. Reading and trying, figuring out some new system I've heard about. Learning to use unfamiliar gear (baitcaster, flyrod, pin etc). Trying new lure presentations and retrieves.


It's all good, and the bonus is meeting good folks like y'all here on OFC.



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The VOICES compell me!!!

I keep thinking if I do what they ask they will go away, but they never do.

I'll be sitting at home or work and the VOICES will tell me to go fishing and they will keep hounding me until I do!!!!! :whistling:


You hear them too????? :whistling::thumbsup_anim:



Like the solitude, can get "lost" in my surroundings.

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Fishing is my mental health therapy... :Gonefishing:


I feel closer to my Higher Power when I'm communing with nature and wetting a line...


Besides...What else can you do that gives you the freedom of no cares or worries other than some stupid fish gets caught on your hook...and if you don't use any bait theres a good chance you don't have to worry about that either !!!


Yep...There is more to fishing , than catching fish...eh Lew? :thumbsup_anim:

Edited by Beans
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some great answers! thanks guys.


for me, its being outdoors. always somethin i loved, gettiun away from the noise of the city. the competition of tourney fishing. the fact that each time is different, gotta start all over each time u go out, changing conditions, making us change our strategies. seeing my kids faces when they catch a fish, the excitement they get. plus, im a gear junkie. i love the fact that each week somethin new is out to look at.

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Mostly its the tap tap of the rod tip, or bounce bounce....kerplunk of the float. But the anticipation is what its all about for me. Almost more fun than the actual landing of the fish. The ride to the launch with friends and family, the preperation of a trip, the meeting at timmies before hand.......tying up stuff the night before, its all like the night before christmas.


John started a thread about losing the christmas spirit. I mentioned how ive lost it a bit. I probably didnt lose it, .....it just got transferred to the night before fishing.


I have a big thing with NO SITE fishing as well.......something about seeing a fish im fishing for takes some of the fun away from it. I Love the process of throwing something out to the unknown and actually hooking up, when its a multi species situation.........i get that much more giddy about it. Wondering what it is until it flashes at the boat or my feet. "Whatta ya think it is" LOVE THAT!

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For me it's all about the adventure.Not knowing what the day will bring.

I also enjoy all aspects of the sport.The boating,trailering,and even the launch.

Them theres the camping or the lodging.

Plus the best part.That I'm the one that tuck me their.

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For me, i guess it's the love for the water, the nature that surrounds it. and best part, appreciating it. if there is anything Id like to pass on to my kids and grand kids one day is the passion of fishing and appreciation of mother nature. at age 5 I remember my fishing rod being piece of branch about 5 foot long, fishing line, hook , washer for weight and cork for a float. and had a blast just being on the water rather than playing Atari.

were all haunted by waters.

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For me, I've always been a competitive person. I grew up with 2 brothers, both very athletic, strong kids. We would challenge each other at everything and loved sports. I have never been physically fit, but I loved sports. I played basketball, volleyball, I played hockey for 14 years, played baseball. I love the competition. For me, I love the challenge of fishing. Every day is different. I love the strategic aspect of the sport, how such miniscule details make such a difference in your success rate. I love being able to share time in the outdoors with friends, or being able to fish alone in peace and tranquility (why I dont fish the Kawarthas much lol). I love the sound of a topwater strike, I love the thump of a smallie hitting a spinnerbait, I love the tick of a fish picking up a senko, I love the hook set on a jig. I love the drive to the ramp and the anticipation, I love the first cast, I just love everything about it.

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