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Damn tresspassers


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Just got a call from the neibors out at camp that some people parked there car in our driveway igroring the NO TRESSPASSING signs and went ahead fishing. The neibors went over and scared them away with the ol 12 gauge trick :whistling: Well the positive thing is i have some premade holes in the ice for them big ol brookies! :canadian:

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Pulling a gun on someone is not the brightest idea. Perhaps start off with a ' I'm sorry but this is private property and you guys will have to move your vehicle. ' Using ridiculous force as a first contact is a contributor to things escalating out of control.

You didn't mention if the waterway was your private pond or not.

That being said, ignoring clear No Trespassing signs is quite rude..certainly not worthy of having to stare down the barrel of a gun..especially from someone who doesn't own the land.

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I dont know why he pulled the gun I gave him crap about that,from what I heard it was a bunch of drunk teens out for a party on my land,and its a private lake with a huge no tresspassing sign at the beging by the highway and we have red dots painted on the trees the internation private property marker,well aleast they dident try breaking in and stealing the literly thousands of dollars in fishing gear and motors I got there. ^_^

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These are the ones I use..




..and BTW a red dot on a tree to most just means it's marked to be cut down. Although a 4" diameter Red dot is a legal Ontario No Tresspassing symbol..the best way to do so is on a white background, not just the tree. Makes it obvious what you are trying to convey. Ice cream tub lids work perfect for it.

Edited by irishfield
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Here's to hoping the teens next visit isn't a torch party at O dark 30.

I hope the gun deal doesn't escalate things in the future.

My question is in the first post you said "igroring the NO TRESSPASSING signs and went ahead fishing."

And in your 2nd post you said "from what I heard it was a bunch of drunk teens out for a party on my land,".

Two different situations. Although I don't condone trespassing either way if they were fishing they not partying on your private land.

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Having a camp that is remote, I know that I worry about local teens going up there when I'm not around and doing the kind of things stupid kids do...having said that, I would never do or say anything to anybody to get them pissed off enough at me to want to come back and really make a mess of things. Pulling a gun on someone is a good way to get your camp burned down if you ask me.


Hopefully they got the message without getting too bent out of shape over it.

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well aleast they dident try breaking in and stealing the literly thousands of dollars in fishing gear and motors I got there. ^_^


Sounds like you're looking for an insurance settlement. Certainly not the kind of thing that I'd post anywhere.

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i think ppl are asuming things here, walking into the lake with a gun and pulling a gun are two different things. Im sure the gun was never actualy pointed at the teens therefore i see no issue its just intimidation i would have done the same.. that is without pointing it at them, how do they no he wasn't just out partridge hunting and heard them???

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Oh Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::whistling::angel:


These are the ones I use..




..and BTW a red dot on a tree to most just means it's marked to be cut down. Although a 4" diameter Red dot is a legal Ontario No Tresspassing symbol..the best way to do so is on a white background, not just the tree. Makes it obvious what you are trying to convey. Ice cream tub lids work perfect for it.

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Most of us have all fished on property they weren't allowed on. I my self will admit to that.. I kinda play it like a game... If someone finds me fishing and doesn't want me there I respect their decision and leave. Although if someone came up to me with a gun I would more then likely use that against him and tell him to go phone the cops if he wants to go to jail for threatening someone with a weapon. On the other hand, I don't totally disagree with how your neighbor handled it since I'm sure he doesn't want a confrontation, but I think having a gun can easily just escalate things.

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Re read what you just wrote, you're contradicting yourself.


As for using a gun for intimidation purposes, although not pointing it at someone....is still stupid (not posted by you).


Most of us have all fished on property they weren't allowed on. I my self will admit to that.. I kinda play it like a game... If someone finds me fishing and doesn't want me there I respect their decision and leave. Although if someone came up to me with a gun I would more then likely use that against him and tell him to go phone the cops if he wants to go to jail for threatening someone with a weapon. On the other hand, I don't totally disagree with how your neighbor handled it since I'm sure he doesn't want a confrontation, but I think having a gun can easily just escalate things.
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Most of us have all fished on property they weren't allowed on. I my self will admit to that.. I kinda play it like a game... If someone finds me fishing and doesn't want me there I respect their decision and leave. Although if someone came up to me with a gun I would more then likely use that against him and tell him to go phone the cops if he wants to go to jail for threatening someone with a weapon. On the other hand, I don't totally disagree with how your neighbor handled it since I'm sure he doesn't want a confrontation, but I think having a gun can easily just escalate things.


I wouldn't generalize too much here as I do not believe that most people would trespass just to fish forbidden waters. Shows a lack of respect for other people and their property.

Don't really blame the guy for getting upset with trespassers, maybe the 12 guage cure wasn't the right approach but it works, nice sometimes to intimidate people who have no respect for others.

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What if they were just lost?? Or maybe thier car broke down? Do you approach everyone that comes to your camp with a shotgun? You'd better shoot the thing if you approached me with a shotgun pointed at me, cause I"m going to ram it so far up........



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I think we are all missing the point here for the older folks WE WERE ALL TEENS ONCE and I know that when I was I did alot of things that I would think about today and it was not out of the way to fish where we wanted ( or set up camp on some ones front lawn that is another story) it was a rolling party for us back then but for the most part we were good about things like this and cleaned up when we left, that was a huge part to us not getting into alot more crap. As for not partying when fishing heck we would not go pike fishing on the ice with out at least 1 case per two guys and there was usually other stuff to join (CC or crown Ok silk tassle)it but most were respectful of the places we were at not everyone is out to be bad maybe just teens trying to have fun like alot of us did. I do know if some one were to point a gun at us that would not have been cool, but to just come over and let us know that we were in a place where we should not be we would have offered beers if that did not work we would leave there are alot of lakes out there.


Cheers and I hope things dont get out of control over this.


Merry Christmas

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If I was somewhere where my presence was questionable and someone came along with a shotgun in hand I would leave in a hurry, no doubt the trespassers didn't put up an argument. If he did fire it at them this would be far too extreme and I wouldn't be surprised to hear from the local authority.


I can remember visiting a friend's home some years ago. His father was a gun nut, well known to the Burlington/Halton police at the time probably because for his collection and his :devil: character. They had moved to a different house in a nearby rural village right next to a baseball park. One particular day that I visited there was a game going on at the diamond and someone had parked their car on the gravel shoulder along side of the road in front of his house with the two right wheels on his lawn. Buddy's father picks up a shotgun, walks out to the roadside with gun in hand and does a walk around the parked car. Steps back about 20 or 30 feet on the lawn and points the barrel down at the front tire, brings the gun back down to his side and walks back into his house. The car was moved in less than a minute! :w00t: I couldn't believe it! :lol: I'm still amused by this so many years later. I'm not condoning his actions but nobody in their right mind messed with him. :blink:

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