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My brother & I were kids in the 50's so the Christmas Story always brings back lotsa fun memories and is an absolute favorite of mine, but I haven't seen it around for a few years now.


Christmas Vacation is hilarious too, but my problem is, I haven't got the patience to sit thru a 2 hour movie but I've seen about a dozen 15 minute clips so far this season so I think I've just about got the whole show covered this year :lol:


Last time I was in a movie theater was 1977 when Close Encounters came out :lol:


No doubt, Christmas vacation, mainly because of Cousin "Pooper was full" Eddie (his character inspired 2 halloween costumes for me) and the rant by Clark about his boss.

John Hughes was a genius.


Christmas Vacation

The Grinch - with Carey

Polar Xpress


All are must sees for me for this time of year


Christmas Vacation!!!!

Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Kiss my A.....s, Kiss her A....s, Kiss his A....s..............


A great movie full of laughs, classic Chevy Chase.

We saw Christmas Carol (the new animated version) and it was great but a bit much for my little ones (almost 5 and 3). Stuck to Dickens' original story line quite well.


And A Christmas Story, great movie. I never did get a Red Ryder BB gun for Christmas.


A Christmas Carol

1947's starring Alistair Sim.




The best Christmas Carol movie.




Right on---no contest!!!! smile.gif





My Family and I always watch it Christmas eve, and Also watch its a Wonderfull life.

I think I could Quote every line from either movie from memory LOL...


"Are there no Prisons, Are there no work houses?"



I think Titanic is a great Christmas movie Just to let people know what cold water feels like

Seriously though Hands down Planes Trains and Automoblies Steve and John together brings a tear to my eye.....


Not many with the older spiritual shows.


Im surprised.


King of Kings is another fav.


I do like the,,,,


Wonderfull world and the Christmas story,Frosty,Charlie Brown,the Grinch (the old one,not Jim Careys.LOL aswell.


Not a big fan of the run off spoofs. IMO,there is no real meaning of the season.


A Christmas Story - cuz it reminds me of Christmas as a kid, except for sticking my tongue to a post.


It's a Wonderful Life - a real feel good story


Going My Way - for the great music


Not sure of the order but they're my staples.




without a doubt A Christmas Story


when Ralphie helps with the flat tire... "OOOOOOHHHHHHH FUDGE!!!!!!! except i didnt really say fudge," then when his mom calls the mom of "the kid that told him" and u hear her beating him on the other end CLASSIC


its the only christmas movie i HAVE to watch


oh man, the pink bunny suit from his aunt, awesome


oh man, the major award, "fragile" must be italian


must.....see it.... now.....

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