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Mother nature PLEASE


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Like the title says,Mother nature PLEASE.Enough already with the fooling around.LOL

What a mixed bag.No wonder these critters dont know, they are to walk right out. :angry::D

Temps were back up again this morning.It,s like a yo yo.

So like before, Im up,out and gone in the rain. yadadadaa.Can you tell Im geting punch drunk? :blink:

Ok, to the days event.


Get to the area,hang my buck scent drag,walk 10 ft from there, and hang the doe scent drag.Rain had stopped by the time I got up the tree.Wind was nil. Nice and quiet again.Optimistic as always :thumbsup_anim: .Now this is where mother nature starts her game ,again.Some rain,stop,some snow,stop,some wind,stop,then aN all out ,wind, rain and snow mix.Come on,PLEASE. :worthy: Dont get me wrong here,it,s part of the hunt,just wish it wasnt so often. :blink:


The vid will explain the first few hours.





Like I said in the vid,it was time to get down out of the wet stuff and take a walk.Before that,I had to check out my fake scrapes.There was sign that one was tended too.The pic really dose not show it.You had to be there.




During my walk in the heavy green cover,I found some great sign that they are there,but not sure what to make of it.Are they just pasing through?I dont think so. I seen lots of bedding spots on my walk aswell,and like mentioned by others,the temps need to be colder to get them moving more.

Heres a couple of big trees that came down this year.The size of the root base, are huge.I put the gun up against one so you could see.






I would walk a bit,then sit and wait to see.Then off again.Did this for about an hour and a half til I came to my ladder stand in the green covers.



By 2:30 I was done.Soaked and starting to get chilled.As you can see,it started again.



So off I head home for a hot shower and a hot cup of coffee.


Theres something I wanted to take a pic of and post.

There was a post about Simcoe county forest and OFAH .

Well heres the first sign. Nothing about OFAH.




Now the second,not .02 Clicks down the same road and the same side of the road.

Still nothing about OFAH,but notice something different?




Talk about screwed up eh.





Anyways,thats day 4 of 5.




I love this sport and the challanges it throws at me.


Day 5 is just a sleep away.Cant wait. :clapping:


Thanks for reading again.

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You'll get one Brian,


Where those two signs you took pictures of on the same Simcoe forest tract?? It's weird that they both don't have the big green "hunting permited" signs,.. I love those signs.


Yep.Like I said,.02 clicks apart.

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You're a tough dude me brudder. I know you'll get'er done. Thanks again for taking the time to show us your today.


Best part about this whole hunt Roy,I havent felt sick.

Betty maybe right,just needed to get outdoors and kill the germ. :dunno::worthy:


or is that run or be hunted


Fit of the fittest Wayne. :lol:


The moment that buck is in your crosshairs, you'll not even notice the weather cept to adjust for the wind


Not enough distance, to worry about that Bruce.

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I'm in the same boat Brian...I worked nights last night and went out for a couple of hours this morning, heard a gun shot close by...saw a four wheeler going through the bush...I'm at work right now, leaving early to get a head start tommorow and am going to stay up all day. It's gonna be a beautiful day, sunny 10 k winds and cold, can't wait! :thumbsup_anim:

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I think fishing in Memarts boat is much more dryer and warmer.


I went hunting ten yrs ago .Not for me.I do like eating the wild game from friends who are successful at it though.


If only we could fish for 12 months of the year.


I know its coming Brian then you can show us all :canadian:

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Brian, I have shot my two biggest bucks in the crappiest weather.


One was a snow storm with huge wet snowflakes, barely see a few feet infront of you.


The other was brutally windy, rain, and cold. He was right on me, couldn't hear a thing.


So peel your eyes, in the rut the horn dogs will travel their run no matter what weather.


Good luck bud,



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Thanks Wayne,but no luck but bad luck today.

Headed into the bush and one step went wrong. Slippery fallen tree cost me a twisted and baddly swollen knee.Hung it out for a few hrs,but it started to stiffen up. So off to the walk-in.Wrapped and iced.Off the leg for a couple of days.

It would have to happen on the best day of the week.GRRRRRRR


Hope Marty got one too.

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Thanks Wayne,but no luck but bad luck today.

Headed into the bush and one step went wrong. Slippery fallen tree cost me a twisted and baddly swollen knee.Hung it out for a few hrs,but it started to stiffen up. So off to the walk-in.Wrapped and iced.Off the leg for a couple of days.

It would have to happen on the best day of the week.GRRRRRRR


Hope Marty got one too.


Snuggle up to the nurse bud.... with a good bottle !


And yes Marty banged a buck... but I'll let him tell the tale !!!

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Sorry to hear things didn't work out for you Brian. Get healed up and back out there with your Crossbow. That ten point won't wait forever.


Thats hunting Doug.


Had a great week,even though theres was no harvest.

It,s not always about the harvest,but time to think.I had lots of time to do that. :rolleyes:

What I mean is,,,,,ah never mind,some things are best unsaid. :angel:

Something tells me, Im to get a bow harvest.When the corn comes down,i can see it.









I will let you in on one secret,,,,,,,,I did catch myself singing to myself,doe a deer,a female male deer ,anything will do,,,,,, :blink::lol:







Darn you Terry,,,,,,, :P:D

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While you were getting soaked down there, we (my brother and I) were getting soaked with the white stuff up here :wallbash:


Got 5cm's of snow Thursday afternoon while out on the watch. The forest floor is all white even today. Last night was -10C and today was calling for freezing rain :wallbash:


Like you said "yoyo weather this year" :angry:

Found out what was eating the apples..... was a bear.... at my brothers stand there was bear poop next to the pile of carrots and what was left of the apples.



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