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Call Centre Job Test


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Mujibar was trying to get a job in India.


The Personnel Manager said, 'Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except one. Unless you pass it , you cannot qualify for this job.'


Mujibar said, 'I am ready.'


The manager said, 'Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green .'


Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, 'Mister manager, I am ready'


The manager said, 'Go ahead.'


Mujibar said, 'The telephone goes green, green, and I pink it up, and say, ' Yellow ', this is Mujibar.'


Mujibar now works at a call center.


No doubt you have spoken to him. I know I have.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

i'm pretty sure this fellow calls on behalf of the national student loan service centre! i'm glad such qualified folks handle my student loan!

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This is a good thread. It is too bad that I am one who does not appreciated jokes. Except for about 2 of them, I find them silly.


I am a poor, humble immigrant. This of course means that I was not born in Canada.


Dara, yes you may laugh – you stated “We're not supposed to laugh at that are we!”


I do not mind “immigrant” jokes or whatever else. But I do not hear many of them.


I have spoken to a few “Mujibar”. It was more frustrating than funny in my case.


When I read this thread, I laughed when I read the post by jughead.


He stated –


“People with accents from other countries aren't as smart as us because they pronounce words differently.”


Allow me to state that I have an accent. One reason is because I am from another country. But, I think it is because that at one time I spoke 6 languages. Two languages I forgot.


So, I can speak only 4 and 3 of them are spoken poorly. There is a reason why I forgot 3 of them. In 1981 I came to live in the GTA because of a bank transfer. I have not been lucky enough to find people who spoke in those languages. Here in Ontario, let us face facts; many who were born here in Ontario cannot even form a proper sentence. Forget about learning another language if one is born in Ontario. Now, how many can speak French?


But my accent is probably because of the 6 languages I spoke. Make that 7 languages – American (before 1981 I used to go down to the States every week-end.)


If I am from another country and I pronounce words differently, why does it mean that I am not “as smart as us”. It is very possible that I am not smart.


I have a university degree in Math. I then went to graduate school on a scholarship – Math, of course. But I still have my accent.


Do I feel insulted – NO. I am not the one who has the problems.


Jughead, who is “us?” Could it be the K.K.K.? You talk in terms of “us” and ‘they”. Are these opposing enemy groups? And do not forget that even in the States, you accent is very different.


I pity the poor immigrant who after many years living in Ontario and finally was beginning to feel that he is now in the “us” group until he reads this thread and finds out that he is still back in the “they” group.


Pikehunter, I am sorry for posting the above but I felt I had to reply to the jughead post and point out some things.



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This is a good thread. It is too bad that I am one who does not appreciated jokes. Except for about 2 of them, I find them silly.


I am a poor, humble immigrant. This of course means that I was not born in Canada.


Dara, yes you may laugh – you stated “We're not supposed to laugh at that are we!”


I do not mind “immigrant” jokes or whatever else. But I do not hear many of them.


I have spoken to a few “Mujibar”. It was more frustrating than funny in my case.


When I read this thread, I laughed when I read the post by jughead.


He stated –


“People with accents from other countries aren't as smart as us because they pronounce words differently.”


Allow me to state that I have an accent. One reason is because I am from another country. But, I think it is because that at one time I spoke 6 languages. Two languages I forgot.


So, I can speak only 4 and 3 of them are spoken poorly. There is a reason why I forgot 3 of them. In 1981 I came to live in the GTA because of a bank transfer. I have not been lucky enough to find people who spoke in those languages. Here in Ontario, let us face facts; many who were born here in Ontario cannot even form a proper sentence. Forget about learning another language if one is born in Ontario. Now, how many can speak French?


But my accent is probably because of the 6 languages I spoke. Make that 7 languages – American (before 1981 I used to go down to the States every week-end.)


If I am from another country and I pronounce words differently, why does it mean that I am not “as smart as us”. It is very possible that I am not smart.


I have a university degree in Math. I then went to graduate school on a scholarship – Math, of course. But I still have my accent.


Do I feel insulted – NO. I am not the one who has the problems.


Jughead, who is “us?” Could it be the K.K.K.? You talk in terms of “us” and ‘they”. Are these opposing enemy groups? And do not forget that even in the States, you accent is very different.


I pity the poor immigrant who after many years living in Ontario and finally was beginning to feel that he is now in the “us” group until he reads this thread and finds out that he is still back in the “they” group.


Pikehunter, I am sorry for posting the above but I felt I had to reply to the jughead post and point out some things.





A math degree huh?... maybe you could answer a question for me?


If 1+1=2 and 2x2=4, how long would it take a one legged grasshopper to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?

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A math degree huh?... maybe you could answer a question for me?


If 1+1=2 and 2x2=4, how long would it take a one legged grasshopper to kick the seeds out of a dill pickle?


It can't, Only Chuck Norris can kick the seeds out of a dill pickle!

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But my accent is probably because of the 6 languages I spoke. Make that 7 languages – American (before 1981 I used to go down to the States every week-end.)



Does that mean I am bi-lingual if I too can speak American, as well as Canadian? Just messing with you - my parents are immigrants as well...and I am sure we all appreciate what this country is and continues to be made of. Like someone posted, sarcasm/joking sometimes comes out wrong without actually hearing the tone or knowing the person making those comments.

Edited by fisher
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Honestly, who cares what other people think about you ESPECIALLY on the internet? We should set up "OFC Fight Night" to settle disputes like this ridiculous one :lol:.



I'd buy tickets to that show. As long as GCD is on the roster ;)

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This is the funniest thing i have read in a long time. I am laughing out loud here in the office...this is great...Great series of comments from GCD, Dan, and Head Hunter....wow....what a way to go out for lunch...thanks for the laughs this morning

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks


i've said it before on other forums, but there needs to be a tag you can put around sarcastic posts....


[sarcasm]People with accents from other countries aren't as smart as us because they pronounce words differently[/sarcasm]


It could show up in a particular colour or something, then people wouldn't take everything so literal. LOL

Edited by Dr. Salvelinus
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Pikehunter, thank you for your joke. Yes it was funny.


Carp-starter, thank you for your insight. It's comments like yours that help us all keep in check.


We as Canadians can go off on a lot of tangents regarding those who have come from various other countries. On the other hand I am sure this kind of thing goes on everywhere in the world. But it is always best that the realities of these situatiations surface immediately so that things don't get out of control.


Now, I think I'll go have that other beer. :)

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We, the people of the world have to lighten up and look at our differences with humour, without it this would be a hell of a cold rock to live on. After I posted this I realized that a couple of feathers might possibly get ruffled but if some did get a little messed up then you are due an apology and I'm sorry your skin is so thin. There is nothing wrong with accents, other cultures, other foods it all helps to keep the world interesting. I just like to see the funny side of it all.


Does anyone know where the State farm Insurance emergency call centre is? Texas! Now try to converse in ordinary "Canadian English" with a Texan! Oh crap, I just put my foot in my mouth again! :blink::lol:

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Mujibar was trying to get a job in India.


The Personnel Manager said, 'Mujibar, you have passed all the tests, except one. Unless you pass it , you cannot qualify for this job.'


Mujibar said, 'I am ready.'


The manager said, 'Make a sentence using the words Yellow, Pink and Green .'


Mujibar thought for a few minutes and said, 'Mister manager, I am ready'


The manager said, 'Go ahead.'


Mujibar said, 'The telephone goes green, green, and I pink it up, and say, ' Yellow ', this is Mujibar.'


Mujibar now works at a call center.



:lol::lol: good one, but honestly some of the comments (without the foreign accent :D ) are even better :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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Let's have a quick look at reality. If you are in north america, and call the customer service of an international business company, the chances of you speaking to someone in north america is pretty low. Most of these jobs are bveing outsourced to India and other parts of Asia. The joke is funny because..well..it's true...all these customer service people have English as a second language so it's not going to be perfect... and well..it can be frustrating getting by the accent when you have at technical problem..like I had with my Linksys wireless modem..and my service agent was in the Phillipines!

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I spent 2 hours on the phone the other day with Mr. Patel in Mumbai the other day solving a tech support issue for a Canadian accounting software package we use at work.


With no offence to anyone of any ethnic background who may be or become immediately offended by the following statement I am sorry, but I am certain that Mr. Patel passed this very test.


Thanks for the laugh PH

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