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Temagami Trip - Feb 6 to 9th 2007


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Well Leah and I finally headed out after days of putting it off. Left Tuesday around 9am just as the squalls were starting to drop what amounted to ~ 3 feet in total while we were gone. Headed to Waubashene cautiously with about 200 feet visibility and then flipped a coin under the hwy 400 bridge to decide whether to stay in the squall line and head for Orillia on #12 or go up 400/69 and hope the wind didn't shift to out of the west. We went to Parry Sound and drove into beautiful sunshine by the time we got to Port Severn. It stayed that way all the way to Temagami and during the trip you'd swear we were headin south as the snow banks got smaller and smaller and smaller as we got further North. By the time we reached Temagami.. 6 inches of snow total at best.


Didn't feel like posting the next Ford thru the ice pictures....so we unloaded everything into the cutter and headed out on the lake with the sled. If you look on the roof of Lakeland Airways you'll see the windsock is a little stiff. Blowing 20K at least making for some rosy cheeks.



Got out there and I guess I was correct when I thought out off my docks would be a good spot to fish. Found 2 huts there...and was also nice to see my docks up high in the ice..not buried down in it like last year.



Cleared the path up to the cottage to carry our gear in and surprised at the lack of snow. No more than 6 inches tops made for real easy shovelling and I'm not sure if Leah was happy to be up there or just the fact that she got me with the load off her shovel. :dunno:




Turned the power on to get the place heating up (took about 5 hours to get it from -20 to +15). Came back out and drilled a water hole to fill our toilet "flush" buckets and surprised also to only see 10 or 11" of ice thickness after about three weeks of steady -20 to -30C temps up there. So be cautious on any lakes you travel guys and gals! I also drilled another hole out off my dock right beside the packed path on the lake and it was only 11" as well. While sitting there along comes a 3/4 ton GMC with sled in back..he goes just past our place and then quickly turns around and heads back to town..ice makin rude noises as he goes. Then along comes a car...it's my neighbour from the next Island up...actually his dock is right where the truck turned around. Walter (the neighbour) says "why didn't you drive out?" I say "are you nuts a guy just high tailed it out of here and turned around in front of your dock". and he says "that because that's where the road ends....drill a hole in MY road". So I do..it's 23 inches thick. Apparently him and the other neighbour from across the way spent weeks packing an ice road and then drilled holes and let their power augers run flooding water up on top of the ice just so they could drive to their respective cottages. Good to know for next time....now I have his number and can just call him for "road conditions". :thumbsup_anim:


I :Gonefishing: for awhile while Leah and I talked to Walter and his wife but the wind was brutel. Appearance of a beautiful day...but it was bitter.



After a nice sunset



I went back out for the night bite as Leah smartly watched from the window..



I didn't last long on the night bite try and I also didn't have any minnows as Dad's was closed on Tuesday when we hit town. Forgot it was his only day closed or I would have stopped at Gramps for some bait. Here's why I didn't last long... -27C and with wind chill it hit -49C on Tuesday night/Wed am



Wednesday we stayed inside 'till about noon as the temp was showing -29C when we got up and the wind was blowing. No sunshine either and we suited up and took the sled thru the provincial park and over to Temagami Marine to "pet" my new boat. My first thought walking into the showroom was "What have I done?"..and "I think we'll need more dock". I took probably a 100pics, but won't bore you with them. Here's a couple of my new 2150 Baron Gran Sport. Really glad I went with the blue instead of the black.




Even the boss is happy with it. Amazing to see a motor of that size with the trim tab removed! Hydraulic steering baby...



So we left the marina...headed for "Dad's Outdoor store" and bought a "dozen" minnows. I asked the gal working, as Jim was sick, for one dozen minnows and I bought a plastic minnow scoop that was $2.99. My total was $7.98 for my "dozen" minnows and the scoop...and here everyone was telling of highway robbery for minnnows with the new regs in place. Oh..by the way..here's my "dozen" minnows after I'd used 6 and the old cooler kept them all nicely alive Wed/Thur/Friday.



When we got back from buying minnows one of the huts out off our docks had been moved. You wonder why shoreline owners have a "hate" for ice fisherpeople...


Would have taken him 2 minutes to remove the wood blocks, and pick up his cardboard box and the UHMW broken off his sliders. I know..because I cleaned it up.


I used the side of the other hut as a wind break and drilled a couple of holes. I was pretty sure the entire bay in front of my place was 34FOW and flat bottom...but these guys obviously knew it has a 40 foot hole there. Marked one fish just after I put the Hummin bird down...but I caught nothing. Lost some minnows though and don't know if they worked their way off on the jig or something carefully sucked them off :unsure:


Leah came out all bundled up..as I didn't answer the 2 way radio. Guess Motorola's are no good in-25C as it was freshly charged and useless in my outer pocket.




Thursday was an overcast/light snow and blowing HARD all day. It was only -18C or so..but wind chill was -35C or better. We stayed in all day, watched some chick flick and played couch potato..or was it chesterfield rugby? :dunno: I only went outside quickly to drill for water again and filled the two 5 gallon buckets. We decided on Thursday night to leave on Friday am so we could be back in time for supper..and of course it was a beautiful day...should have stayed. Drove home in sunshine and arrived just after our son had finished plowing the latest foot out of the laneway...couldn't have timed it better! :D


Thanks for reading. Sorry about the lack of fish...but you knew that going in since it was my report! :blink::P

Edited by irishfield
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great report and a very interesting trip,they way you posted that wayne it was like we were there with you,very nice pics and you have a great looking cottage and well that new lund,says it all...WOW...you will be able to go antwhere in that huge lund,too bad the weather was -100,or at least it felt thatway..at least you had a nice winter getaway and had fun thanks for sharing wayne cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Hey! Nice nice report :) I'm a visual learner. Is that Hummingbird Portable 535 that you have? How well does it work in ice fishing conditions? I bought one last spring, havn't tested in the hard water season yet.


Nope...that's just my 200sx portable that I use mainly to see what depth I drilled at. I've had it for many years..and the 6 volt lantern batteries hold up very well. As matter of fact they are a few, possibly 4, years old. I used it many times a couple summers ago...stored all winter in the cottage, used it twice for probably 6 hours each time last summer and once again stored in the cold and used it a few hours this week. Batteries still okay and for those worried about their screens in the cold....worked just fine with a minor fog up when I took it from the warmed up cottage out into the -27C. No issues with the screen actually freezing and it didn't fog up the first time I used it taken from the cold storage location out onto the lake.

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Lake's full of thievin' whitefish. They love taking minnows off jigs. Try using tiny hooks with little or no weights and let the minnow squirm around on bottom. When you get a strike, let em take a minute or so to ingest the bait.


Mmmm! Panfried whitefish!


I don't generally fish where another hut has just left. For one, he left for a reason, probably to do with poor fishing. Second, the fish left are now a bit thinned out and what's left is probably there since able to thwart angler antics.


Sorry you didn't catch anything. Always next time.

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