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Pits didn't deserve to win that game,


Dude Pitty out shot them out hit them, out scored them.....they out played them.

The zone percentage after the 2nd was like 80% in the Detroit defensive?

If not for Osgood the score would have been run up grossly.

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Game 7 in Detroit.... I'm not the one who should be worried.


Pits didn't deserve to win that game, but hey..they got the lucky bounce this time.

Fleury made some key saves when needed.


Should be a good game 7.

Are you kidding Stoty?

Pit outplayed Detroit throughout the game save for a bit at the end.

Osgood was the reason they were still in it.

Maybe you didn't watcfh the first 8/9ths of the game.

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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

stoty has demonstrated that he watches the game through red coloured goggles several times already...let him make excuses for his team getting outplayed and let's hope pittsburgh plays game 7 with the same intensity, ESPECIALLY from the 3rd and 4th lines.


anybody else think guerin had a really sloppy and lazy game?

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Say what you want Stoty and the other Wings apologists, Detroit has lost 3 of the last 4 games in this series. The Wings are good and still could win the Cup but they aren't that much better than the Pens. Now that this series has come down to one game, game 5 is now irrelevant and I just hope Fleury can put one good game together on Wings' ice.


God, I wish the Pens had home ice. They'd be favored to win that game.


And, by the way, the others are dead on. Osgood kept that game close. The Pens dominated the play tonite. Here's to hoping these kids can find a way to win in Detroit.


And yes, I think Billy Guerin looked sloppy tonite. Orpik struggled too. Say what you want about Malkin but the guy is the catalyst right now. I'm hoping Sid hasn't played his best game yet. Let's get this town a Cup to go along with our Super Bowl trophy.

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Going to be a exciting game 7 in Detroit. As before, i still have not changed my guess on what team will lift the Stanley Cup(Pittsburgh).



Detroit is a good team and when ever they get the puck I'm at the edge of my seat. Let the best and most effective team win the Stanley Cup!


Let's Go Pens!



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The first entire hockey game I have watched all season. The Pens owned 2 periods and the Wings owned the 3rd. Lotsa hitting, great goaltending...at both ends...and the refs let them play. This was the best NHL game I have seen in a long time.


Malkin was a bum last night and could have cost them the game with that dumb arse penalty in the 3rd.


The Pens proved to me last night they can play well enough to beat Detroit. I never believed that before last night.


Too bad I'll be at the cottage...with no cable...for game 7. Which if you believe is superstition, means the Pens will lose...cause if I'm NOT watching the game...the team I am rooting for almost always loses.

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And yes, I think Billy Guerin looked sloppy tonite. Orpik struggled too


I agree,

Whats with Orpik and dropping his stick :dunno: It happened about 4 -5 times Last night?

Billy was a bit off for sure, no Major mistakes but not as much presence.

Malkans a great player offensively most of the time, but he had huge problems gaining the Blue line last night, and gave up some very dangerous turnovers by trying to get to fancy....The whole teams gotta come on strong Friday if they are gonna pull it off.

Truth be told I'm not sure fleury is up for it...

The Pitty defence had better bring it on, and guys like Malkan better remember what 2 way hockey is all about or the Wings will take it to them.


I'm not sure that 50% of last nights Penguin win was not 50% attributed to the Wings Offence having an off night.

Its was shown in spades what the wings can do when the Pens defence is not effective, and by defence I mean back checking forwards as well...

Fleury is good, but he's shaken, and Detroit has the guns to Rattle him again.


Lets hope Pitty scores first, and they get confidence quickly...cause we've seen it go the other way and it wasn't pretty :D

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Malkin looked sloppy, yes, but Hossa has been skating with a yellow streak behind him for a while now...almost pathetic! If Detroit plays like this in 7, they are done! You cant win a hockey game in the finals when you play the last period. 12 shots by the end of the 2nd for Detroit...thats dominance for ya!!! :lol:

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I think that a whole buncha "ifs" will have to come to pass for the Pens to win the cup, but hey, all those "ifs" have happened before so why not this time? The cup is there for either team to take, with the home ice advantage to Detroit. I'd say 3-2 odds in Detroit's favour.



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Im getting sick of pit scoring and osgood looking at everyone and shaking his head like it wasnt fair.....lol, the first goal last night, he just sat there shaking his head as if to say.........that was a Bull goal? And i think stalls goal in game four where he drove the net , same thing............seems as if hes saying, hey that wasnt my fault, or that was a Bull goal. Puck went in, you didnt stop it? Take a drink of water and stop the puck next time, stop shakin your head lol


Man would i love to see the Pens take this one away from detroit. IN DETROIT!!! Im not feeling lucky, but its down to one game, and ya never know

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