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Craziest thing...


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Was fishin for drop back steel today and after getting two fish out of a deeper run I hit the fast water to see if I could fool any more. The water was a perfect colour so that I could somewhat see the fish, but they probably couldnt see me.


After spotting two fish sitting behind a rock current break in 3 feet of fast water I sent a drift down their way. I was about to pull the drift because it was no good and out of nowhere a big male that was behind the rock came blasting out and absolutely ROCKED my bag that was ten-fifteen feet wide and still 10 feet out front of the rock!


I couldnt believe it, I was so shocked I forgot to set the hook and missed it...so I drifted it down there again and the second time it came out and smashed it again! I was ready this time and landed it after possibly best battle of the season so far...


I have been fishin all day so I will get the picture up tomorrow but I thought I would share this story...had me completely blown away!


Anyone else ever seen a steelhead act that aggressive?


Crazy stuff, and on a side note the drop back fishing has been great this week. I have been fishing all alone and doing QUITE well.

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I had a 3 fish lake trout catch once and all were alive... it was about 25 lbs and in its mouth it had a 3-4lber and in the mouth of that one was another laker.. was the strangest catch i have ever seen... i released all 3 fish, but the middle guy did not survive, he floated up about 5 mins later. took place in the spring in shallow water... i will never forget that

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That's demented!!


I had a parr steelie smack a panther martin this weekend.. Was about to unhook it when I noticed another line leading into its mouth... On closer inspection, it appeared that the fish had swallowed someone else's snagged roe bag, and just kept on feeding, all the while swimming with about a foot of line hanging from its yapper!! Hungry little bugger...

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That's demented!!


I had a parr steelie smack a panther martin this weekend.. Was about to unhook it when I noticed another line leading into its mouth... On closer inspection, it appeared that the fish had swallowed someone else's snagged roe bag, and just kept on feeding, all the while swimming with about a foot of line hanging from its yapper!! Hungry little bugger...


I kept a big rezzy trout once out of oshawa creek because I deep hooked it, when I cleaned it there was 1 more hook in its throat and 3 more in its stomach all complete with bag netting!

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I was about to pull the drift because it was no good and out of nowhere a big male that was behind the rock came blasting out and absolutely ROCKED my bag

LOL. When I first read this I thought the you were wading in the water and a big male trout swam full speed into your scrotum. I had the wrong bag in mind. That would have been something to see.

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I kept a big rezzy trout once out of oshawa creek because I deep hooked it, when I cleaned it there was 1 more hook in its throat and 3 more in its stomach all complete with bag netting!


Yip yip!! :lol:


Rule of thumb... Trout will feed until there's a change in hatch, a front, or just plain until they go belly up!!

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Kemper -- that's a good one. Have never seen that.


My weirdest/funniest experience -- fishing with my dad on a little smallmouth lake. A mouse pops up on the boat seat (its a boat we leave in the woods chained to a tree). I brush the mouse into the lake and it starts its swim to shore. As many of you would anticipate, its a goner -- the water explodes and its gone. A few (20?) mins later I hook into a bass and am bringing it up, and just like when you see a bass puke up crayfish/baitfish/whatever, this bass pukes out the mouse.


Funniest thing - the bass was *maybe* a pound. I expected that the fish that took that mouse to be very big. This was barely adolescent.


Second weirdest -- sitting on shore with friends (not even fishing...just having a beer) and a little (as in, 7 or 8 inch) pike flies out of the water and lands on shore....like, 2 or 3 feet from the water (where it'd be a goner if we weren't there to put it back in). I assume it was fleeing from something.

Edited by cram
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Walleye fishing through the ice on Scugog a few years back. In about 10-12 feet of water. Had a hit and set the hook. The walleye..about 3LBS..... swam straight up and came clear out of the water into my portable hut. I never turned the handle on the reel once to reel it in. All I had to do was kick it away from my hole so it didn't wiggle back in on me.


Another time fishing at the French River in the spring. I was crawling a jig along bottom for walleye and get a hit...feels like a pike. All of a sudden my brother who is bottom fishing with minnows in another boat 40 feet away hollers fish on. Well it turns out my brother wasn't really paying attention...may have been alcohol involved :whistling: and had his pail open. So what happened was the pike ate his minnow and then swam over and nailed my jig. He was fishing on the far side of his boat so we figured that pike travelled at least 80 feet without my brother realizing it to get over to my jig.


I've got lots more...but those are 2 of my favourites.

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LOL. When I first read this I thought the you were wading in the water and a big male trout swam full speed into your scrotum. I had the wrong bag in mind. That would have been something to see.

LMAO! I read it the same way and was LOL the second I read it thinking "man that isn't a good report at all!" ;)

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I remember a day I spent casting at Atlantic salmon for a couple hours at the same spot on a river, trying every different technique i knew, while i was fairly young I wasn't that inexperienced. In any case I had basicaly given up and while chating to another fisherman on the bank i was lazily casting upstream with a wet fly and not really paying attention. I watched my fly sink down to the bottom in front of a group of 4 salmon, the fly snagged on the bedrock, as i was about remedy the snag i watched the largest of the 4 fish swim upstream a few feet and literally pick my fly off of the bottom. I was pretty dumbstruck by this, i did manage to set the hook but the fish went pretty crazy, jumped a half dozen times, nearly on to the opposite bank, and broke me off, it was a decetn fish, probably 13-15lbs. The other fisherman was equally suprised.


What this fish did was about the opposite of what i was taught that salmon were supposed to do, goes to show you never know.

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...another nondescript description!!!


...I keep talkin, but y'all ain't a listening!!!


...we like pics!!! :whistling:



Use you imiganation old timer!... he was gone by the time I had my camera ready!!



... old people!!!.. they always want to see every little detail!!!

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I was chucking a big jitterbug into a little bay on a small lake near Golden Valley when I saw a big bass clear the surface by about 2 feet and come down right on top of my lure. I leaned into him and after a fair tussle, I have about a four pound largemouth beside the boat. He had a grip on the back of that jitterbug but didn't have a hook in him, both trebles were hanging out in front of him. I looked at him, he looked at me and he just opened his mouth. I swear that jitterbug missed my ear by an inch. Only time I was almost hooked by a fish.

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Well I only started fishing last summer so I don't know if this is common or not. Anyway I had a pike on that broke my line. I sat there for probably 30sec+ retying and in disbelief. Suddenly this big splash happens and the pike leaps in the air 1-2ft thrashing left and right with the spinnerbait stuck in it's mouth.


I felt soo terrible and have since upgraded all gear for pike. Lesson well learned after seeing him leap in discomfort.

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Oddly enough even though I've fished alot for steel in the past, and don't really consider them the brightest of fish, I don't have a stupid trout story.


Now salmon, bass & pike, I've seem some decent fish do some really dumb things.....


Stupid Salmon Story: I was drifting a G'Bay trib for fresh run chinnies, and first run I hit I ding a really nice 10lb'er that's still silver. He runs maybe 10' into a small logjam at full speed.....and promptly bonks himself and gets wedged in there TIGHT. I mean he hit the timber HARD, you could feel the thud on the bank and it took some wiggling to get him out.


Stupid Bass Story: I was sight fishing for some carp around Hamilton, just tossing a line with a ball of WonderBread into the shallows. I missed a cast and was cranking back my bread ball on the surface when a pretty nice bass smacks it on the surface.


Stupid Pike: There's smart pike? I've had them hit a buckle on a strap that had slipped overboard and was trailing behind the canoe. Not boil and swim away, grab the buckle and not let go until I pulled it half out of the water.

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ive seen a small shaker take off from a logjam in the tail end of a clear pool to take a worm i was drifting at the run at the head of the pool.

pretty cool imo, i saw the flash came to almost a complete stop and waited 2 feet for my worm to get right infront of him before he took it.

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Was fishin for drop back steel today and after getting two fish out of a deeper run I hit the fast water to see if I could fool any more. The water was a perfect colour so that I could somewhat see the fish, but they probably couldnt see me.


After spotting two fish sitting behind a rock current break in 3 feet of fast water I sent a drift down their way. I was about to pull the drift because it was no good and out of nowhere a big male that was behind the rock came blasting out and absolutely ROCKED my bag that was ten-fifteen feet wide and still 10 feet out front of the rock!


I couldnt believe it, I was so shocked I forgot to set the hook and missed it...so I drifted it down there again and the second time it came out and smashed it again! I was ready this time and landed it after possibly best battle of the season so far...


I have been fishin all day so I will get the picture up tomorrow but I thought I would share this story...had me completely blown away!


Anyone else ever seen a steelhead act that aggressive?


Crazy stuff, and on a side note the drop back fishing has been great this week. I have been fishing all alone and doing QUITE well.


When I read the title, I was going to post a very similar story.

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