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How many rods can you troll on lake O?


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Many time i thought that someone was fishing with more rods then allowed and when got closer someone pops there head up from lying down,,especially when it's cold out,,,but enough said,,2 rods per angler in the great lakes,,,Also if you know what your doing tangles are usually not an issue,,,i can run 8 rods without tangles from my 16.5 foot baot

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I would bet he is perfectly legal because the two rods pointing forward are not in the water and only laying in the bow of the boat as extra rods. They may be casting rods when they are tired of trolling or maybe set up for perch fishing later. I have more rods in my boat then I am legally allowed to fish with many times but if there just in the boat and not towing lures around what's wrong with that.




I take it all back after taking a second look but this time with my reading glasses on. I do see now the extra planer boards.

Edited by Billy Bob
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If he is alone and he's actually fishing with all those lines...he's taking an awfully big chance. If a CO approaches him he's screwed. He's obviously less worried about fines than I am. If he was on some backwood lake I'd assume he's poachin'...but to do it out in the open where a million people can see you? Maybe he's doing some sort of testing or maintainance. Who knows?...maybe he's just a bonehead with a huge set of stones.


I've never understood guys who attempt to fish with a bunch of extra lines. If the bite is not on, a dozen extra lines probably won't help...and if they are hitting, one line (maybe two) is all you can effectively fish with. I understand that it's good to cover a lot of water when trolling...but managing 6 rods by yourself can't be very relaxing or enjoyable.

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I agree with Wayne. I bet he just got new planer boards and is testing how they are running. He might have only had them out there for a couple of minutes to see how they ran and I bet there was no lures on a couple of them.

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I agree with Wayne. I bet he just got new planer boards and is testing how they are running. He might have only had them out there for a couple of minutes to see how they ran and I bet there was no lures on a couple of them.


Boy, I bet "your" kids pull crap on you all the time... and get away with it. :lol:


You might be right, I really doubt it, and we'll never know. But what the heck, the lakes will be thawed soon enough.

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Boy, I bet "your" kids pull crap on you all the time... and get away with it. :lol:


You might be right, I really doubt it, and we'll never know. But what the heck, the lakes will be thawed soon enough.

Was trying to give the guy the benefit of the doubt.

My kids (at school) don't get away with anything.

My kids (at home) do. lol

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I agree with Wayne. I bet he just got new planer boards and is testing how they are running. He might have only had them out there for a couple of minutes to see how they ran and I bet there was no lures on a couple of them.



Guess I should have added a smiley to my post.. :D.. but there are, at least, two people in the boat ! Jamie... post a full res pic !

Edited by irishfield
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you want a hi resolution pic? its going to take all the fun out of this thread.




Of course, the pic that was added on here by Jamie was after a little photoshop fun.


Its me in the pic.


I've received a number of pm's from folks who saw the original pic....


This has all been in good fun.



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Guest gbfisher

good one Jamie.... :lol:

That lilttle video you gave me a while back of the guy drumming up business for someone elses lures.....You know the one. I know the mods are very aware of it. :D

I had the head changed with another persons head and of course...I posted the original by mistake..... :dunno:

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You know,as funny as this is there are plenty of fishermen who know better but still use six rods for two guys while fishing for salmon. Take a trip out to the so called blue zone and you will see what I mean. There are fishermen out there using illegal spreads because they figure they are far out enough from shore that the Co's will not nab them.

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I understand that the pics are that of (Hamilton?) Steve and has been doctored. What I will say to all who think that kind of spread is unmanageable... it most certainly is! Assuming there are three folks in real life in that boat(to manke it legal) , that spread, done properly is more than manageable and one of the first folks who I would say could set it up and manage it would be (Hamilton) Steve.


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