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Pics and a small report...

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Well the fishing has been extremely sucky around here for the past month and a half!!! ;)


We had some much colder than normal weather in January and February that did a number on our Threadfin Shad, they were "winter killed". Not by lack of oxygen from the lake freezing over, but by the cold temps. The surface temp of lake Henry dropped down to 43*F in January, the coldest I've seen it in a long time.


Threadfin Shad can withstand very warm water, but when the temp drops below 45*F they start dying. Not all of them die, probably only a small percentage... but in a large lake with a healthy Shad population, that can number in the millions! This makes for a smorgasboard of very easy pickin's for the gamefish :angry: They gorge themselves and probably feel like we do after Thanksgiving dinner... can stand to look at another piece of food for a while!


Here's a pic of a dying Threadfin:


He wasn't dead, just doing his dying flutters on the surface before sinking to the bottom. There were hundreds of them littering the surface... wherever you went!


There are still very large and healthy schools of Shad:


... but the lively healthy ones didn't have anything to worry about with all the dead and dying ones around!


Like I said, they were everywhere! I tried fishing other sections of the lake, but it was the same thing everywhere I went! I scooped up dying ones off the surface and tried using them for bait... the fish were not amused or interested!


I did run into these guys nesting on a midlake island:


What a racket they make when you get closer than they feel comfortable with!


I made 3 trips after I caught that big Catfish and was skunked twice and caught 1 little baby Bluecat the third time.


I went out this past Thursday to see if the Shad kill was over since we had some warm rains last weekend... a lot of rain!!! 5" in a day and a half!!! I knew the water was going to be chocolate, but it was a pretty nice day except for the wind which was doing it's March thing and blowing pretty good!


After I launched my boat and had pulled my truck off the ramp, I noticed a woman preparing to launch her boat alone. I approached her and asked if she was prefishing for the B.A.S.S Womens tourney that will be held on the lake at the end of the month, she said she was. I wished her luck and returned to my boat so as not to hog up the launch dock.


This is her boat and truck:


I would've liked to have taken more pics of her and her boat, but I didn't want her to think I was some kind of pervo stalker. Plus she deserves the same peace and privacy we all have when fishing.


Like I mentioned earlier, it was a pretty nice day and I caught these turtles sunning themselves:



The gulls were still hanging around pretty thich from the shad kill:


I call them "gulls" but I think they're actually a type of Tern.


Fishing was very slow, but considerably better than recent trips... which is encouraging! I caught 6 little ol' Blue Cat "kittenfish":


All released to grow bigger!


These last 2 pics are to show how I take the self timer pics in the boat by myself. A lot of people like to accuse me of carrying a tripod around with me in the boat (like that's a bad thing :rolleyes: )


This is me taking a pic of how I take a pic:



Unfortunately the pic I took with my cell phone out on the water wasn't saved properly and I lost it, so I had to retake the pic in the driveway.





... are you ready for it?





...it's extremely high tech!!!





... don't try this at home!!!





.. so now ya know. ;)

Edited by GCD
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Great report and pics Glen :thumbsup_anim:


I was kind of wondering as to when we would see another report from ya..... reading about the shads in the report, I now understand


Loved the nature pics, especially the one of the geese, as you said, they make quite a racket and let you know that you are too close to them.... Pretty soon I'll be able to see them fly over my house come spring :thumbsup_anim:


I was sure them cats you caught would of been your guests for the pan.... at that size, they're the best eating :whistling:


You weren't kidding when you said that the water would be chocolate color.... when does it clear up?

Great job G and thanks for sharing


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Well that sucks about the dying Shad G. At least you caught a few kittenfish :clapping: Now go back and get them when they're bigger.


Very high tech photo situation you got going there. You'll have to teach my your technique one of these days. :lol:



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Hey there;


I fished lake Lanier last March in Georgia. Similar fishery as the shad and herrign are a big part of the Stripper diet in that waterbody.


We hooked about a dozen but on landed about 8 or 9. I will post pics... i haven't tried that here yet.


Gorgeous fish and good eating too

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Great report and pics Glen :thumbsup_anim:


I was sure them cats you caught would of been your guests for the pan.... at that size, they're the best eating :whistling:


You weren't kidding when you said that the water would be chocolate color.... when does it clear up?

Great job G and thanks for sharing



Those catfish were lucky to be a 1/2 lb. Jacques, the biggest one may have been 3/4 lb.. I like them in the 1 1/2-2 lb. range for eating!


The water should clear up in another week or 2 if we don't get another big rain.


TroutnMuskieHunter Posted Today, 11:28 AM

Great report Glen ....now git back there on the water and make a darn fish contribution for our team bubba


It won't be long before a nice Spotted Bass or big Crappie makes a mistake on the end of one of my lines!!!... and when it does, can can bet his little butt will be CPR'd and in our entries thread Steve! ;)


irishfield Posted Today, 11:46 AM

Some great scenery shots there bubba! lol


I posted them just for you Wayne!... you know how it is when the fish won't cooperate and you have to use "filler" to make a report a little more interesting dontcha? B)


Highdrifter Posted Today, 04:37 PM

Well Hot Diggity Dawg, DAWG!


Them baby cats are purty.. I'm sure they tasted goiffy. Too bad aboot them bigguns filling up their bellies.. They'll just be that much bigger come spring.. er, summer.. whatever!!


Nice tri-pod by the way HAHAH!!





The little kitties went back to get some meat on their bones at the end of the day Bubba, I just keep them in the detention center to keep them from following me around and stealing my minnows all day. I know there's some fatties in there, and as soon as the water warms up a little more they'll be hungry again!


That pedestal seat is actuall more stable that any tripod I could bring on the boat... and I don't have to worry about it getting knocked over either!!! :thumbsup_anim:

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Admit it Glen...you took dozens of pics of the bass boat and female angler...you just wont post em here because you don't want US thinking your a pervo stalker!


Great to see some soft water fishing reports...it may have been tough out there, but it sure beats ice fishing...LOL.

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Admit it Glen...you took dozens of pics of the bass boat and female angler...you just wont post em here because you don't want US thinking your a pervo stalker!


Great to see some soft water fishing reports...it may have been tough out there, but it sure beats ice fishing...LOL.


Heck Cliff!!!... I don't care what y'all think!... you're 1,000 miles away, but I do need to behave myself around here close to the house! ;)


She was pretty cute though... and I can't say that offering her a jig didn't cross my mind! ;):w00t:


Did you ever stop to think that you sux at ice fishin' because you don't do it enough?... practice, practice, practice Bubba!!! :Gonefishing::canadian:


T.J. Quesnel Posted Today, 06:06 PM

Umm wheres the snow??


We outlawed that stuff here bossman!!!.. how do you think I hooked up with a Canadian wife?


AILE GOBY Posted Today, 06:04 PM

Thank GOD he had his shirt on this time lol


The shirt comes off in April Jose... consider yourself warned!!! B)


fishing 24/7 Posted Today, 05:03 PM

AWESOME report glen!


C&r BABY THATS the way to do it!



congrats on the great outting and a fine looking day!


Thanks Kevin!!! :canadian:

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Did you ever stop to think that you sux at ice fishin' because you don't do it enough?... practice, practice, practice Bubba!!! :Gonefishing::canadian:


Yep...that is precisely the reason!! Problem is I don't like ice fishing enough to go more than a few times a year....LOL.

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Nice report Glen ....


Looks like dem der geese are from Canada ,,must have flown in on a Alberta clipper..l :P :P




Is green trout season already open :Gonefishing:


the Geeses stay here year 'round... :angry:


Green Trout are open 12 months a year... no closed seasons on any freshwater fish here!!! :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:



Mike the Pike Posted Today, 07:17 PM

Thanks for the report Dog it gives us a preview of the spring weather to come.


I see the canadian birds were keeping you company too.


I must confess I though you had a fancy mount like Lew has to take pics just a boat seat eh


That front pedestal seat works so well Mike, I can't imagine using anything else and won't own another boat without one!!!



Mattones Posted Today, 07:30 PM

Great pics. i own the same phone. Great phones for the job site. I had mine ran over by fork lift. Sure it was in mud but worked perfectly. The Mike feature saves me like $150 a month


I haven't had that i580 phone for not even a week and I already love it Matt!!! :thumbsup_anim: ... you can't beat a Motorola!!! :clapping:

Durable and long lasting!!! I hardly ever use the cell phone function, the direct connect/walkie talkie is all I ever really ever need!!! :thumbsup_anim:

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nice report, thanks for sharing.








































Just increased my post count and said nothing... :ph34r: Just bein' an :asshat:

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