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OT - Telemarketers using blocked private numbers


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I added myself to the DNC list and have repeatedly told various telemarketers to take me off their list. Now they have an annoying way of me not being able to recognize the most infuriating repeat offenders, they block their phone number. I'm considering having Bell just block all calls from private numbers, but knowing Bell, they'll make me jump through an infinite number of flaming hoops to do so or they will simply say they can't do it when I know they can at the push of a fwe buttons.


Anyone find a good solution to deal with telemarketers? I have never - EVER - bought anything from a telemarketer or donated to the cause of a telemarketer. I'd be happy if they simply forgot about me and didn't offer me all the wonderful and bargain priced specials that they have just for me and the people in my neighbourhood or household.


Also, if you really want to speak to the home"owner", call my bank! lol

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Today on CTV there was a segment about people who’ve put their name on the DNC list. Essentially at this moment, you’ve been screwed over and there's no real answer in sight. Not too long ago I recall one news segment stating that the list can be purchased (I guess telemarketers have done this).

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I don't know what is going on either. I signed up for the list and seem to be the lucky one who now gets 2 or 3 calls a day. Since I am looking for work right now I can't call screen in case it is a prospective employer...


I do however get to have a little fun with the telemarketer, I rehooked up my indestructable old fashioned hard wired phone. After I politely tell the caller I am not interested and wish to be removed from their call list. While talking lower and lower hoping they turn up the volume on their end so that they can hear me. I say even more politely have a nice daa..... hoping they haven't hung up before I smash the phone against the side of my metal desk a couple of times as hard as I can. Which thankfully so far has not damaged the phone or desk in any way ;o)


I still think that any political party that wants to win a landslide victory only has to promise to make telemarketing and the sending of spam of any kind a capital offense.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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This will Not get rid of telemarketers but it will give you an edge of a few seconds and it will also give you a tactful way of dismissing the telemarketer.


Let's say for the sake of arguement that your name is Joe Smith, and your wife (spouse) is Ann Smith and you have a cat named Tiger and a dog named Spot. You can have your phone number listed under any name you want. Normally it would be listed under "Smith, J." or something like that. So when the phone rings , you hear, "Hello, Mr. Smith" or "Mrs. Smith". But if you had a 2-5 second lead knowing who was calling you, wouldn't that be nice? All you have to do is call your phone provider and have your phone number listed under a different name like, Joseph, S. or Spot, J.S. or Tiger, J.S. When the caller asks for Mr. Joseph, or Mr. Tiger or Mrs. Spot, the jig is up. Before they can say another word, you know it's not a legitimate caller, because if it was you would hear, Mr.Smith, Joe, Ann or something like that. People who have your number (freinds, work, relatives) would would use a proper greeting. So you can legitimently answer, "sorry, there is no,MR. ______ here.". If they get pushy I just tell them I'm not interested, thank you. If I won something I just tell them to send it over. I'll be waiting. But the key is I'm a couple seconds ahead of them and ready.


This is not illegal and costs you nothing. Wait till you get the preappoved credit card for a Mr. J.S. Spot.


When I was doing my workshops for senior citizen, they all changed thier phone listings this way and they loved it. It will show up in the phone book under the phoney name too.



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No different than spam here. I friggen hate telemarketers. Especially if I am under a vehicle working on it and have to answer the phone and it's one of them! :wallbash:

It's great if it's a customer or a friend or even my wife to find out what colour socks I put on this morning.

I have repeatedly asked to be taken off lists but they continue to call. And I have NEVER bought ANYTHING over the phone.

Apparently the do not call list is a dream come true to out of country telemarketers. Our country has no control over them and they have acquired the list. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:

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I never used to get calls from them until I put my name on that friggin DNC list. That car warranty one has been in the news lately. I just ask them if the warranty is for my Gm car and when they say yes i just tell them ."That's funny cause I don't own a GM and hang up.

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The only calls I get now are the warrantee idiots because besides the DNC I also signed up at www.ioptout.ca and there you can select who you want to and not want to get calls from.Those warrantee folks are from the US and don't have to abide by the Canadian rules. :asshat::wallbash:

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I get the car one on average 1 time a day. The real P-off is that this is a new to me cell number, as far as I know it wasn't used before... The house, not so many at all and I am on that DNC list as well. If anyone calls me I say "Sorry, my father would KILL ME if I used his competitor" and most of the time they hang up before I do.

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the best thing is to screw with them and confuse them they usually hang up really fast



and now there even calling my phone i dont mind messing with them at home but when they start wasting my phone minutes it means war

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I have had a few that have driven us nuts


I have done two things, first was the classic sienfield where I ask for thier home number and when I dont get it I say that ohh you dont like strangers calling


Second I started to discuss the second coming of jesus, how the world needs to be rid of infidels. . . and more. . . . . last week I had a few glasses of wine and wouldnt let them hang up lol until they finally did


Charles tape puffs laugh and then loop is, a few minutes of that outa get them putting you on the dont call again list :lol:

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The DNC list was a nice idea, in theory, but there will always be a loophole or ways around the rules. Anyone with an unlisted number can blank their number from display. Third party discount phone services also give generic call display.

No different than all the failed attempts to keep spam off most networks.

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Apparently, according to a repeat calling telemarketer, the warranty on my 1996 truck is about to expire. But they'll gladly sell me a new warranty package. :dunno:



LOL, I've had 2 calls, and many more unanswered attempts on my cell phone in the last 3 weeks from a recorded message telling me the warranty on my vehicle is about to expire and that I should do something about it before it's too late. My car is 10 years old.. :) Obviously ppl are calling them back and giving them enough business to keep at it. I don't understand how totally generic pre-taped calls convince someone it's the real deal.

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My home phone is connected to a fax machine so they get that nice little tweet tweet tweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet when they call it, my cell has caller ID and voice mail, if I don't know the #... i don't answer! If they leave a message, I delete it whithin the first 2 or 3 words.


I just don't get that many calls from those :asshat: anymore for some reason.

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