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Family Day


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Well, being family day and all, I figured there was no better day to get the kids out. The original plan was to go perchin, but we changed that when we realised the weather man was actually right, and it was going to be a beauty day!! We packed up our grilled cheese and hot dogs last night, loaded up our backpacks, and hit the fart sack early. I warned them that the fishing might not be stellar, but we were going to enjoy a nice day in the woods around the campfire......we were all excited for the adventure in the morning.


Up at the crack of 7am this morning, a quick breaky and away we go.


Met up with friends and their daughter on the way.


Drive up was beauties. Couldn't have asked for a nicer winter day.


Got to the lake, and loaded all the gear in the sleigh and we're off. I forgot how much more gear you need with t he kids......they eat like horses!! The sleigh was a little bit heavier than normal, but it was good going since the thaw last week. The lake was pretty much all glare ice, with a few spots of snow.


Me and my daughter were the first ones to make it on the ice.




We drilled a bunch of holes, and got our lines in right away. We weren't set up long, and Melissa is yelling......fish, fish, fish.... :o ... ......I look over and her rod is thumping. Out pops her first ice brookie.....I think I was more happy than her!!!


She said its the prettiest fish she's ever caught......I have to agree with her.






Same fish, different angle.......




A little closer...




Things went quiet after that one, so we got off the ice and made a nice fire. These guys had a hunger on from the walk in I guess.




We gathered up a nice pile of wood. Got a raging fire going, and prepared to eat our faces off. Once the fired burned down a bit, we got the hotdogs going. Then a few grilled cheeses, and some roasted marshmallows. Oh, can't forget the hot chocolate. I was kept busy for a while.


All this time, Rich had moved away from our little set up, so a little quiter area. He thought we were spooking the fish with all our noise. Didnt take him long and he had one on the ice.........the kids went running. :thumbsup_anim:




Heres the fish.......




My little guy with the same fish.




Unfortunatly, him and me were skunked......but hey......someone had to get wood and keep the food going :whistling:


Once again, things went quiet. The kids did a great job of keeping the holes cleared, and making sure the minnows were swimming around good. We played a game of ice golf, did some skating, and basically just had some good ole winter fun.


Just as we were getting set to pack up, Frank starts running. Now, Frank doesn't run, so we all knew right away, there was a fish on!!!


Once again, the kids went running!! Again, another nice brookie on the ice! No pics of this one, I was busy packing and picking up garbage and beer bottles someone else had left behind........slobs!! :wallbash:


It was a great day out there. We truly had a fine day in the outdoors. A nice fire, lots of grub, and even a few fish. Watching those kids running for the lines brought back memories of myself when I was that age. Good times for sure. The were all sound asleep before we hit the main hwy home! :sleeping_02:


They're already asking if we're going again next weekend :thumbsup_anim::clapping:



Edited by Sinker
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now that sounds alot more fun than staying home with my little one making 4 colours of home made play dough today :lol:..we had planned to take the kids to a big park toboganning all day today a couple weeks back, but all the snow melted since then :dunno:


Awesome report, the kids will remember fun times like that forever, I see you are not new to taking the kids out on an adventure.....if the fish aren't biting it doesn't take long before you start hearing..."I'm hungry"......" me too,can we have a drink?"....."I cold!"..and so on.


Looks like you had more than those bases covered :worthy::Gonefishing:

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now that sounds alot more fun than staying home with my little one making 4 colours of home made play dough today :lol:..we had planned to take the kids to a big park toboganning all day today a couple weeks back, but all the snow melted since then :dunno:


Awesome report, the kids will remember fun times like that forever, I see you are not new to taking the kids out on an adventure.....if the fish aren't biting it doesn't take long before you start hearing..."I'm hungry"......" me too,can we have a drink?"....."I cold!"..and so on.


Looks like you had more than those bases covered :worthy::Gonefishing:


Yep, we've been out a few times :whistling:


I wasn't about to pack up and leave after an hour on this lake. The walk in is quite a hike for the kids. The walk out was the killer though!!!


Lots of food, drinks, snacks, games........frisbee......and a nice fire always goes over well!! My buddies clam scout was a great fort too :thumbsup_anim::clapping: Its amazing what they'll do to pass the time!




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sounds like you had a better day then the kids but just dont show it the same way, glad to hear they enjoyed themselves and got into a few fish, sounds better than a day of perchin any day. seems like just a few years ago i was hoppin on the back of my dad's tundra and being hungry and thirsty and care free, it's memories like this that the kids will remember forever. keep up the good work!



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