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I was recently at my cousins house in vaughn before christmas. She lives walking distance from the vaughn mills, and walk we did. We went to vaughn mills and I spent 3/4 of my time at BPS (and most of my other time at dip'n Dots :lol: ). I don't know if maybe I just got a bad sales person or if there all like this,but who knows. I was inquiring about some hunting gear for my grandfather, the gentlemen asked what I was generally interested in buying and what my budget was, I told him that i'm posativly clueless when it comes to hunting and I only have 30$ to spend ( this due to me not having a job). He said that theres not much he could do for me if I didnt know what I wanted so he sent me over to someone else, across the other end of the hunting section, Upon ariving there, the person I was directed to was just about to leave for there break and insisted that a wait around for the next person to return, 1o min later a man arrives and I tell him my situation, he directs me back to the origional person I talked to, This whole ordeal took me aproximatly 25 min, and I walked away with a gidt card :wallbash:<_< . Really what i'm trying to get at is has anyone else had an event like this occour to them or was it just a one off thing, It'd be great to hear about everyone else's good and bad BPS experiances. I don't wanna bash e'm to much cuz my friends dad is the manager :thumbsup_anim: . anyways thats my schpiel for now :blahblah1:


tight lines,


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My experience is that the staff are more interested in talking to each other than serving customers. I go having done my research in advance and knowing what I want.


Another thing, the hottest sales items are gone way too fast! (they don't do a great job of anticipating demand or use the item to draw people in to buy other higher price items). Either case - poor inventory management or bad sales ethics - not good.


If I want service I'll go to LeBaron's and speak to one or two of the guys that I have got to know over the last few years. They take the time, make good recommendations and almost always have better pricing (although not the vast selection of BPS or the extended shopping hours).


No one store is perfect..

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I have found most of the people in there dont know anything about hunting or fishing ... I asked for some 3 1/2 inch turkey loads in a number 4 and i was asked if i wanted steel . Then was handed a box of number 4 reg lead sporting load. and then they started looking at the buckshot trying to find it ... Most times i go in they are out of stock on anything im looking for. Last fall went in looking for 308 shells in 180 grain .. ( likely most common rifle ammo in the world) and they said oh no we have been out for a while.. my question is why not load up with lots of them since they know they are going to sell ? I like place just because i feel like a kid in a candy store and always manage to spend a few bucks but i dont make the trip very often !!!!

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I was recently at my cousins house in vaughn before christmas. She lives walking distance from the vaughn mills, and walk we did. We went to vaughn mills and I spent 3/4 of my time at BPS (and most of my other time at dip'n Dots :lol: ). I don't know if maybe I just got a bad sales person or if there all like this,but who knows. I was inquiring about some hunting gear for my grandfather, the gentlemen asked what I was generally interested in buying and what my budget was, I told him that i'm posativly clueless when it comes to hunting and I only have 30$ to spend ( this due to me not having a job). He said that theres not much he could do for me if I didnt know what I wanted so he sent me over to someone else, across the other end of the hunting section, Upon ariving there, the person I was directed to was just about to leave for there break and insisted that a wait around for the next person to return, 1o min later a man arrives and I tell him my situation, he directs me back to the origional person I talked to, This whole ordeal took me aproximatly 25 min, and I walked away with a gidt card :wallbash:<_< . Really what i'm trying to get at is has anyone else had an event like this occour to them or was it just a one off thing, It'd be great to hear about everyone else's good and bad BPS experiances. I don't wanna bash e'm to much cuz my friends dad is the manager :thumbsup_anim: . anyways thats my schpiel for now :blahblah1:


tight lines,



If your friend's dad is the manager, I hope you remembered the names of the sales clerks and handed the list to the dad. If not, send an e-mail to H.O. No company likes bad press.

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Bass Pro rocks, i have only been there about 15 times and i have not had 1 problem... i asked for help several times today finding items and without any trouble i found what i was looking for. The store seemed to be in good stock, however i saw 1 guy running around helping people so maybe getting a few more people on the floor would be good. Besides that they have fair prices nice staff and good deals, theres a reason there are lot's BPS stores and that is because they are the best fishing outfitter world wide!(but they need more in canada :P)

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It is a great place to go for the eye candy but if you don't know exactly what you want and where it is in the store you won't have a good experience trying to find something on your own.


I think a big part of the problem is they have so much stuff that the average employee who just wants a pay cheque can't possibly learn about everything. The people who are die hard hunters and fisherman are out in the field I guess and not working when I go there because although I know next to nothing about most kinds of gear, yet I always seem to know more than 12 or 13 yr olds I seem to get trying to help me...

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That little shopping trip was a life lesson for you Marcus, if you don't know what you want when gift shopping... a gift card always works!!! :thumbsup_anim: .. it's always the right color and the right size!


Something that a lot of people fail to realize, is that retail sales employees aren't high income earners, so sometimes their input may be less than desireable. This is true with any retail store! The only time I talk to a sales employee is when I need directions to a particulr item if I can't find it myself of if I want to look/handle something that is in a display case.


I like Basspro and buy a considerable amount of stuff from them when they have the best deal! :Gonefishing:

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I have always enjoyed my experience there. Sure they may be out of stock on items, but if you buy your stuff a season in advance, just like any store, it's in stock then. I have always found the prices reasonable. Living an hour East of TO. I still get up there about once every month or 2. I already stocked up on my ice fishing gear....back in November. Come February, I'll be replenishing my pan fishing gear for open water in the Spring. March or April I will be in there again looking to see what they got for that "must have" Muskie tackle and such. Prices are great as far as I'm concerned, I don't need to go around to a kazillion stores to save a buck on this and that. As for supporting my local tackle shops... an hour East of Toronto doesn't have any local tackle shops.

The best reason for visiting BPS though is to see guys like Roger, just like any business, there are guys who enjoy going to work, who love their job. The fishing department certainly has enough of these guys.

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That little shopping trip was a life lesson for you Marcus, if you don't know what you want when gift shopping... a gift card always works!!! :thumbsup_anim: .. it's always the right color and the right size!


Something that a lot of people fail to realize, is that retail sales employees aren't high income earners, so sometimes their input may be less than desireable. This is true with any retail store! The only time I talk to a sales employee is when I need directions to a particulr item if I can't find it myself of if I want to look/handle something that is in a display case.


I like Basspro and buy a considerable amount of stuff from them when they have the best deal! :Gonefishing:


I would say that 75% of the staff in there have other careers ie Police officers, Firefighters, Teachers, Business owners... and are not "low income earners" lol.

They work there because the love the sport, (deals don't hurt either) . Not sure about you but when I go into a retail store I sure don't look at the workers as low income earners, I don't know what their financial statements read.

Holding one of the fore mentioned careers and then being exposed to retail/customer service during my 2 year part time stint in the BPS fishing dept was a huge eye opener for this guy/ low income earner LOL... oh the story's LOL... :wallbash:

What happened to you Marcus is lousy and you should say something!

But for the most part the staff in there know their stuff, off course there is always exceptions in any workplace.

GCD what knowledge can you gain by not asking questions of a sales employee that knows the product and has likely field tested it? Listen to what others have to say and then form your own opinion, you would be surprised what you can learn. :Gonefishing:



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My experience is that the staff are more interested in talking to each other than serving customers. I go having done my research in advance and knowing what I want.


Another thing, the hottest sales items are gone way too fast! (they don't do a great job of anticipating demand or use the item to draw people in to buy other higher price items). Either case - poor inventory management or bad sales ethics - not good.


If I want service I'll go to LeBaron's and speak to one or two of the guys that I have got to know over the last few years. They take the time, make good recommendations and almost always have better pricing (although not the vast selection of BPS or the extended shopping hours).


No one store is perfect..

I second this statement.

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I've gone quite a few times this past year (2008) and have had nothing but positive service. My only beef with BPS, I bought a BAITCAST NET and had no idea it was ILLEGAL in ONTARIO - So, why would BPS sell such an item, if its ILLEGAL in the COUNTRY they're in?! Anyway, I've gone there a couple of times and have had nothing but POSITIVE EXPERIENCE.


I guess, overall - SUPPORT LOCAL CANADIAN BUSINESS'. I try to stick with LOCAL BUSINESS guys (IE: JB's Fishing Depot, LeBaron etc...) If BPS has something for CHEAP in comparison to the local business', I'd ask them if they do a 'Price Comparison' (BPS does a price match with LeBaron; and Vice Versa) and go with whomever is cheaper.


My 2 cents...

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I would say that 75% of the staff in there have other careers ie Police officers, Firefighters, Teachers, Business owners... and are not "low income earners" lol.

They work there because the love the sport, (deals don't hurt either) . Not sure about you but when I go into a retail store I sure don't look at the workers as low income earners, I don't know what their financial statements read.

Holding one of the fore mentioned careers and then being exposed to retail/customer service during my 2 year part time stint in the BPS fishing dept was a huge eye opener for this guy/ low income earner LOL... oh the story's LOL... :wallbash:

What happened to you Marcus is lousy and you should say something!

But for the most part the staff in there know their stuff, off course there is always exceptions in any workplace.

GCD what knowledge can you gain by not asking questions of a sales employee that knows the product and has likely field tested it? Listen to what others have to say and then form your own opinion, you would be surprised what you can learn. :Gonefishing:




Ditto ... but he makes more money than me <_<

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Something that a lot of people fail to realize, is that retail sales employees aren't high income earners, so sometimes their input may be less than desireable.



huh? Wage paid has little to do with good work attitude or brains.

Respect and good work attitude go a lot further than money when it comes to people doing their job well.


I am guessing you are trying to be offensive.



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i feel for you marcus,, that level of service shouldn't happen at a business of that calibre. if i had the time ,, i'd love to work at bps ,

for a few reasons , one of which is to help those who have questions much like yours . getting help purchasing a gift for grandad

shouldn't be so difficult. i've had some really great experiences with bps staff,, but there have also been a few uglies .

overall they'll still get the bulk of my outdoors dollars ,,great sales,,. huge inventory.

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Guest skeeter99

there employees and service suck period


the only time there is anyone knowledgable in the store is during there fishing sales when the tackle reps are in the the store


they know where the products in the store better than the employees absolute joke!!!!


and yes when something is on sale forget going to get it first day buy it ahead of time and go back and get the difference when on sale so you can guarantee you will get one


they are like zellers "were the lowest stock is the law, everyday"



yes they do have stuff at times better than the local price


but last time I was there I was looking into buyin a humingbird sideview and know one was at the electronics counter for 43 mins yes 43 mins even after someone was paged


and the unit is $1147.69 and when the guy showed up he was laughing and giggling and of course the secret conversation with the other employee



I said screw this I will buy the unit local even though it is about $100 more I just cant stand the guys in there


there I am done I FEEEEEEEELLLLLLL much better now LOL!!!!

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I have not always enjoyed great service at BPS Vaughn but I'm glad they are there. Even our favourite hometown/smalltown/Ma & Pop tackle shop can disappoint us from time to time. They get slagged on here because everybody feels the need to post a bad experiance. Perhaps we set our expectations too high?

Consider this, BPS Vaughn sees more customers in one day than your local shop might see in a year. I'd suggest that the overwhelming majority is very happy. The silent majority.

Cudos to BPS for everything they do in the community, for kids and their product selection.


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huh? Wage paid has little to do with good work attitude or brains.

Respect and good work attitude go a lot further than money when it comes to people doing their job well.


I am guessing you are trying to be offensive.




Have you ever known me to be any other way???


... but actually I'm not tryin' to be offensive. I've lived in a household with a retail sales income and it's tough!!! I'm not talking about the "part-timers", I'm talking about the 40 hr. week employees.


No offense to retail sales employees intended!... but they have a high turn over ratio (because of the low wage) and will hire just about anyone, and the training is usually minimal (because of the high turnover ratio).


Does Marcus' shopping experience sound like he was dealing with well trained employees to you forrest?


Ask Al Bundy how much he makes selling womens shoes!

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yea, but Al Bundy has a hottie for a wife


Seriously I have been to BPS many times, and what little I asked the staff they were helpful. My gripes concern the fact that you have to tour the entire lure section to find anything, like Erie Dearies. They seem to have tons and tons of some things and none of others. I too have had problems getting waited on at the electronics counter, seems the staff there is more interested in gabbing with each other


and NF they got rid of the golf dept

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Something that a lot of people fail to realize, is that retail sales employees aren't high income earners, so sometimes their input may be less than desireable.



huh? Wage paid has little to do with good work attitude or brains.

Respect and good work attitude go a lot further than money when it comes to people doing their job well.


I am guessing you are trying to be offensive.





Have you ever known me to be any other way???


... but actually I'm not tryin' to be offensive. I've lived in a household with a retail sales income and it's tough!!! I'm not talking about the "part-timers", I'm talking about the 40 hr. week employees.


No offense to retail sales employees intended!... but they have a high turn over ratio and will hire just about anyone, and the training is usually minimal.


Does Marcus' shopping experience sound like he was dealing with well trained employees to you forrest?


Training as in being obedient to what the store wants them to do or training as in knowledge? From Marcus's story I can't tell either way.


1) It was during the busy Christmas season, employees get borrowed from other departments or hired new for Christmas help.


2) The first employee did the right thing by sending the person over to the 2nd. Maybe it would have been better to walk them over; I was not there. What he did was much better than faking it or guessing.


3) The second employee was going on break. A break they are entitled too. Who knows how long they were on the floor. In my retail experience a lot of guys stayed on the floor way too long and often took breaks hours after they were scheduled. Management started enforcing people leaving the floor for breaks.


4) This last guy may have had less of a clue about the department (cashier, christmas help?) and unknowningly sent them back to the first guy. He assumed that all BPS employees are experts in the departments they stand in.


Maybe the blame lies with the management, Christmas or a busy store. There is not enough info to reach a conclusion on what happened.



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I think Marcus did get good advice in the end, as buying a gift card was probably the way to go. As for the service at BPS I can only comment on the fishing departmnt as I don't go to the hunting section. I've never had a problem finding someone in the fishing department, they usually have lots of staff to serve people, I think all of them are involved in the sport which is very important and have had a few discussions with some of them regarding different lakes. There are a few of the salespeople that if they are not busy will approach you in the aisle to see if you need help finding anything which I think is great customer service. Overall I've never had a bad experience in the fishing department , although sometimes you can find things cheaper somewhere else or maybe they don't stock a lure I'm looking for, but I think overall they have a great selection.


The lack of stock issues sometimes are maybe caused by the amount of people that go thru the store and the amount of merchandise they move , plus the fact that ALL the BPS stores are probably re-stocking from the same place. I have gone into the store looking for a certain colour in plastics and it seems like someone bought the last 10 packages trying to stock up for their fishing season and I usually end up getting something else in the colour I want. I would say I go to BPS about once a month and usually don't spend much money there, but I enjoy looking for new items they are selling, as they seem to bring in new stuff into the fishing department alot.

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