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What a nightmare


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I don't know how many of you are pet owners and animal lovers. We currently have 2 dogs and a kitten. For years I have always been worried about one of the dogs getting hooked or snagged. Always ragging on the son to put his tackle away :blahblah1::blahblah1:

Well the young kitten got into the son's stack of rods and got stuck on a rattling bait, a Frenzy, that he left tied on. I knew nothing til the one dog came upstairs whining and talking and kept running to the stairs. There was the kitten caught up in the rods and lines with one treble through the lip and one in the paw, as frantic as all can be. :blink: Took a few minute to untangle her from the rods and cut the lure off the line while holding her firmly so as to not hook herself or me any further and busted the treble off the lure. :stretcher: Down to the vet to sedate the cat and punch the barbs through without the cat suffering any further. The cat will be fine. I just have to pay off the vet with some fillets in trade.

Don't know why my son chose to ignore my warnings. He had a dog that chased baits all the time. I'm sure I will calm down later, but his lures will be put away or his St Croix rods will be out on the stret :angry:

Edited by bigugli
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Well i feel for you as i have also been to the vet !!! our family cat also found a fishing lure on one of my rods,and i had to hold the cat,without gloves on and pull the lure,out as it was way in past the barb !!! :stretcher: have you ever tried to hold a cat while you are trying to remove a hook,i needed stitches as well,anyway off to the vet we went ,$400.00 later,he was fine,it went in to the bone,as the cat kept trying to pull away from the fishing rod it made it go deeper !!! :blink::dunno: that was about 6yrs ago,and he was fine,but talk about panic,so i learned my lesson as well, :blush::wallbash: as i checked all 45 fishing rods i missed one that had a lure on it....so like you said very important to check your rods if you have pets !!! and even our vet said its very common and they see it several times every year,but mostly its dogs that they see,and its from taking the dog ice-fishing they see the most off,weird eh???? :stretcher:

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Wow.. OMG that's terrible man. Great to know for myself as I have a little dog of my own. I couldn't imagine seeing that.


She's only 4 years old, but I've spent upwards of $3K on her over the past 2 years in vet bills. So I feel your pain financially, but can't compare seeing a kitten in that state.

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Im a paranoid worry wart with all that stuff too when it comes to my pets........Luckily its never happened, mainly because i had the same practices as you.........always keep my stuff in the boat if it has stuff tied to it, and in the side compartments....and if its comin in the house, its gotta be stripped of any hooks , for that main reason........the cats. Its common sense really. Hopefully this unfortunate event will instill in your sons head, that you ask him to do things for a reason. If it doesnt sink in this time, pop a treble thru his lip and forefinger and start jiggling the lures frantically, maybe it'll sink in to put the rods out of reach next time. Sorry, not to be harsh, but im feeling your anger as i know what its like to be ignored by the young ones!!! Hope he at least gets a big fat I told you so!

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Wow, you got off light at the vets. Poor little kitty.


Our cat got into the garage one time and I don't know from where, in the boat or on the garage floor, but ended up swallowing a hook with a dried roe sac on it :o I was just petting him and then noticed the fishing line hanging out of his mouth. He was purring at the time. Upon further inspection you could see it was attached to the back of his tongue. With me holding him and Paul using the plyers, there was no way could we get it off without kitty freak out city.


Off to the vet I went, but halfway there the line came unnattached and you could no longer see the hook or roe sac. I called the vet while in transit (it was the animal hospital as it was the weekend) and he suggested we do a wait and see if the hook was no longer visible. They said they could do xrays and such and exploratory surgery, but if it was a small hook the cat would probably pass it, same way they would a mouse bone etc.


I didn't sit and watch my kitty's daily ritual, but he was fine and that was 7 years ago. I think it must have passed :lol:



Edited by Joey
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Haarlem's fine. Somewhat groggy and very skittish, but she'll be fine. The wife will survive as well (drats). She got clawed up a lot worse than me when I was busting off the lure. I do not want to do that again. I would have never gotten the hook out of the kitten's face. Went in through the lip and up into the nostril. :blink:

I kinda like Blaque's idea of giving someone a custom nose piercing. I just gotta shake my head. :dunno: The son is an adult. Not some young boy who has still to learn about common sense.

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At least a kind of happy ending Bruce but why should you pay off the vet you big softy!

25 years kitty litter box duty I say!

Actually, the vet and I have known each other 12 years now. His boys spent a few years with me in cubs and scouts. He just never gets out fishing anymore. Besides, whats a perch dinner or two between friends.

Edited by bigugli
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Well its good that he is your friend,we have known our vet for quite a while,but we had to take our cat to the emergency animal hospital as it was late on a saturday night !!!and it still costs over 400 bucks,for all the needles,anesthsia,x-ray,bandages,you name it they charge for it,but in the end it was all worth it !!! im glad joeys cat was ok too, cheers

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Well its good that he is your friend,we have known our vet for quite a while,but we had to take our cat to the emergency animal hospital as it was late on a saturday night !!!and it still costs over 400 bucks,for all the needles,anesthsia,x-ray,bandages,you name it they charge for it,but in the end it was all worth it !!! im glad joeys cat was ok too, cheers

We did the Emerg vet years back with another cat on a weekend. What was obscene was the lodging fees charged. $75 per 6 hour shift, and when we opted to take the cat home they threatened to call in the Humane society. I don't care about all the fees to look after our pets when they are sick, but $300 a day for boarding per day? Our vet called them up and straightened them out. Actually Hugh, our vet, is what the old timers refer to as a "good ole fashioned horse doctor". He cares about the animals in his charge. No bull, no nonsense. A real country vet.

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wow Bruce, that must have ben quite the scene at your place..glad it worked out in the long haul, lucky for you about having a vet for a friend...now ya need to kick the boy's :asshat: and be one of those "told ya so" kind of Dad's

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wow Bruce, that must have ben quite the scene at your place..glad it worked out in the long haul, lucky for you about having a vet for a friend...now ya need to kick the boy's :asshat: and be one of those "told ya so" kind of Dad's

Ever since Children's Aid took away my baseball bat, "told ya so" just doesn't seem to sink in quite the same way :w00t::P

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I had a similar ordeal with a young Lab mix dog I had. I had bought a nice new Rattle trap and Cleo was about 6 mo. old and was chewing on everything. I put the lure on the kitchen table (still in the box) and laid down for a nap. Woke up to the most god awful howling and yelping you ever heard! Went in the kitchen and there was the lure box on the floor all chewed up and she had one treble in her lip and the other in her butt!!! How she did that I'll never know! :rolleyes: Was able to calm her down and remove the one from her butt (flank actually) but couldn't get the one out of her lip, even wrapping her up in a towel like a straight jacket. Had to take her to the vet and have her sedated so they could remove the treble from her lip. Ater that she never showed in interest in fishing lures again!

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My brother-in-law left his Strike King Magnum dangling from the side of his tackle box....it was a bit too big to fit inside it...his younger, 8 or 9 year old brother got snagged walking past it....LESSON LEARNED.

Hopefully your son will never leave his lures out again!

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