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motor stolen and recovered


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back from another great summer and trying to catch up on a few things, hope yours were awesome aswell, thought id share atory with y'all


2 thursdays ago our outboard was stolen from the docks we were at in gogama, 9 motors 1 boat 1 collapsable tongue and 2 rods were taken overnight, ours was a 30hp yamaha, there was also 30hp honda among others, noticed around 8:15am phoned the opp right away and within 15 mins they were there, about a dozen of us saw a suspicious vehicle come around 8pm the previous night and between all of us had a great description of the truck and driver. By 1pm forensic unit was on hand taking fingerprints and prints from the tracks left by the vehicle backing up to hook the boat, by 2:30 the opp phoned to say they had caught the culprits near Point au baril thanks to the description of the vehicle we had given them. All equipment was recovered few things with minor damage and was tagged and catalogued and ready to be picked up by their rightful owners within 2 days


Huge thank you to the OPP, job well done


remember to keep ur eyes peeled for anyone who is not familiar to you,


BTW our motor was bolted with double nuts and bolt ends were bent and also had the rectangular "motor locks" that cover the clamps and is locked by key from the bottom, stopped in at a dealer yesterday and he said the locks are for looks and thats about it, he set one up on one of his boats then pried it off with a bit of pressure from a crow bar to show me,



anyway thats my story for now when i get caught with a few things at home and work i can start catching up with OFC and posting pics and strories from my summer,

Edited by walleyejigger
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Bummer to get ripped off, but satisfying to know the pricks got caught.


9 motors, 1 boat, 2 rods/reels, etc. People like this should get an automatic jail sentence.

This was obviously a planned theft for the purpose of selling for profit.

Not someone passing by and snatching something for their own use.


I doubt this was the first time these people did this.

They just got caught this time. :angry:


5 years without chance of early release sounds about right.

They should also reimburse all those affected since they ruined your trip,

pay for another trip for your group

and pay for any damages to your equipment.


Don't think they'll get what they deserve. Crimminals rarely do.


DANG !!! I should have been a judge.

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Did they tell you how you should lock your motor or is a case of no matter what you do if they want it bad enough they will take it.

Scooter :mellow:


If there is a way to lock something down, there is a way to get it off. Locks, cables, etc... are a deterrent. If it slows the thief down enough he just moves on. With the pros it doesn't stop em. As my insurer put it, you have to make the effort to secure your property in order for your insurance to be valid. That's all.

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Not related at all however I read the story in the Toronto star today where the "habitual" drunk driver who killed two seniors ( Rammed their car and pushed then into a passing train) was sentenced to only 7.5 years in prison. So honestly these creeps who stole property will get a slap and tickle and be sent on their merry way. Canada's justice system is pathetic and these criminals know what they can get away with but I hope you testify at the trial and spread the word around the community to warn others..

Edited by Wild
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Not related at all however I read the story in the Toronto star today where the "habitual" drunk driver who killed two seniors ( Rammed their car and pushed then into a passing train) was sentenced to only 7.5 years in prison. So honestly these creeps who stole property will get a slap and tickle and be sent on their merry way. Canada's justice system is pathetic and these criminals know what they can get away with but I hope you testify at the trial and spread the word.


The pathetic part of our justice system is that is no longer a punishment system LOL. Then again no one wants to hear their taxes are going up to pay for housing these losers as long as most people would like to see them locked up.... I really thought Stevo would take advantage of the Liberals lying down this past while and letting him do whatever he wants but he is all talk and no action on law and order just like the rest of them "leaders" have been for years.

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  • 1 year later...

hi again folks, had a great summer and so far pretty good fall, update y'all on another day


thought i'd update THIS post first,


i as well as others have gotten a subpoena to appear in court on monday and tuesday for the theft of our outboard motors which occured just over a year ago,


turns out the "accused" are a couple of polish fellows from etobicoke, i'm told they are part of a very large theft ring from southern ontario, unfortunately they arte charged with a bunch of "theft unders", it's considered that they stole from us as individuals (even though everything was stolen in the same little marina) and not as a whole,


really not looking forward to a couple of long days in court but hopefully justice will be served,


they have other charges to appear for next year aswell, they tried to leave the country and head back to poland this summer, but were caught at the airport


anyways just thought i'd update the story for anybody interested,


ps i have the names and adress of the thieves, if anybody from that area would be interested

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unfortunately they are charged with a bunch of "theft unders", it's considered that they stole from us as individuals (even though everything was stolen in the same little marina) and not as a whole,



Brutal :angry:

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Funny thing about this post...We had rented a cottage in Point au Baril a few years back from Sturgeon Marina just across from the Provincial park.

We've done this many a times in the past but this last time we left our boats docked like always and the next morning, we had our rod lockers snapped off and all our our rods were stolen and tackel too.. They even attempted to take one of the bowmounts off as 3 of the bolts were missing.. We call the OPP and made the report.. Just after they had left, we see these guys from the trailer park carrying a bunch of rods and I had recognized mine from the pack.. We confronted them and called the OPP again.. At bit of a scuffel and swearing until they arrived..As it turned out, we got some of our stuff back where they stashed them in the bushes... Not sure what the charges were for them..


Maybe same group of you know what ( I cannot say )



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I guess a lot of things change. I grew up from the ages of 1 to 22 spending every summer in Pointe Au Baril (last day of school until first day of school). When I was 11 or so, my parents bought the place across the road from the Park (Camp Georgian). We ran that for 10 years and that was that. I knew all the park staff and everyone at Sturgeon Bay Marina (Dan, the owner, lived on site).


Going up every year, we pretty much knew all the regulars in the park, as we once camped with them, and eventually serviced them with the store, boat rentals, canoe rentals and wood.


Of all the years I spent in Sturgeon Bay, there was maybe 1 incident I can recall where theft/vandalism was involved. It was very minor.


There used to be a mutual respect for anyone camping. A camper was a camper. You could leave whatever you wanted in your boat, car, open on your campsite. No one would dare touch it. Your campsite was your own while renting it. No one even walked on your campsite.


Lately, it seems that a lot more uneducated outdoorsmen/women are venturing to the near north (the 400 extension isnt helping) and there is no more respect for campers alike. They bring their city mentality to the near north and disrespect both their fellow campers and their surroundings. I am not sure the cause of their actions, it could be upbringing, it could be their cultural background, it could be pure ignorance and stupidity. Whatever it is, its disgusting and needs to stop.


No ones boats would have ever been touched, gear would be considered untouchable. I am glad you got your motor back, and its a shame about Tizfun's experience as well. It really urks me that this area has had these events happen.


If anyone is in the park go talk to Dave Watts or anyone else that has been camping in the park for years and years and ask them about when Dennis Stanley ran the park. There was a sense of community in a 76 site park.


Sorry for the completely off topic post, but this just really bugged me. Camping/cottaging is supposed to be fun and relaxing and you get people like this who ruin it for some.


I could go on for hours with this but I am done. Glad you got your stuff back.

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  • 2 months later...



went to the court date in october, spent 4.5 hours in a hallway only to have the case postponed do to one of the guys was already in jail after being arrested 2 days before and tooronto police didn't want to send him to sudbury until they had dealt with him, not sure what he did but has been in prison ever since,


date had been remanded for today for a preliminary trial, they were both there today (one all cuffed up of course) and sure enough 4 hours later the defense waived their right to a prelim. hearing and decided to go straight to trial, so now we have to wait approx. 6 months for it,


talked to a veteran opp officer and said this was the first such case he's ever seen where a " boat / motor theft ring" as he called it was caught in the act with so much evidence, said it was an example of a perfect case and all involved were excited about it


will update again when something actually happens

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