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Surgery In Feb


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As some of you may know I broke two bones in my wrist sometime ago and have been casted up for what seems like forever. After numerous tests MRI's CTScans, I was informed surgery is pretty much my only option. As it has never healed


What they are planing on doing is cutting open my pelvis and creating a bone flap in order to scoop out the "good stuff" then reseting the flap and stitching it up... they will then open up the back of my hand put this "good stuff" between the broken bones to fuse them together and then screwing everything together. The doctor says he will need to do some research on this as it is not often they see these bone broken and there are tendons and vessels they will need to contend with...


Just wondering if anyone here has experianced anything similar??


What was the outcome?


How long was the recoup time?





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dang, I smashed my wrist pretty good about 12 years ago in a head on car crash. It was broken in 12 spots and I had something like 5 hours of surgery to put it back together.


I am fine now other than slight discomfort once in a while. My recovery was about 10 weeks.


Now the beating to the head I got at the same time...didn't recover so well from that one.


Best of luck on your surgery dude, I am sure that a FF like you should get through it no problem.

Edited by Pigeonfisher
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Best of luck on the surgery Gerritt and it'll probably be alot easier on you than your thinking.


I suffered for a year after a back injury because I was nervous about the knife, but it was much easier than I feared and I was good as new in a matter of weeks.


All the best to ya bud ;) !!

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My brother's ex wife had a similiar surgery many years ago.

I believe that they used a piece of bone from a pig for the transplant. It wasn't her wrist but a vertibrea I think. It was along time ago, many years ago, so I'm not sure of all the details, but she recovered fust fine.


Have confidence and as Lew said, it will be easier than you think. B)


Best of luck for a quick and successful recovery. :D

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Gerrit have you asked your DR about bone cement? Now i am guessing they are taking a scraping of the bone from ur pelvic erea would that be correct>? Then replacing it in ur wrist?

The reason i ask is because 18 months ago my eldest boy had a work injury which caused his whole tibia to pulverised The cartlidge in his ankle was also smashed to smitherines.......So what they did was they removed all the cartlidge from his ankle and had to rebuild his tibia with bone cement as there was nothing left. Pretty damn amazeing if you ask me. Anyway after an allmost 6 hr surgery and allmost 10 days in hospital he now has a metal plate around his ankle and six pins up his leg. They did not go in anywhere else to get bone. Now i know this is not the same kind of surgery but i am just wondering if they could maybe do something simliar. I am no DR i am just telling you what they did with my son.


This was my boy 18 months ago and allthough he still has alot of pain with it because of arthritis setting in atleast he still has his leg and is alive.....I swear someone was for sure looking out for him the day this happened.



Good luck with the surgery gerrit and a speedy recovery.



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well gerritt first of all i hope all goes well and you recover quickly,it sounds like something a co-worker of mine had done in his wrist due to years of playing lacrrosse,well the docs told him the same thing that it was a rare surgery,he comes back to work in 3 weeks,and he had his in early october,and you will have to go to physio and maybe a chiropractor, hope this maybe gives ya an i dea..cheers bud get better real soon ok :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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Gerritt, I've worn a fingers to elbow cast for the past 7 weeks and have 8 more days to go. I had the base joint fused in my right thumb. Just scraped and shaped the two bones, pushed them together and inserted two pins that were removed after 6 weeks. No bone, artificial bone or bone cement were used. The scraped bones knitted perfectly and now I should be good to go in a few weeks. The cartilidge was completely gone in the base joint of my right thumb. No problem except for pain when using the thumb.


My whole deal was pretty much a sissy procedure. I hope the same for you. In your case and in mine also, I say the sooner the better. Those docs can do some great stuff.


Best to you for a complete and early recovery on your procedure. Gotta have you ready for fishing.

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Gerritt, I've worn a fingers to elbow cast for the past 7 weeks and have 8 more days to go. I had the base joint fused in my right thumb. Just scraped and shaped the two bones, pushed them together and inserted two pins that were removed after 6 weeks. No bone, artificial bone or bone cement were used. The scraped bones knitted perfectly and now I should be good to go in a few weeks. The cartilidge was completely gone in the base joint of my right thumb. No problem except for pain when using the thumb.


My whole deal was pretty much a sissy procedure. I hope the same for you. In your case and in mine also, I say the sooner the better. Those docs can do some great stuff.


Best to you for a complete and early recovery on your procedure. Gotta have you ready for fishing.




TG me too.... from my knuckles to my elbow... and l feel yer pain it SUCKS! I have been in and out since the end of Sept.. I refused the cast a few times as I couldnt work... I now regret doing so.. and now I am not working.. sucks lemmie tell yah... after surgery I can look forward to another 8 weeks in a cast... this should be fun..


Now to try and find a job that doesnt involve heavy lifting or swinging of hammers... should be fun..



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