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Do You Care


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I don't usually get stressed or mad if we don't get something, but after three days fishing a derby with no results I do get fed up and want to take a day or two off. If I'm on a Northern trip however, I consider catching fish as just another reason to go. I love to spend a week or more in either the trailer or truck camper doing what I want when I want and although admittedly fishing is a much fun as camping to me, I have never felt a trip was a bust if I didn't catch much or for that matter be able to get out fishing a lot due to weather.


I went North the first week of Sept last year and spent a week in the trailer. It rained every day except one and was cold and windy. When I got home my wife asked "so did you have a good time in the rain" to which I replied " I didn't think a man could read that much or sleep as long as a dog does, and yes I had a great time."

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Stressed no.


Frustrated as hell sometimes yes...I love to fish catching them even more. The day's i don't catch a fish i get a little niffed at myself but no way on this earth would i ever get to a point where i no longer wanted to fish. Its a passion for me My grlfreinds often ask me what it is i love so much about fishing.



If i could get paid to fish every day for the rest of my life trust me i would be one very very happy fisherwoman. :D


....Not too long ago i remember a certain young man seemed a little stressed fell to his knees and was actually shakeing...when we were out fishing togeather......LOL......

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Nope .... a skunk is really nothing more than a deposit on your education account :)


Besides ... one has to define skunk .... if you're after walleye and only catch Bass is that a skunk ?


If you're chasing chrome and only catch suckers is that a skunk ?


If you are chasing Musky and only get a follow ... to me at least .. thats not a skunk ... I think its all in how you look at it.


Some days its good enough just to see a swirl behind your bait ... or to see the ripple of a riser with reach of your fly ...

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I don't really get stressed out if I caught no fish.

I only get frustrating when everything goes wrong during that fishing trip.

for example: car tire blew up, boat motor wouldn't start up, fishing rod snapped, fishing line tangled all over the place etc etc ALL happened at the same time.... (that really happened to me once)

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Yep,I'd say I care. I don't freak out or anything,but I have more fun for sure when I'm catching. I have noticed that I mellowed as my first real year of fishing progressed. I definetely learned that I'm not going to catch something every time out :angry: but that sure doesn't stop me from trying. At first I would really feel like I was failing if I didn't catch a few. Like I was doing something wrong. Yeah,I probably was and I think that's what made me mad, was my inability to discern what wrong or right I had or hadn't done. I guess this hobby's like any other. .The more you know, the more you realize you know nothing. Later in the year I did have days when I caught squat and came home feeling pretty good about my day out. Less stressed,happier ............ you know that calm you feel after a good day on the water. You know when you're out there,that there is just something right about being there .......... :blahblah1: okay, now I'm starting to sound hokey. Anyway, I care whether I catch or not for sure,but sometimes it's just good no matter what.

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an act of hindering someone's plans or efforts


a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized; "her constant complaints were the main source of his frustration"


the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals

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If I'm with buddies or someone new and fishing somewhere out of the ordinary and we catch nothing, it doesn't really bother me.


If I set out at certain poor times of year or in god aweful conditions, I usually expect little to nothing for reward, so, getting skunked doesn't bother me.


If I'm paying an arm and a leg on a fishing trip and I get skunked, I get homicidal or suicidal ideations.


If I'm fishing good conditions for species I know should be available, and I get skunked, I feel defeated in a sense and it makes me want to get back out there even sooner to try again.


If I'm entertaining people in my boat and we catch nothing, I feel sorry at first, but then feel like it was probably them and they are cursed, so I don't invite them out again. :lol:

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If I'm with buddies or someone new and fishing somewhere out of the ordinary and we catch nothing, it doesn't really bother me.


If I set out at certain poor times of year or in god aweful conditions, I usually expect little to nothing for reward, so, getting skunked doesn't bother me.


If I'm paying an arm and a leg on a fishing trip and I get skunked, I get homicidal or suicidal ideations.


If I'm fishing good conditions for species I know should be available, and I get skunked, I feel defeated in a sense and it makes me want to get back out there even sooner to try again.


If I'm entertaining people in my boat and we catch nothing, I feel sorry at first, but then feel like it was probably them and they are cursed, so I don't invite them out again. :lol:


Oh mu God,


Our vulcan "mind-meld" worked!

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Fishing for bass it rarely happens that I get skunked maybe one in 100 trips, although I enjoy seeing my fishing buddies get skunked standing right beside me using the same bait more often than not at my favorite fishing hole...


Steelheading as I have found out is a whole other world, it almost seems like you have to expect to get skunked half of the time when you can only go one day a week, so you can't choose the weather or water conditions. If I want to fish steelhead I have spend a lot of time fishing for them during times when I know before leaving that my chances are slim to none. On those days I get "frustrated" when I go out and get skunked and other people are catching fish. By frustrated I mean I get interested enough to try to figure out how they are getting them when I am not. I try to learn a little and the next time I go I definitely fish harder. By that I mean I will try different baits, different types and lengths of leaders. I will also move around a heck of a lot more than normal.... I try to start earlier and stay later too anything to mix things up a bit. After trying all the new stuff I learnt from the trip before I even will go back to what didn't work for me the last time. Sometimes that is the exact thing the fish want that day.....


Getting mad about being skunked does happen to me occasionally but I get it over by the time I have the car packed up and leave. By that time I am already planning my triumph over the fish for my next trip out.

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Stressed from being "skunked" ???...You gotta be kidding !


What else can you do where the only care you have in the whole wide world is whether some dumb old fish is going to pull your string? And if you don't put no bait on the hook you don't even have to worry about that...


I remember a trip one beautiful fall day on Rice Lake when none of my spots produced...the guy I was fishing with asked "what do we do now"...I replied "sit back, relax, and enjoy the day your God has given you to live in"...

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I get stressed when the people I fish with get all sucky and say "there no point or there no fish in this lake" or I target panfish and I get skunked and when my stuff breaks or doesn't run properly. Skunking with any other species goes with the territory.

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I started fishing 50yrs ago on Doctors orders,to relieve stress and avoid a "breakdown".

Did'nt think you actually had to catch fish.

Its worked for me ever since.Fishing is the most relaxing thing you can do[except sleep LOL]If ever I feel uptight,working on this retirement, I try to go fishing to relax.


Works for me anyway !!!

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I'm always skunked, I get stressed if I catch a fish.



Seriously, I go out to get away from the hustle & bustle. Fishing is just an activity to keep me busy with outdoor activities. I just love being on/in or near water. If I catch something I feel blessed. If I suck at it, I don't care really. I still got away from the rat race for a while.

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