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I Don't Want To Get In Your Boat!


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Is that you Canadave :lol::lol: This seems all so political and stuff :D:angel:;)


Just teasin ya. Why don't you go fishing with the people you don't think you'd like and see if your intuition is true? Maybe you'll just end up liking them. I haven't fished with anyone on this board that I didn't end up being good friends with.



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Is that you Canadave :lol::lol: This seems all so political and stuff :D:angel:;)


Just teasin ya. Why don't you go fishing with the people you don't think you'd like and see if your intuition is true? Maybe you'll just end up liking them. I haven't fished with anyone on this board that I didn't end up being good friends with.




It's O.K Joey,


He'll be nice to you.

He doesn't discriminate against coolers! YET!


I don't have a boat, will he hate my poor shoes?

Edited by snag
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:Gonefishing: WHAT EVER!!!!!!!!!!


what the heck :dunno:

I was biting my tongue but I cant let this pass

I will fish with anyone anytime anyplace anywhere once and hopefully again and again

after reading your little ditty

I'll throw you an anchor



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You know, I don't get to fish anywhere near as much as I would like as work keeps me travelling. So, I have not invested in a boat just to have it sit in the garage. The benefit of not owning a boat, at least for me, is getting to scrounge rides from some of the great people that make up this OFC world of ours. I have fished with quite a number of OFC'rs and have not found one, (maybe with the exception of the pink tu-tu guy), that I would not fish with again given the opportunity. We all have quirks, ideosyncracies and god forbid personalities. Don't judge us by our covers, you will miss out on some great times.


By the way, I need a ride at Lakair this year................... :D



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Thats DustinK's signature line, and have used it in a couple of conversations myself with other people, :lol::lol::lol::lol:




Yep....and I have a couple of guys who are "friends" but after a fishing trip.....we're still friends, we just don't fish together!

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An internet personlaity can be 100% diffferent then real life. I'm sure we all know someone that is completly different in real life then on the net.






How very very true.... Im pretty reasonable on here but a complete **** in real life... lol.. ask anyone,,




and "troll not less ye be trolled"


and as for the pink tutu guy.... you wish!!!!

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Come on man, it's a message board.... I couldn't count how many times I've put my foot in my mouth on OFC just because my dry sense of humour never seems to come out properly in print... How could you possibly tell how a person could be by some posts on a message board??


If I say "go screw yourself". Could be a joke, could be an insult, I could be talking about changing a lightbulb. Remove the body language and context and you have no idea what I'm saying... Trust me, It's come out all too wrong for me a couple of times on this board so I know from personal experience that your analogy is nonesense..

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Time for a big OFC group hug :)


Let nobody dare to 'dis' one of our clan ... that the musky gods frown forever on his offerings .. and the trout gods make his roe stink like owldroppings ... and even the rock bass (king of all sportfish) turn up their noses at his worm.

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Time for a big OFC group hug :)


Let nobody dare to 'dis' one of our clan ... that the musky gods frown forever on his offerings .. and the trout gods make his roe stink like owldroppings ... and even the rock bass (king of all sportfish) turn up their noses at his worm.



... and may the noctournal discharge of 1000 "poxed" camels fester upon his bed pillow for fourtnight!

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After more than 4 years of reading peoples' posts on this board, I find it interesting that I think I can tell with reading 2 or 3 posts from someone, that I would love to spend a day fishing with them in their boat.


That doesn't sound too bad to me. Although, had I written that sentence, it would have been "After more than 4 years of reading peoples' posts on this board, I find it interesting that I think I can tell with reading 2 or 3 posts from someone, that I would love to spend a day fishing with them in MY boat.

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Ya fish in my boat it likely means you're going to have to stay in my teepee a couple days, play with my kids, make nice with my woman, and smoke sweet grass ti'll yer left lung gives out.


You better be what you are online cause there's alot of bugs outside the comfort of my door.


I choose wisely and have done so so far.

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You better be what you are online cause there's alot of bugs outside the comfort of my door.


Hahaha, great saying MB. Paul always says that if they have the show Survivor in Canada, they should have it up north in the spring, then you'll tell the real survivors from the wusses when the mosquitos and blackflies come out. It would probably be a short show, unless Canadians were in it.



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