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Alittle about BITEME


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I know it has been done before and will probably be done again

i just never had the time to put something together

so to all the people on the board and to all the trials and tribulations the good and the bad I read it I understand it and my thoughts go out to you all I may not respond but I do feel

So to that end here is a shot in the dark so if you ever meet me you may know a bit about me




My name is Peter Fairweather.


I have lived in Oakville all my life, My Father moved here from Yorkshire with his family in the 50’s. He joined the RCN and met my mother from Nova Scotia. My Dads family has a long standing run with the Military mostly Hairy Bags. 3 brothers in the Navy (Crescent, Bonaventure, and the Hida. And 1 brother in the Army). And the man at the top was an RSM in the Royal Yorkshire Regiment. He did 3 wars, if any one is wondering what an RSM is he is the guy with his boot stuck in your ass. On my Moms end she comes from a long long line of fishermen and boat builders and to this day nothing has changed on the Island same old same old just the way I like it. My grandfather was the last remaining wooden Cape Island builder(the fishing boats you see in pretty pictures of Nova Scotia)


So in 1964 along comes I. I was a busy kid from day one and have been the same way ever since. Water it would appear has always been my keeper I have never been able to be far from it. I have fished played partied and floated all manner of craft and more on the shores of The Big O for 44 years and don’t regret one day.


As a kid we swam at the piers much to the dismay of boaters because I’m sure a number quite soaked by our antics. Summertime was a big deal for us while we were teenagers; the Charter Boats would be in and meant a great source of income for being a mate. And the Americans tipped well if you treated them nice.


I finished High School in 1983 and took a job in a local chemical plant this lasted for awhile as I was beginning to get itchy feet and needed a drastic change in life, into the bosses office I went, told him I would be back tomorrow I’m going to sign up for the Forces. Needless to say he was shocked but no where near how shocked my friends were. The old man gave me an atta boy and my Mom cried.

So just after Christmas in 84 I was gone to Cornwallis I can tell you this I had never felt such an empowerment in all my life that ended when I got off the bus in Greenwood and a big Hairy Master Seamen greeted me, so much for empowerment.

Trained intensively for 10 weeks of Basic Training and finished out with another 20 weeks of Sea Qualifications (damage control, seamanship, combat training…etc)


The first day I climbed on board that sexy sleek grey hound of death I was in love. I would fall in love many more times in ports and places on the eastern seaboard over the next 4 years.

I met my first wife in Halifax in 86 we kind of went our separate ways and reunited again in 88 funny how that poop works out. Also in 88 I qualified on board for my Marine Engine Mechanics ticket after a very through beating by senior members of the engineering branch 6 hours later sweating and exhausted I walked out a qualified Able Seamen.

The training never stopped and to boot I was born a daughter(Courtenay) The Trips were getting very intense very long with quick turn arounds we were testing a brand new passive array system and time on the water was paramount.

So in 89 I made a command decision to quit the mob and move on. In the later part of 90 I was honorably released as a Leading Seamen.


Back to Oakville we went I forgot to mention before my first wife’s parents were from Oakville (more funny poop) I got a job with an environmental firm in Mississauga that remediated Hazardous Material sites across North America, This kept me very busy with long hours and constant training in Canada and the US end result of that was Hazmat Technician qualified to carry out operations in Canada and the USA. About the time all this Madness was going down along comes child number 2 (Jonhathan) Now things were absolutely INSANE .


So after breastfeeding for six months it was decided by my wife that this would come to an end. John got his upper teeth very early on and became known as the Black and Decker Nipple Wrecker. As Nature took its course and things shrunk back to normal a lump was discovered as you may guess the news was not good after 3 years of Hell my first wife succumbed to Breast Cancer at the age of 25.


Well I can tell you this right now priorities change and life alters and anyone that tells you whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger is either just a parrot or has been there because it is true.


The company I was with was very good in helping me deal with this and working with me, for that I am forever in their debt. But things had to change so I decided it was time to get my Millwright Ticket with the blessing of the Ministry of Labor and an outstanding apprenticeship from DND the ticket was secured. At this point it was also necessary for a job change. Back to the chemical plants.


Worked at a muti national for 5 years carried on with the Haz Mat and had the opportunity to firm up my dormant Fire Fighting skills. During this time I met my second wife who I am with to this day and she brought her son (Adam) into the mix and then there were 5 We bought a house in Oakville and are still residing in the same .


In 2000 I was given an offer I couldn’t refuse I was asked by a gentlemen if I would be interested in putting together a Maintenance team to look after a facility they had just built for a large airline…ahhh wait I have to think about this …Okay !!!!!.So to this date I am still with this company and have no desire to leave. I have 12 outstanding Tradesmen that work for me and I will go to hell and back for them.


So in closing a few things I have learned over the years

1. FAMILY!!!!!!!!!#1

2. There is no Grey it is all Black and White

3. The worst boss or person you meet can also be the person you learn the most from

4. I’m not a diplomat…the sword works better for me

5. you need to always give a 100% there is no excuse for less

6. Team is very important

7. Enjoy life always it is short and you could be next




Peter Fairweather :P


so there is my QUATERS worth

Edited by BITEME
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Thanks for that Peter.. brought a tear to my eye bud. Now I know why you are the way you are........ and there's nothing wrong with that in my mind as I walk a similar line.


Love the "no Grey" and who couldn't love the "Black and Decker Nipple Wrecker". We had three of those....


..and we live by #7 in this household.



Edited by irishfield
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Wow Peter...as a relatively new guy on this board, when I went to Lakair last year, I knew you by board name and that's all. At first glance, you looked a little rough around the edges....someone I likely would have never met or talked with if it wasn't for this board. Over the past year, I've witnessed your kindness and your generosity....with other people as well as myself. You PMd me your phone number and told me to call you so you could give me tips on catching salmon from piers. You went out of your way to make sure we were well equipped for the BOQ G2G last year....and the list goes on.


Thanks for the insight into your life...it's a real eye opener...you are good friend to have.

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great read peter


am i wrong in thinking that you are or were on the TOWARF crew? i thouhght i read that in a previous post.


if thats true, thank you... and all the people on that crew. i have never needed the assistance they provide, but many do, and not many step up.


i see the boat in and out of the harbour alot during the summer, as i live in bronte as well and spend alot of time out on the pier, fishing, reading, or just sitting out there enjoying the sounds and sights of the harbour (its unfortunate its changing so much)


i, as well, am just drawn to the water it seems


great read again... good going



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Thanks for the insight Peter... I too have seen his kindness, for the BOQ G2G he offered myself and another board member his boat for the weekend, with two full tanks of gas and said "If you pay me, I will take it as an insult" the kind of people this world needs more of.

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Very well written Pete.I remember it like it was only yesterday.And I do agree Pete has a big herat and will go out of his way to help anyone espescialy family and close friends.And I am very proud to be one of Peters close friends.Way to go brother.


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Thanks for that Peter.. brought a tear to my eye bud. Now I know why you are the way you are........ and there's nothing wrong with that in my mind as I walk a similar line.


Love the "no Grey" and who couldn't love the "Black and Decker Nipple Wrecker". We had three of those....


..and we live by #7 in this household.




THANKS!! :thumbsup_anim:

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Thank you for allowing us into your life Peter. Reading your autobiography brought smiles, a tear and lots of respect. Hope that we get the opportunity to chat more this year.


By the way what part of Yorkshire is your Dad from?



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Thanks for that Peter.. brought a tear to my eye bud. Now I know why you are the way you are........ and there's nothing wrong with that in my mind as I walk a similar line.


Love the "no Grey" and who couldn't love the "Black and Decker Nipple Wrecker". We had three of those....


..and we live by #7 in this household.



THANKS!!! 7 is good

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