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"An Inconvenient Truth"


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I just read a article by David Suzuki, great guy, on this topic. notice how media thinks this topic is not important at all? all attention is on celebrities, jen and ben, britney , absolutely disgusting! No one talks the document called "World Scientists Warning to Humanity" in 1992, 14 years have gone by.


heres what the scientists have stated...


"Human beings in the natural world are on on a collision course. Human activities inflict harsh and often irreversible damage on the environment and on critical resources. If not checked, many of our current practices put at serious risk the future we wish for human society... and may so alter the living world that it will be unable to sustain life the manner that we know. Fundamental changes are urgent if we are to avoid the collision the present course will bring about."



Hmmm.. :glare:


Is that what started this in the first place? :dunno:



im with u clampet...

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Outahere,thank you very much for the explanation

I recall watching the Nova series on inversion of magnetic fields,I maybe wrong but they felt it was and may be a natural occurring thing that has somewhat of an impact,like I said we are 6000 years behind,the overall was human impact was the leading factor.Once again thank you for sharing the info

you might want to share more of your knowledge on this matter,very interesting


TG,why did I know you would see it the same way I do when it comes to politicians who recycle themselves :)

I do recall back in 73 or 72 when we had a giant (Colorado style snow storm)We were stranded at school and even the buses could not make it to pull us out.My mom made it in with very early version of Izuzu car

Other than the great snow storm that hit the east coast back in 2001- or 20002,I've never seen as much snow as back then.Some years we get more than others

I guess we cant make the world stop from going around so might as well live with it


Wayne,very interesting about the chem trails,I don't think its a conspiracy I think its scientific hypocrisy which goes on in all fields until they are caught or blown the whistle at. Only and only because I have experienced such hypocrisy that I would believe in this,although I believe in our scientific people,I think at times they try and play God or Mother nature for financial benefits or balance, afterall its the blind leading the blind


I don't see this subject as doom and gloom but awareness

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From Rick:

It's impacts likely lie somewhere between the predictions of the naysayers and the doomsayers.


Probably ther most accurate statement so far.


From Guidofisherman:

Like everything else you watch or read, including the news, you have to weigh the facts and make your own judgements.


Well said. I don't put much stock in what David Suzuki says. He has made a living out of doom and gloom and his predictions simply have not happened. I saw an article once about 4yrs. ago listing about 20 of Suzukis most prominent predictions.....and none had come true. Not saying global warming does not exist, but.....like Guido said..... :w00t:

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No sure idea on the subject, I watch the programs on the history and discovery channels, something seems to be happening. There have been a lot of fluctuations in the climate in the past and a lot of history seems to depend upon who is writing it. Different views from different writers.


I have also heard on one of the programs that certain parties are funding a campaign of mis-information on the severity and causes of global warming, kind of like the tobacco companies producing experts? to testify on the effects of tobacco. The economic effects will be severe, and the effects on humans probably worse if it happens.

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Hey Marc, maybe someday you and I will be the last two guys left who believed in global cooling.


We've been keeping temperature records only since 1860 and those 146 years are insignificant when compared to the length of the earth's existance. What Goofey Gore is failing to recognize is, "the scientists" were sure that a global cooling disaster was upon us during the period from 1940 to 1980. Younger members of this board will surely experience another period when alarmists will have us into the coming of another Ice Age disaster. I'm not sure I'll be around for that one, but it'll come relatively soon.


On the third Saturday of May 2001, Red Lake, Ontario was completely covered with ice. We managed to fly from the Chukuni River to Little Vermilion Lake, which is fairly shallow and enough ice was gone so we could land. Hundreds of acres of ice were floating around. Strong winds blew broken up ice into camp a few times within the past 15 years resulting in pilots dragging floatplanes up the beach 100 feet to avoid being crushed by ice. Fishermen have been blocked from getting back to camp by the ice and in several cases would pull their boat ashore a mile or so away and go by foot through the bush back to camp. It took me an hour to go half a mile through ice at the Middle Narrows.


May 18, 2004 there were several hundred acres of floating ice that had been blown to the north end of the lake.


Albert Gore claims residence in Carthage, Tennessee, which is about a 35 mile drive from my house. Carthage doesn't lay claim to having the smartest people in a state that doesn't lay claim to holding the smartest people in the land, but at least half the Carthage residents are smarter and have a whole lot more common sense than Junior. Albert has lived a life of luxury by managing to stay on the dole, and never having a real job or producing anything worthwhile.


Fresh out of school, Al Gore went to work as a reporter for the Tennessean newspaper in Nashville. Being the new guy, one of his jobs was to handle the obituary section for the paper. During a slow news night, the late Jerry Thompson assigned Al to cover the death of a foreign dignitary who supposedly died during a visit to Nashville. The dead guy's name, as given by Jerry, was Erog Trebla. Al, eager to prove his worth to the paper, immediately checked all the hospitals, funeral parlors, the morgue, and police stations for information concerning the demise of Erog Trebla. Two days later he reported to Jerry that he had no story. After chewing him out for a few minutes while other investigative reporters looked on, Jerry finally had Al check the spelling of Erog Trebla and then try the same name backwards. Yes, Al investigated his own death, although the name was backwards.

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I've seen similar late season ice conditions many times and much further south than you're describing TG, so that is nothing unusual.


I really don't know what to think about all of this. It does scare me. This is the planet earth that we're talking about. I hope that the naysayers are right.

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What I'd encourage is for people to educate themselves about this topic, not just watching the documentary but reading books and looking online. There's a lot of debate about global warming, but even if you don't believe that we are causing it, it still makes sense to try and save energy, burn less oil, and reduce our impact on the environment.


Not quite a NF topic because what happens to our climate will affect our fishing!



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Beware. Docudramas are often mislabled as documentaries. Over a decade ago I was sucked in by viewing JFK, the movie. I let my guard down and was influenced. What a foolish experience for me. Of course it's a docudrama, but I allowed myself to lean toward seeing it as being true.


A search for "Calendar of Significant Weather Events" for many locations can give us facts about what has been taking place weatherwise beginning in 1860 and they provide truth for us to digest. I'm not into allowing someone else process facts for me and then tell me what they want me to believe. The answer is there for me to find unless I'm too dumb or too lazy to go after information. I guess that explains why I'm not well informed about a lot of things.

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TennesseeGuy : I completely agree with your notion of not blindly believing everything we read and hear ... Researching, filtering and coming to our conclusions is imperative for a truly educated society.


The movie has lots of faults - the most obvious being the political Ad that Gore tries not so subtly put past us... However, the core message (in my opinion) is still based on facts. And I truly believe we need to learn from the facts and start acting on change. I say this not as a statement coming from a Greenpeace tree-hugger, rather a conservative business supporting person that loves nature and the wonders of our world.


Like you, I encourage everyone to research this topic themselves. Make a decision for yourself. And then act



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After seeing this thread the other day, Debbe grabbed the video and we watched it. Just brutal. Some serious crap predicted to happen within the next 25-50 years. I am definately NOT a political person so I was not expecting to enjoy a video hosted by Al Gore. I was surprised. It was well made and presented the facts in a sensible thought provoking way. We both enjoyed it. In my humble opinion a MUST SEE for everyone stuck on this place called earth.


PS Note to self. Don't buy any Ocean Front Property anywhere on the planet.

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I saw the documentary and have been around long enough to experience much warmer winter temps and alot less snow in the last 10-15 years. Whether the current warmining trend is the fossil fuel-CO2 induced spike that Gore says or part of a natural cycle that others (scientists funded by oil companies) say, no one knows for sure. One thing is clear is mans imprint on the earth is really only in the last few hundred years, most of it in the last fifty. Up to recent times man didnt have any real impact on the environment. It would be wise to deal with pollution now and not not take the chance that this "trend" really is natural and not caused by man.

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Many of us here are old enough to remember when we turned Lake Erie into a cesspool. It was unswimmable and unfishable. It was a giant sewer. We did that. It wasn't a natural phenomenon...it was us.

The air is no different. We keep dumping junk into it. It has a limit, just like the lakes. There is only so much you can do to a system before you break it.

Global warming is real. There isn't a credible ecologist who believes otherwise.

There are more than enough reasons for us to get away from the oil driven economy we have now. Time and research will get us into hydrogen powered vehicles soon. Oil is a non-renewable, finite resource. It would be foolish to not be prepared for the day it is gone.

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Wow, that was a very informative documentary. I downloaded it after I originally read this thread. Now I'm gonna go an buy it on DVD. Absolutely amazing evidence revealed. When will some people learn that we cannot take this earth for granted.

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It is my belief that the government needs to lead the change for a greener lifestyle. Unfortunately that will not happen until fossil fuels dissappear and the business community changes their ways.


I think there is a lack of knowledge and education going on to promote respect for the environment as well.


Why do people pollute their drinking water?...Maybe start by not selling bottled water??? When they realize the water they drink comes from the community they live in, maybe they would take care to ensure clean waterways?

I know it seems rediculous but maybe the thousands of people that threw their sample yogurt containers in Lake Ontario last summer at the Sound of Music festival in Burlington would think twice? I wanted to go to their residence and cut the top off their "crystal springs" water jug and throw that crap in it and get them to drink a glass


Why do moms of asthmatic children drive SUV's?


Why do people litter where they go fishing?

Is a pristine environment so bad to fish in that they must make it ugly be leaving their hook packs, water bottles (another reason to not sell water in bottles lol), cigarette butts, fishing line, chip bags, worm containers, etc, etc.


Frustrating really...


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It is my belief that the government needs to lead the change for a greener lifestyle. Unfortunately that will not happen until fossil fuels dissappear and the business community changes their ways.


I think there is a lack of knowledge and education going on to promote respect for the environment as well.


Why do people pollute their drinking water?...Maybe start by not selling bottled water??? When they realize the water they drink comes from the community they live in, maybe they would take care to ensure clean waterways?

I know it seems rediculous but maybe the thousands of people that threw their sample yogurt containers in Lake Ontario last summer at the Sound of Music festival in Burlington would think twice? I wanted to go to their residence and cut the top off their "crystal springs" water jug and throw that crap in it and get them to drink a glass


Why do moms of asthmatic children drive SUV's?


Why do people litter where they go fishing?

Is a pristine environment so bad to fish in that they must make it ugly be leaving their hook packs, water bottles (another reason to not sell water in bottles lol), cigarette butts, fishing line, chip bags, worm containers, etc, etc.


Frustrating really...



You're right.


To take it a step further, I believe that plastic should be outright banned.

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I kept a copy of this video, and also saw another Richard Attenborough's documentary two night ago on the same issue on Global Warning.


It is nice to know that Al Gore is Gung Ho on this issue, I pray that his vision to pursue this issue will pay off and he will be remembered for something positive not just a mere defeated presidential candidate. I was impress and respected him for his effort on this issue.


I was a pro Bush when the Sept 11 attack happened, but after seeing this video and what has transpired about the war in Iraq, I would vote for Gore, today just by this Global warning issue. Without being an important leader who can make drastic decision and an issue that is not important to many of us, who would take Global warning seriously!


I was impress with the information provided, and my 11 year old son loves documentary movies. I told him that if we do not do our part, their generation will suffer more from it. We are already feeling the consequence of no snow in Toronto.


The retail is being hurt for people will postpone their winter shopping; Where is the mighty Christmas Spirit these days: no snow during the holiday means no winter sport fun for the kids, no outdoor skating or ice hockey, they will end up watching more TV at home and do less outdoor sport.


Fishing has not been the greatest either, all river system has been constantly dirty within the past two months, the ground has not frozen. Those who loves Ice fishing will miss their holiday Ice fishing.


How will the trout know when to spawn, when they normally spawn during April or May?

By Spawning too early , being confuse with the springlike temp, and weeks down the road, true winter temp comes , how can their eggs stand a chance to survive. When the fingerlings hatch too soon ,and not enough insect to feed on , they wil die as well.


North America is considered the worse polluter among all the continents, we are trying to influence our habits, lifestyle and thinking to other third world nation like China and India, and they will eventually copy our bad system and habits as well. No wonder, many countries despises US policy, when they seemed to care about others, and yet they can be the worse culprit in destroying our environment.


As Citizen of this nation, What can we do to help our environment? I notice that some us are throwing our personal garbage, such as lure packaging, styrofoam worm container, bottled water, and Timmy cup everywhere we fish, not only these are recyclable, but the beaufiful scenary is ruined by garbage everywhere.


We can try to convoy or invite another anglers to join us when we go fishing to save money on gas, which cuts down on gas usage and lessen the emmission output . Buy more gas efficient vehicle, even if we have to sacrifice power and image.



Global Warning seemed to be an impossible task to tackle, but by contributing our individual effort, and being a good example to those around us and to our children, there is hope that others will be influence as well!


Thanks for the reminder and bringing this important issue to light! It is 2007, A good new year resolution that can be added to our list. We OFNers' can make a difference to our environment.

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I'm going to have to see this video...


I'm not sold on the Global warning theory as it stands just yet.

But then again I have not seen the documentary either.


I have to wonder if some of the hype is not related to the mass media coverage we have these days?

100 years ago we didn't know about severe storms and water temps around the globe, and more importantly there were very few weather stations monitoring the day to day weather...


Currently there are so many monitoring stations taking in information by the second...its bound to skew the numbers a bit when comparing the data over the last 50 years...my question would be how much is fact and how much is skewed numbers?


For exsample...

This winter is not the warmest on record, infact thus far its shapeing up to be the 4rth warmest (according to last nights CTV news)


And the next 10 warmest before that were spread out in the 40's 70's and 80's

No real diffinitive pattern.

But in light of the recent Warm winter...Global warming is a very popular topic.


Don't get me wrong...I'm not saying its not happening.

I'm just unsure that it isn't a bit exsaturated and if this isn't more of a long term trend (like 100+ years)

I think there has been little work done, or published to disprove climate change over longer periods of time in not a Naturally occuring proccess?


In my own limited experience I've seen little to suggest something iminant is occuring...I guess living in Southern Ontario could be skewing that veiw being our weather is a best very unpredictable.

I've seen Green Christmas's, and snowy May 24 weekends, 30degrees in september, and July's were the temp didn't break 21 degrees...


No mind you I think we still need to approach pollution with the same level of aggression...no doubt

I'm just not so sure Global warming is not to some degree a naturally occuring event.

I'll give the video a once over and see if it changes my tune a bit :D

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See thats just it...

So much contadicting evidence going in both directions.

Last nights news says the 10th warmest winters in Canada are spread out since the 40's. And Canada's leading meteroligist David Philips is hesitant to say Globlal warming is or is not a naturally occuring event?


While the Gore video says globaly the temps have been increasing siginificantly over the last 14 years....who do I believe.

Gore or Philips LOL...


There are a Gazillion studies that say its pollution...but as of lately there are a ton of studies saying its a natural cycle as well.


Looking out my window into my back yard over the past 30 years I have no reason to be concerned.


But I guess I'll watch the video and see what I can take from it...can't hurt right


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I think Mr. Gore has found a way to increase his visibilty south of the border and in turn, set himself up for the up coming election. He may well win the presidential nomination, based largely on the success of this documentary and the fact that the Dem. party will not have to spend as much time, money or energy, getting his name into the public mind.

Folks, it's all about winning elections. He's a politian and will do anything to win.

Is anyone really surprised by this? Take a look at Stephan Dion's number one topic of interest.... the Environment. It's the hot topic currently and will stay that way until someone else comes up with something else that captures the publics interest.

In the mean time... it creates a license to receive votes.


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