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Earth Hour


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On March 29, 2008 at 8 p.m., join millions of people around the world in making a statement about climate change by turning off your lights for Earth Hour, an event created by the World Wildlife Fund.


Earth Hour was created by WWF in Sydney, Australia in 2007, and in one year has grown from an event in one city to a global movement. In 2008, millions of people, businesses, governments and civic organizations in nearly 200 cities around the globe will turn out for Earth Hour. More than 100 cities across North America will participate, including the US flagships–Atlanta, Chicago, Phoenix and San Francisco and Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.


We invite everyone throughout North America and around the world to turn off the lights for an hour starting at 8 p.m. (your own local time)–whether at home or at work, with friends and family or solo, in a big city or a small town.


What will you do when the lights are off? We have lots of ideas.


Join people all around the world in showing that you care about our planet and want to play a part in helping to fight climate change. Don’t forget to sign up and let us know you want to join Earth Hour.


One hour, America. Earth Hour. Turn out for Earth Hour!







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I think that it was on the local TV news that Hamilton was taking part.


My lights are usually off anyhow, except for maybe a fluorescent light on the kitchen stove and sometimes a 60w table lamp in the living room and the TV of course and my puter hasn't been turned off in weeks. So maybe I'll turn off the stove light the puter and watch the usual nothing worth while on the idiot box.


There will be one outcome from this hour in darkness, the maternity wards will be busy in 9 months. Just in time for

this guys :santa: arrival :glare:

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I am reducing my carbon foot print by reducing my driving, used about 4 gallons in the last two weeks, oil change was due the first week of January and I still need about 1200 miles to hit 3000.


LOL not like I had a choice though. When they get CFLs to work in remote ceiling fans all my bulbs will be CFLs.

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If I had a cow I'd put a cork in her butt for the hour so she'll help save our planet by not passing gas during those 60 minutes.


Deano, you're picking on my neighbor, again. Prince Albert needs to harvest all the carbon credit dollars possible before people realize we're experiencing a pretty cool year right now that might develop into a cool cycle that will, of course, be followed by another global warming cycle in a few years.

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Guest lundboy
It's just a consensus to find out who'll buy into the carbon tax. Al Gore should hold his breath for the hour, then maybe I'd have an inclination to at least watch.


I'm with Deano on this one.


You can call me what you will after I say this, but I don't really mind. I have to try to get people to understand this whole thing and how they have been manipulated their whole life. So roll your eyes if you want, but at least take some time to read what I have posted below, and try to grasp the agendas being used against you.


People really should research the organizations that they support. The WWF has agendas beyond the "save the planet" mantra. It's time people quit buying in to all of the hype that is brainwashing them into their own demise. If you don't know what eugenenics is, it's high time you learn for your family's sake.


From the WWFs own website http://www.panda.org/about_wwf/who_we_are/...xties/index.cfm , they talk about the founder of the WWF, Julian Huxley. Brother of Aldous Huxley who wrote "Brave New World". Their grand father was Thomas Huxley known as "Darwin's Bulldog". H.G. Wells (a colleague of the Huxleys) writer of "The Time Machine", "War of the Worlds" also wrote books (blueprints) entitled "The New World Order" and "The Shape OF Things To Come". Huxley's and 2 of Well's books represent handbooks for the design of our future. They are not just a fictional entertainment.


Here is a quote from Julius Huxley talking about the eugenics program that is well underway today, and how people must be eased into the idea's that these elitist snobs have planned for more than a century, that is now coming to fruition.


Sir Julian Huxley served as the first director general of UNESCO, founded in 1945. Huxley echoed the Darwinian ideals that T.H. had promoted so strongly in his statements on UNESCO's purpose and direction. Wells' vision of a world directorate with eugenic aims came a step closer when Julian Huxley stated,


"Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that what is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable."


The Rockefeller Foundation and Planned Parenthood also play key rolls in what this is all about.


Get with it people, the more you partake in their nonsense, the more you tell them that you are "ready" for what comes next.


Have fun sitting in the dark tonight, and be sure to think about what I have presented here while you are doing it.

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Guest lundboy

Further to my last post:




In a report titled "The First Global Revolution" (1991) published by the Club of Rome, a globalist think tank, we find the following statement: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."


In the past, the Club of Rome has resorted to deceptive tactics in order to support their plans. In 1972, the Club of Rome, along with an MIT team released a report called "Limits to growth." The report stated that we were to reach an environmental holocaust by the year 2000 due to overpopulation and other environmental problems. Support for their conclusions was gathered by results from a computer model. Aurelio Peccei, one of the founders of the Club of Rome, later confessed that the computer program had been written to give the desired results.


Also research:

Margaret Sanger-Founder of Planned Parenthood, a negative eugenics organization.


Remember it wasn't that long ago... 1950s that eugenics was being carried out on the public, by the forced sterilization and imprisonment of people the US Government considered to be "of poor breeding", mentally unstable, or diseased. Already the Global Warming propaganda is pushing one child policies for The West, or face heavy taxing.



Edited by lundboy
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