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My New truck almost swam with the whitefish ... ALMOST


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and more then just fishermen, the native reserves many of which are on islands depend on ice roads to get back and forth in the winter....


ice roads move building supplies and buildings have been see being moved across the ice, logs are moved on ice roads...lets hope the gov. leaves ice access alone

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"I am surprised that the government has not banned the use of personal vehicles on the ice."


Statements like that are why we are losing all our rights.


Can't believe the negative feedback here from fisherman. We're always out on the lakes around here in winter be it fishing or just for fun, many snowmobile trails are across the lakes. He hit a bad spot and sure it could of been worse, but no different than hitting an icy spot on the highway and losing it. Commonsense and a little bit of caution goes a long way. As for the stupid ones who go out when the ice isn't thick or unsafe, well those people will be doing something stupid on the roads if they weren't on the lake.You can't govern stupidness.


Good to here you were OK, Cityfisher, I for one have been driving on the lakes for 20 years, and haven't had any problems, but do know the limitations of when to and not to. Don't let one bad experience ruin it for you forever.


Well said :clapping::clapping: ....it's easy to sit in front of a computer and criticise others and there bad fortunes!!


Glad to hear you're OK cityfisher....if your truck is a 4x4, I would suggest calling your insurance company to see if you have coverage....I just changed companies and specifically asked if I was covered in the event that my ATV, sled or F-150 went through the ice....ANSWER WAS YES....strangely, they told me that they DON"T cover amphibious vehicles though...It's worth a try bud!!

Edited by TroutnMuskieHunter
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most important thing is that your alright bro. could have happened to anyone...I was on the ice the day before in the same area and went out 12km out and back with no problems at all...It just goes to show how fast cracks can open up with a warm front and alot of sun. ....when i got out there on friday there was ZERO slush whole out there and the ice conditions were fine. when I left at 530 there were a few big slush wholes closer to shore and the shoreline parking lot was like a swimming pool....My advice was the conditions were not the greatest and that they were only going to get worse but.......I was really surprised however that he went down 8km out...conditions closer to shore were much worse.....there was hundreds of trucks out there on saturday and only a couple had problems from what i hear...wrong place wrong time....oh well pretty soon the boat will be out and wont have to worrie about questionable ice anymore...


As for people saying it is wrong to drive a vehicle on the ice .....thats just non sence....up north in areas like temagami its a way of life ...its the only way people can get to where they got to go....maybe people from the city are not use to it but vehicles should def not be banned from going on the ice in my opinion....you just have to know when its safe and take the right percausions.

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Well City fisher although it was a bundle to get out we really have to thank guys like Eugine for being out there and willing to do it. Just think if you vehicle went under his could have been pulled right in too.


When I frist pulled up I though "geese this doesn't look good". But once I walked over I could see it was worse than I thought. I'm really glad it all truned out for the good. Hey and what about that Photographer Eh? Lol.


You weren't the only one handing cash to Eugine on Sat.







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Same hole?? and does Eugene cut this with a saw or have a bubbler going? LOL


What was the tow charge btw... bet no worse than the vultures on the 400 at $300+


..and I'm not sure where people are reading their policies.. but there's nothing in mine that says where I can drive.


One thing I always "luv" about OFC... the only place a guy that's already feeling down can get hammered a few more notches down.


Guess I'm from the shallow end of the gene pool too.... Dang.. so's Ron and a lot of other OFC'rs here. Wonder why many quit posting.


Guess we should start shuttling all this stuff out to the island for no good reason...since it's so unsafe to drive on 2 feet of ice.



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I have always wondered how guys trying to catch a few fish would risk life limb and car. I thought about this one for a while and finaly got it. This has to be it.


Price of Perch = $8.99/pound

Price of Whitefish = $9.99/pound

Price of Trout = $12.99/pound


Average cost of a new Grand Charakee = $40,000

Weight of a new Gran Charakee = 4261 pounds


Here is my eurika moment


Therefore Price of a new truck = $9.38/pound


Now I get it.


This one is easy.


Price of a ticked off wife when you get home = PRICELESS.

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I have been driving my vehicle onto the ice for many years, with, knock on wood, no problems. When I was out there two weekends past, there must have been at least 200 other vehicles out there as well.

There are no sure fire safe ice conditions, but there are no sure fire safe anything any more. so you hit a bad spot, bad luck to you. You got 'er out, your safe and sound, chalk it up to experience, but don't give up the sport!

Lookin at Perchin on Friday and planning at this time, to drive out to my spot. Changing conditions will determin my final plans, but come on folks, it's a highway out there and on guy got unlucky/ really lucky!

I wonder how some of you guys ever make it out of the house?!


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Thanks Headhunter ! you got it bang on. A lot of people make comments and have no idea.


This is not the first time ive driven on the ice.. 5-6 times this year with the truck and 10+ times with the atv...


I got unlucky and Ill pay for it .. O well.. its just money.

I contimplated posting it in the first place but thought I rather warn people that SH** does happen.

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Glad to hear that you are alright. Don't worry about the preachers here, it is a day that you will never forget.


My wife and I had a similar experience in Huntsville Area 3 years ago, minus any outside help. I borrowed some guys D9 Catterpillar and winched it out myself. And by borrow I mean used it with out his permission and promptly returned it when we were done, alone with $20.00 in the viser for the diesel I used.


We still talk about this (acctually yesterday we were laughing about it on the way back from Port Loring).


I think the experinces are what we talk about long afterwards, not the fish or the "spot" etc.


Hope everything works out with the electrical.


Best regards,




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I'm glad you posted it Cityfisher. It just goes to show you that one person driving out there can be just fine, while another can hit a bad spot very easily and not be fine.


I agree with HH and wonder myself if some of the people who leave bad comments have nothing better to do. I think that there should be a new rule. Before you post, there is a 5 minute delay so the person can think about whether he or she has ever done anything remotely close to the topic, how they would feel in the same situation and whether or not they would say the same thing to the person's face!!!



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It also seems that the negative posters disappear quicly, while the supportive ones stick around. Just another reason, IMHO, that this board sticks around...there's a solid bunch of supportive sportsmen/women. Really glad to see you got that beautiful Jeep, along with yourself and those with you, out of the hole safe and sound, Cityfisher.

Edited by johnnyb
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Before you post, there is a 5 minute delay so the person can think about whether he or she has ever done anything remotely close to the topic, how they would feel in the same situation and whether or not they would say the same thing to the person's face!!!




Great point Joey.


Glad it all worked out OK for you Cityfisher.

Some days...Poo happens.




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Eugene's not complaining LOL and anything you can walk away from is good news, heckuva alot better than sitting on the bottom of Simcoe.


Reasonable price is anything less than salvage recovery (which I think comes with a 'pollution' fine)

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I'm glad you posted it Cityfisher. It just goes to show you that one person driving out there can be just fine, while another can hit a bad spot very easily and not be fine.


I agree with HH and wonder myself if some of the people who leave bad comments have nothing better to do. I think that there should be a new rule. Before you post, there is a 5 minute delay so the person can think about whether he or she has ever done anything remotely close to the topic, how they would feel in the same situation and whether or not they would say the same thing to the person's face!!!




Well Joey and others I don`t think anybody here was too hard on Cityfisher and his poor judgment/misfortune, every year we hear stories of people,snowmobiles,trucks that go through the ice and there is usually a handful of people who pay with their lives and they leave behind loved ones who have to deal with the tragedy. It usually happens early in the season and late in the season I think most would agree that this time of year taking a vehicle out on the ice is a gamble. Warmer days ice shifting and cracking partial freezing and thawing again is a recipe for a potential disaster.

I can assure you I always think about what I am posting and I can also assure you I have never taken a vehicle out on the ice and I never will it`s a risk reward thing.


When a member posts a topic and expects replies they should do it with the understanding that all the responses might not be of the golly gee you poor baby type some may actually respond with what they think and that`s what makes a bulletin board.

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