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Fish'n Canada Rant


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this board is always on the strait and narrow and don't have to worry about no stinking lawyers, cause Chuck Norris is a silent Mod here



and what is wrong with people express ing their opinions about fishing shows and when and how they jumped the shark

Edited by Terry
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IMHO, Extreme Angler is the best show on WFN, hands down; especially if you are a Southern Ontario fisherman. They have strong segments, pertinent information and useful tips, not to mention the Extreme Fishing Annual, which is a killer magazine...



i've learned more things from these guys than most other shows

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Kinda surprised this thread hasn't been deleted yet.

Once Mr. Bowfin catches wind of it, you can be sure it'll be gone.


I don't think so Bill. I assume you're referring to Pete Bowman? I think he's a decent guy.

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I hope that it was not my post that took this thread to this end... I was just stating the obvious... I watch WFN ALOT.... and I watch FNC as well as Extreme Angler.... If it was not for Pete.... well I dont think I would watch it (FNC) to be honest... but that whole poser thing they did... well I changed the channel they were acting like a bunch of high school kids, high on Led Zepplin (Not that there is anything wrong with that)



As for Extreme Angler, I do watch it. Why? Because they are contributing members of our forum (FNC is not) I do admit I do find it a tad loud on a Sunday morning etc. but they are OFC family. They deserve the same respect that everyone here gives Dave Mercer et al...


They do give great information... are they intriguing a newer younger generation into our sport? I think they are!! and that is never a bad thing! we need more kids to take up fishing, or we will suffer the consequences... Sure the way the come across might not be paid for by BassPro Shops and Subway... but their message is just the same... (Sorry Dave)


If you dont want professional fishermen on the board just keep talking the way you are...



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My bother-in-law has done some of the camera work for these guys. He was up on the platform filming the Last Cull for them in that nasty North Bay storm. He said they are all good guys, easy to get along with, decent guys.


That said I feel the same way about their show,in the old days it was more about fishing, the new show is more about acting. Not my type of fishing show anymore, but that doesn't make them bad guys.


As far as your prize, I think you made your good valid point. No sense loosing any sleep over it. I would just move on and enjoy without the supposed prize.Now if it were a prize worth a tremendous amt it would put things in a different perspective. That being said I do understand the principle of your point.

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All this talk and combined with the Outdoor Canada article on all the shows, besides personal opinion, what is the public opinion on the fishing shows, as in who has the highest rated TV shows, the highest amount of weekly viewers? just a thought

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FNC has definitly gone down hill .. they are grasping at straws to try and keep people watching ... they should just have Pete and Viola on there .. have a guest every ounce and a while and they would be doing better then they are now .. as far as Extreme Angler .. I just started tuning into their show and its not bad .. the only thing I would change is their little boat that pops up in the bottom of the screen and the annoying typwritter sound

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It's hard to say which show gets tuned into the most....but I had an idea of possibly Pete Bowman going out on his own....I know it is a long shot but you never know....I think he would put on a great show.....but he seems pretty attached to the violas......my guess of most watched show is probably bob izumi because i mean come on! who doesent know bob izumi? LOL i want to know when were gonna see Dean and Cindy Franklin with their own show or maybe Darren Jacko or Steve Voros....lol

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as far as Extreme Angler .. I just started tuning into their show and its not bad .. the only thing I would change is their little boat that pops up in the bottom of the screen and the annoying typwritter sound


As for Extreme.....I enjoy the tips and work they put into it but I can only watch it for so long. The additional noises they have when boat comes across the screen or the bells when tips are displayed is too annoying. That's when I have to change it.


......it's like random test pattern and emergency services broadcast sounds. :wallbash:


If anyone from Extreme reads this, please change the sound bytes.....it really makes for a bad hang-over :stretcher:


I met Reno a long, long time ago during the Napanee Walleye derby back in the early 80's. He stayed beside us in the same motel and was a great guy. I've also talked to Pete at the QFS after a wickedly windy day. We came in the same time that he and his partner had and he had ripped the rubber off his boat but was still in great spirts and smiling. That's class and an enjoyment of the game.



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like both shows! fnc show when they were acting like idiots and beep beeping was a big turn off for me but the way the show is now is much better then a few years back IMO.


i felt like some of the other board members did about extreme angler with there loud music but when i saw there ad on here i gave them a chance and now i really enjoy there show! as well as the comments from there staff on this board. they seem to be just like us on here! the plus is they have a fishing show there part of. im glad they are on this board.


as for the viagra brothers and bowman. i have heard that they are some of the finest people you could ever run into on the water or on the street! maybe they did make some mistakes on the format of the show a couple years ago but they still are one of the best rated and longest running shows out there.


just my thoughts!



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Sorry 'bout them not honouring your phone-in prize win, Bassman. That's pretty bush.


That radio show or theirs is tough to listen to. Funny, but sometimes I catch it Saturday mornings on my way to my fishing spots. You'd think it would be great listening to a fishing show on the way to doing some fishing but the show itself is terrible.


The inane, non-sensical banter usually makes me shut it off about half way through. Aweful!


I DO like their TV work though( now that they've stopped doing that juvenile stuff )and do enjoy catching it when I can.

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Hey...nice to see you all have an opinion!

Sad to see that you can be so vile.... LOL!!!!!!

The life of a professional angler is not as simple as you all seem to think...but it is a fun one...

For those Fans out there,,,,,Thanks for watching....BBM and Nielson Ratings don't lie...

FYI...Fish'n Canada is Number one on Television "Nationally"

The old saying "everyone likes to hate a winner" obviously applies here.


I'm sure all your criticism has a place......

But chill out guys and enjoy fishing and these forums for something a little more productive....

Like what you like and watch what you watch, Every show has a place on the tube.


At the end of the day we are all just guys that like to cast for little green fish......


Thanks for the forum......


Mike Miller

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Damn, I thought Izumi and Real Fishing would be number one. Honestly I like Extreme and Fishin Canada, at the top of the list for me next to Bobby, Mercer's Fishing Facts and Musky Hunter. As for the music and sound effects I think there trying to appeal to a younger/middle age American audience, personally I only watch the shows to see the fish being caught, witch are the real stars of any show anyway. One show that drives me crazy is Cronzie's show where he waists three quarters of the show talking about shore lunch, lol, and then theres that American show (I forget the show, think it's Lunkerville) the guy breaths heavy like he just ran a 100 metre sprint every time he gets a musky or pike, lol, but all in all I like all the guys but all the shows are repetitive and have the same advice over and over it's just whats new each year for lures, so once again I watch for the fish being caught anyway, they all have their flaws like everyone.

Edited by GbayGiant
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Mike Miller, if you think that I hate Fish'n Canada because it's number one..you are dead wrong

and I am sure as the new numbers come out they will go down faster then a ..well I shouldn't say....


it has become a joke.... the day they put on that show where they all thought they were 13 again and swearing and what not they lost me..for ever..till that point I had never missed a show, now you couldn't pay me enough....



if that is being number one and they looked more like number 2, I think I will watch the higher numbers..cause they stink period...... I hate Fish'n Canada because it's number one..what a joke....they jumped the shark..

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Millartime... it seems to me that a large number of your show's viewers have opinions about your show, and have expressed them here... admittedly, some more eloquently than others, but what I find most disconcerting regarding your post is this;

Here you have a captive audience and instead of using the criticism to perhaps "improve" your show, you have taken exactly the opposite tact. I wish I had a place like this for my clients to discuss what they do and don't like about my service. I'd be sure to keep an eye on it and introduce effective measures to help keep my business number one!

To be honest, I'm pretty disappointed in your response. :wallbash:


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