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What a Storm

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Wow what a snow storm here in Montreal.


Has it hit Ontario with a bang also.


Our lights keep on flickering we could be without power soon.


We are getting buried.With high gusting winds visibelity is Zero on all highways.Hydro Quebec reporting many power outages.


Lets be careful out there







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Snowstorms don't knock our houses over like tornados and hurricanes do, no thanks, I'll stay up here. You can always add clothes when you're cold, but when it's that hot, once you reach the b.day suit, you're in kaka, and I don't want to see any sweatho.....

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How could I leave all this great fresh water fishin for the US .No No No catching wall-ice has its price.


No moving to Alabanana for me.You can keep your Hurricanes,Tornadoes and earthquakes.


Besides I couldn't take all those Bozo's at the local Alabanana boat launches



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How could I leave all this great fresh water fishin for the US .No No No catching wall-ice has its price.





So when do you plan to start catchin' these fish??? :dunno:


We don't have that many Wall-ice here, but we're not overrun with Skunks like you seem to be Mike. :whistling:

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Well you are going to be digging yourself out tommorow for a while mike !!!,its pretty crappy here to,but to the east and the ottawa valley are going to get up to 60cm's !!! by the time its all done,it seems like spring is never comming,man last year i got my boat from storage on march 17th !!!! well i dont think thats going to happen this yeari was fishing on the first weekend in april in my boat last year.....come on spring !!!! hey mike when its all done snowing down your way send us a few pics of all the aftermath....cheers bud

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Trans canada highway between Montreal and Quebec city many vehicles reported stranded or off the road including 4 police cars.


It has become search and rescue.


Hey Gerritt look on the bright side if you have no water just open some beer :thumbsup_anim: Fun Fun Fun

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Mike....similar numbers here in Ontario....at 7pm, the OPP was saying 700 accidents since last night.


A few more pics....


401 near my place, time was 8:18pm



Another spot on the 401 in the east end of Toronto....never seen so few cars on the road!



This was taken a few minutes ago from my front door...about 50 feet of visibility.


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Mike, you're definatly getting hammered up there!... we are getting our fair as well... today really sucked though... we had no water due to a massive water main bursting...


fun fun fun





Melt the snow to make water ya big silly!!! It'll keep ya nice and busy too! ;)

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At least a foot of snow on the ground here and drifts up to four feet, Cleveland Hopkins airport was shut down earlier today and not scheduled to open till at least 6 am tomorrow. Might mean flying delays in a lot of places due to back ups.


LOL got the snow plow driver scheduled for 4 to 6 am to do the drive tomorrow after the blowing stops. No place anyone had to go today to risk your butt going around here.


Tried to call Whopper, supposedly his area is getting slammed worse than ours, if it`s possible. Hope the old guy wasn`t old shoveling.

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Cleaned off about 6" this morning,there's now about 8" waiting for me tomorrow. I dont think my 'Blower can throw it over the snow banks down the drive any more. Then there's the roof to think about :wallbash: T'ell with it! i'll think 'bout it tomorrow.

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Mike....similar numbers here in Ontario....at 7pm, the OPP was saying 700 accidents since last night.


A few more pics....


401 near my place, time was 8:18pm



Another spot on the 401 in the east end of Toronto....never seen so few cars on the road!



This was taken a few minutes ago from my front door...about 50 feet of visibility.



Wow Cliff you really have alot of snow.


My wife has been taking pics all day .I will have the before and After shots.


Shawn I don't dig out I have a snowblower for that chore.I think the water levels will be slightly elevated this year.

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It's terrible over here. (I'm in Pickering) I've had to do the driveway, and back deck three different times today. The white stuff just keeps falling.


Hopefully this bad weather doesn't continue tomorrow. I'm sick of shoveling. :wallbash:

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Tried to call Whopper, supposedly his area is getting slammed worse than ours, if it`s possible. Hope the old guy wasn`t old shoveling.



LOL Paul and yes I shoveled snow all today :wallbash: I wouldn't want to make a habit out of it though :lol:


We had only gotten 15 inches total for the year before this storm and we got more than that in the last 34 hours. No worries it's finally through.


It was nice to chat with ya on the phone :thumbsup_anim:

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We got hammered pretty good in Grimsby here yesterday.


Yesterday around dinner time it was snowing harder than I have seen in a long loooong time. We also got some thunder and lightning along with the snow. I will post a few pics once I dig out the driveway.


Lots of snowmobiles zinging around the roads here last night which is not very common around here.





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We got about a foot here with some massive drifts. Damn snow plow made it a lot worse though.


Saw a guy comin down my street last night with a lowered civic. Bumper was plowing the snow (ended up breaking) absolutely no snow tires on. It took him 45 minutes to go 50 feet down the road. It was quite funny the entire neighborhood was standed at there doors laughin ( a few of us went to help but when a big cloud of smoke came out of the inside of the car we decided to leave him be)

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Dang what a change, sunny and bright here this morning :clapping: , plow guy came early this morning and the drive is clear! 55 f by Thursday, then another front and colder.


LOL Phil, just checking to make sure you didn`t try ice fishing!


1914 crashes here due to the weather reported to the highway patrol, day like yesterday? stay home!

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Hello......Hello...... anyone up there? Could you pass me down a shovel? Yes, there is a house down here!


I haven't seen a winter like this since I was a kid, figures it's the first winter in about 15 years that I didn't go South LOL.


We have snow drifts that have to be at least 6' deep. Oh well, something to tell the great grand kids about.


On the up side of things, I just found out (and got connected yesterday) that we can now get wireless high speed through a company called Xplornet for less than I have been paying Bell for dialup. So far so good! Mind you, I am really looking forward to telling Bell to take a hike (if I can ever get to talk to someone who cares)!

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