Kirk Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 I think if people keep taking the side of the kid in this thread, it will get locked by the admins. LOL
LeXXington Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 tapout said: That cop needs a kick in the azz with a frozen boot! Agreed!!!! If that was my kids I would be ticked OFF!!! Yea kids today need a kick in the $aasdjf sometimes but leave that up to me.. Now if the kids were being Jerks show them respect for the law. This guy just had a big guy little Dongle syndrom. I have met many people from the law that have been kind, helpfull and polite. Then I have met a few that treated me like dirt for doing nothing wrong but knowing my rights. This cop is going to end up as mall security somewhere!
Whopper Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 FishnNAutographs said: geez....don't judge us by what the cops in the states do....that's rediculous....but that's my opinion. I'll leave it at that. As for the other videos (all American cops) it's sad. But truth be told, sometimes videos don't share the whole story. Unfortunately we all get bad reputations by actions of few Glad to hear when I come to visit your fine country I won't ever have to worry about running into a law enforcement officer like that and I'll leave it at that.
Cookslav Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 I think the mouthy kid needed to learn a lesson in respect 100%. He was totaly beligerant through the video...even his own buddy tells him to shut up at one point. And as other said we have no idea what transpired before the Camera came on. I can't speak for the rest of you...but if the Cop said give me that Skateboard, I would have handed it over, and fought for it later. Holding onto it and refuseing to cooperate is asking for trouble. The cop putting that kid down in that situation is called fo IMO, and done well, it could have very easily been handled differently..... (pepperspray, taser, batons...come to mind) A skate board can very well be considered a weapon in this situation(beligerant teen refusing to listen). If he refuses to let it go as your physical attempting to confiscate it...with in an arms length/swinging distance Ya he's lucky all the cop did was put him down (rather gently by Police standards if you ask Me) Now that being said... The Officers Verbage was way out of line, and not in accordance with the "expected demeanor" of law enforment officers. Thats what got him into trouble...not his actions And rightfully so IMO. Had he been a stiff upper lipped Cop who used the same tone but kept his temper in control, and not used threating language the outcome would have been different I'm sure.
Big Cliff Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Sorry, but when a full grown man with a gun and a badge has to get physical with a kid to try and get respect he'll get no respect from me! There are better ways to handle it! This wasn't the first time this cop has been in trouble for similar actions, I can only wonder if there were more times that never got reported. When an adult beats up on a kid all it does is teach them that that's what adults do.... Good lesson! A simple solution might have been to take the skate board away and return it only when the kid and parent showed up at the police station to get it back and a promise to not ride it in a restricted area again. I would also remind him that if I caught him riding it in a restricted area again, the board would not be returned and if by-laws allowed for it he would be fined.
Cookslav Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 (edited) Quote When an adult beats up on a kid all it does is teach them that that's what adults do.... Good lesson! I'd Agree, except I'd hardly classify that as a beating...he mearly "took" the board, and put the teen down, and gently I might add. (no kidding around the kid could have been put down hard, and the ididot cop did actualy use "a bit" of Discression) Quote A simple solution might have been to take the skate board away and return it only when the kid and parent showed up at the police station to get it back and a promise to not ride it in a restricted area again. I would also remind him that if I caught him riding it in a restricted area again, the board would not be returned and if by-laws allowed for it he would be fined. Again I agree 100% The officers language was at best very poor, but the skater wouldn't even hand the board over, he held on to it resisting.... There are always 2 sides to a storys, and I think they are both idiots LOL!!! A snotty teen who needs to learn he's not all that And a Roid-rageing cop who needs to get his temper in check Edited February 19, 2008 by Cookslav
lookinforwalleye Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 I think the officer needs a anger management class. Guys like that have no business being on the street dealing with the public.
Tybo Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 I was always taught that respect is earned not given. In that little snipped there was a no time that cop earned respect. I WOULD HAVE THE COP"S JOB. To serve and protect. remember.
Guest lundboy Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 (edited) In this day and age, kids are conditioned to talk the way this kid talks, and that is to anyone cops, adults, teachers etc. There is another video where a cop takes down a 14 year old girl skateboarder and causes her some lasting damage. The cop was 250lbs, she was 98lbs. There's another where a family man in an SUV with his wife and kid was stopped for a driving infraction, was told to sign his ticket, he refused and turned his back on the cop and he was tased and taken in. His wife was threatened when she asked the cop why he did what he did. Look for them if you want, they are all over Google and Youtube. And I don't think the kids are editing the videos to make the "authority" figures look bad, the cop's own in car videos show the proof of their actions in a lot of these cases. TV, movies, peers are all training kids to be this way and yes SOCIETY has done this. What do you expect? That is even more reason that someone in "authority" should be in control of him/herself and realise that it is just "another language". Kids are being conditioned to be in conflict with society in general. This cop probably would have treated a foriegn visitor the same because they didn't speak english well. (A recent incident at a Canadian airport comes to mind... if you find it on Youtube you will see at the end that one cop actually beats the guy's head with the baton 3 times... something they don't show on the news) Yes the kids parents are probably partially to blame, maybe he's from a single parent home and he/she hasn't paid enough attention because he/she works 3 part time jobs, but parents also have limited "remedies" available to them because of societal political correctness. The days of children "should be seen and not heard" are long gone. Skateboarding is a cheap way for these kids to more or less stay out of trouble. Society can't keep sending kids away from here and there and give them absolutely nowhere else to go. Everything nowadays is "private property" or costs so much money to make use of, they can't afford it unless they beg, borrow or steal. Yes they are noisy and lower the image of private property, but they shouldn't be locked up in their homes playing vid games everyday of their lives either. It is well known that (in the States), the older retiring cops are being replaced with younger, meaner and in some cases juiced up, shaved head recruits, some direct from Iraq, that don't respect anyone except their own "authority". Here is one such incident: BTW how many shaved head "bulked up" 30 something cops have you seen in the GTA lately? Edited February 19, 2008 by lundboy
Daplumma Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Here are a few tips on how not to get your butt kicked.
Tinman Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 I think the guy was out of line. That linebacker cop intimidated the crap out of the kid, that would have cause some stammering for sure! Something like that happened to me when i was a teen, we were standing around at a local hockey game, when a cop saw a bunch of kids standing around, He drove right up the lawn and into the crowd of us, my buddy and I landed on the hood of the cruiser. His excuse - " he was breaking up a fight" Never seen a zamboni fly onto the ice to stop a fight! His punishment was apparently a weeks non paid holiday and he had to aologize to my frieds and I at the next hockey game from centre ice.
Jason Vernooy Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 On my property I have posted no skateboard signs....there skateboards or there attitudes do cause damage to property.......there are skateboard parks where mommies and daddies of these ruffians can play...not to mention the insurance liability if they fall and get hurt That being said.....if you are huning or fishing in a non designated zone, the CO can seize everything and fine you for this infraction without any questions asked. Everyone agrees that people who tresspass inout world(ie. fishing or hunting) should be dealt with the full hard hand of the law...... This idea of kids having no place to go irks me to no end........perhaps there parents should move......or they should buy land to and industry pay taxes that support parks
Guest lundboy Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 (edited) Jasonfisher said: On my property I have posted no skateboard signs....there skateboards or there attitudes do cause damage to property.......there are skateboard parks where mommies and daddies of these ruffians can play...not to mention the insurance liability if they fall and get hurtThat being said.....if you are huning or fishing in a non designated zone, the CO can seize everything and fine you for this infraction without any questions asked. Everyone agrees that people who tresspass inout world(ie. fishing or hunting) should be dealt with the full hard hand of the law...... This idea of kids having no place to go irks me to no end........perhaps there parents should move......or they should buy land to and industry pay taxes that support parks So what's the address of the nearest skateboard park to your property? Is it free? Maybe you should post a sign with directions where it is so they can find it easier. I don't know how old you are, but I can confidently say that there is at least 70% LESS places to "play" as a kid/teen now than there was when I was a kid and that's only 30 years ago. They go to a school parking lot they get harrassed, they go to a library lot same thing. I've seen this happen. Put yourself in their sneakers before you go off. And just so you know, business and industry pay taxes to support municpal, provincial and national debt, and not much else that's why the public infrastructure is in such bad shape. In most communities it's the developers that are semi-forced to build parks and set aside land for recreation. Edited February 19, 2008 by lundboy
fish_finder Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Kids have always been 'bad' or 'mouthy'. It'll never change, and why should it. It develops independance, and allows the little buggers to come to their own conclusions about how they should act. Surely most, when confronted by this kind of obscenity will think about it and think twice next time. The cop on the other hand is committing an injustice to the public, and to the police force as a whole....not just his precinct, state (province), country, etc.....'Bad' cops have always been bad, and that particular guy is the epitome of it. I'm sure he has excuses, but that video, and many others that were posted as well give perfect reason for kids, or adults to lose respect and faith in an organization that is designed to 'protect' and 'serve' the public. Its is true, also, that you don't see many 'good' cop videos....are there any???? If that we're you or me 'demanding' respect and beating a kid down to get it, we'd be put in jail......
Jason Vernooy Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 We have a skate park around the corner.....that the local business paid to get......problem is we need to have the users wear protective equipment (helmets, knee and elbow pads), the cots is 10 per year. Park is open from 9 am till dusk all summer long, we at the local chamber pay to have staff.......cant keep staff.....they have break downs for the verbal abuse.......I am 30 years old.....and was once avid skateboarder, I always know what was proper and used common sense. Insurance premiums and lawsuits dont bid well for young skateboarders.....not to mention the attitudes
fishing n autograph Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 It's funny...people judge us by the actions of coppers like the one in the clip. But one thing they don't see is the absolute garbage we deal with on a daily basis. People who think they know get their info from the news etc, but even then things are skewed and because the media hates any form of authority every day we are told "conduct yourself because you're on camera everywhere you go." people nowadays want to be famous so whenever they see the police doing anything out come the cell phones to make a movie. I remember one time a coworker of mine was in a brief foot chase and when he had the guy on the ground and cuffed he looked up and traffic was at a stand still b/c at least a dozen people were out of their cars recording him on their cell phones. People don't get along anymore.....period. Not even husband and's disgusting how many couples are beating each other many kids attack their parents....not to mention all the drugs and weapons out's constant garbage and yeah, sometimes it can be a little much. Sometimes everyone, not just police officers make bad decisions because we're human. No one is perfect....well except Firefighters....right LEW!!!!! My point is, yeah sometimes people fall through the cracks and get hired in jobs that they should have it's a part of society, but the rumours you hear of the "bad cops" are coming from people who have way too much interaction with police. Ask the average person, how often they have contact with police other than at the side of the road when they're speeding, etc. The gentleman who started this thread...his screen name is Bong Hit....that tells you something. Normal law abiding citizens don't have problems with the police. Sometimes they my not agree with our actions, but keep in mind out hands are tied in some situations and often its best not to charge people....not because we're lazy, but most people don't realize the effort on THEIR part when they get charged and Anyway that's my rant....
Terry Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 well as I said earlier you can't paint every cop with the same brush because of a few bad ones but I am sorry but that cop was way over the top..the kid was talking the way kids talk these days the cop said the kid wouldn't live long if he keeps talking that way and he would get shot if he keeps it up that PIG..should be locked up for that he should lose his pension and he and any cop that acts that way to a 14 year old kid or and old man or anyone that has done little if anything wrong...hell he broke a bylaw..maybe.....nope if that cop walked up to me after seeing that I would be afraid for my life as much as if I was surrounded by gang bangers........there is no place in the world for people like him when they get to carry a gun bad day or bad cop he needs to be put in jail and any other cop that thinks his actions are OK
bigfish1965 Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Here's a difference between the police and teenagers. Police are expected and trained to act professional at all times. I have had nothing but courteous officers in my experiences..and I expect that. That is what I pay them for. Protect me and be a polite public servant. Kids are under no such similar obligation other than what their parents teach them. A professional police officer must accept verbal attitude as part of his daily job. I accept it in mine and do not get physical with people who cross the line...and I have had people get far, far worse than those kids got and I get it from 'adults' who should know better. The police have a much higher obligation to behave than does a 14 yr old kid...and if a 14 mouthy kid gets under the skin of a veteran officer, it does not bode well for his demeanor in more trying and urgent circumstances.
Guest lundboy Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 FishnNAutographs said: It's funny...people judge us by the actions of coppers like the one in the clip. But one thing they don't see is the absolute garbage we deal with on a daily basis. People who think they know get their info from the news etc, but even then things are skewed and because the media hates any form of authority every day we are told "conduct yourself because you're on camera everywhere you go." people nowadays want to be famous so whenever they see the police doing anything out come the cell phones to make a movie. I remember one time a coworker of mine was in a brief foot chase and when he had the guy on the ground and cuffed he looked up and traffic was at a stand still b/c at least a dozen people were out of their cars recording him on their cell phones. People don't get along anymore.....period. Not even husband and's disgusting how many couples are beating each other many kids attack their parents....not to mention all the drugs and weapons out's constant garbage and yeah, sometimes it can be a little much. Sometimes everyone, not just police officers make bad decisions because we're human. No one is perfect....well except Firefighters....right LEW!!!!! My point is, yeah sometimes people fall through the cracks and get hired in jobs that they should have it's a part of society, but the rumours you hear of the "bad cops" are coming from people who have way too much interaction with police. Ask the average person, how often they have contact with police other than at the side of the road when they're speeding, etc. The gentleman who started this thread...his screen name is Bong Hit....that tells you something. Normal law abiding citizens don't have problems with the police. Sometimes they my not agree with our actions, but keep in mind out hands are tied in some situations and often its best not to charge people....not because we're lazy, but most people don't realize the effort on THEIR part when they get charged and Anyway that's my rant.... I agree with you. I know a guy on the Toronto force (not real well) but we chat occasionally, and he mentions a lot of the stuff that goes on. But in this day and age of instant stardom, this means everyone has to be more conciensious of what they are doing publically, unless they want to become a "star" overnight. I hate to say it but some police (not neccessarily in Canada), make up their own laws, bylaws, and then try to enforce them. Some of these cops are rogue, some are directed to act like this. Recently officers of the NYPD were instructed to be "meaner & more agressive" and they would be rewarded by getting more overtime pay! NY Post: Unfortunately it is getting to the point where cities are trying to ban video cameras and such which make people even more suspicious of the activities of the "authorities", and then they see stuff like what this "officer" is doing. Police are certainly between a rock and a hard place.
fishing n autograph Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 wow....OT for getting mean.... I have to beg and plead to get OT. There have been nights where i work 3 extra hours to finish paperwork and i didn't get OT because it wasn't approved
TennesseeGuy Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 If I'm ever stopped by a law officer it's likely to take place while I'm driving. If at night I'll turn on all inside lights. When he or she arrives at my van. my license and other ID will be on the dash. Both of my hands will be on the top of the steering wheel. There will be no illegal items in the vehicle or in my system. I'll address the officer properly and offer to do as they say. I'll do everything possible to help prevent them from making a mistake that could be costly to me.
big guy Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 What a complete clown. Yes most cops are very courteous, but that's the problem with this video. This portrays a person who is anything BUT a policeman, it portrays a wannabe, a glorified meter-maid. He's just mad because he's wearing shorts and something resembling a car. Personally, police should wear a "uniform" not something that looks like they're going to a bar-b-que. Get some pants and a hat on.
Guest lundboy Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 (edited) TennesseeGuy said: If I'm ever stopped by a law officer it's likely to take place while I'm driving. If at night I'll turn on all inside lights. When he or she arrives at my van. my license and other ID will be on the dash. Both of my hands will be on the top of the steering wheel. There will be no illegal items in the vehicle or in my system. I'll address the officer properly and offer to do as they say. I'll do everything possible to help prevent them from making a mistake that could be costly to me. And you feel OK about having to do this? Sounds like you are like the rest of us, intimidated and in fear. I guess it comes down to what have you got to fear? At least that is what would be said if such actions came into question. It's tough to judge how one should act during the situation. I would feel no matter what I did would appear to be suspicious activity in this day and age. Edited February 19, 2008 by lundboy
fishing n autograph Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 (edited) lundboy said: And you feel OK about having to do this? Sounds like you are like the rest of us, intimidated and in fear. I would too...dude lives in Tennessee...good 'ol boys! in all honesty, the "intimidation" is's funny. When I'm at work and i go up and talk to someone to be friendly when i'm on foot...going into a mall or tim hortons and everyone shakes like a leaf. Just because a copper is talking to you doesn't mean you're in trouble. Edited February 19, 2008 by FishnNAutographs
TennesseeGuy Posted February 19, 2008 Report Posted February 19, 2008 Hey boys, I'd do it in all states and in all provinces, not because of fear, but out of respect for the other guy trying to do his job. It's an effort on my part to stay safe and make it safer for officers of the law to perform their duties. No chip on my shoulder.
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