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Hey all,


Just curious. I'm looking for another subscription and wondering which ones everyone else has.....and if you could say a little about the mag it would help the decision too!


I currently have a subscription to the Canadian Fly Fisher...great magazine but a little expensive for only 4 issues in a year!


I've had a subscription to Esox Angler for a few years now, mainly for the musky stuff, but it's also got some interesting articles on pike & pickeral too.


I've been a subscriber to In-Fisherman for quite a few years now. Good mag covering multi-species though some of the issues the past few years have been a bit thin and repetitive. IMO In-Fisherman took a hit when the Lindners left, but all in all, still pretty good.

Posted (edited)

Well I get or have recently been subscribed to:

Outdoor Canada-good content and mostly Canadian, Mind you it includes hunting and fishing so you may or may not like it. I was on the fence too much stuff from Alberta and out west to satisfy all readers

Ontario Out Of Doors- Really like this one, much more local stuff, which I like. Again both hunting and fishing and the occasional Quad article in there too

North American Fisherman-Mostly US but some Canadian Content and content that can be used here too, I like this one as well, some good perks with the mag (field testing)

Canadian Fly Fisher- Great fly fishing Mag, shows stuff from all around canada, plenty of local water is covered


Have had others and lots of hunting ones too but those are the ones I would expect you would enjoy the most.

Edited by Bill Parker

I have 30 years of In-fisherman here in my basement.

Anyone want to make me any offer for them. I dont think you will find a better encyclopedia waiting for you.



Posted (edited)

Don't want to be an ass, but honestly none. Why ? log into OFC and get a new mag every day, not to mention every mag is just a little different from the next article, one day it's this the next it's that, this color, that color, this technique, that technique ect.. you read one you've read them all, the only change is the popular bait and technique from year to year. Give me a jig and minnow or a large spinner-bait for musky/pike and call it a day, sorry for the negativity but this is what I've concluded. I find the magazines are just confusing people when the most trusted, easiest, oldest, most reliable methods almost always work better than the newest trend. This is coming from a young guy that's tried every style and finally realized it's not as hard as the media makes it out to be.


Really though, I get more confused every mag I read or tv show I watch. Keep a eye out for my mag in 2009. :lol: Then again I have read all the books and watched all the shows so maybe I'm just confused. :lol:

Edited by GbayGiant

Until about 1982/83 I read only 3 magazines.


Outdoor Life

Field & Stream

Sports Afield


When I came in 1981 to the Toronto area from Montreal on a bank transfer , the area for magazines opened up for me. In addition to the above 3 American mags, I subscribed to the following mags.


Ontario Out of Doors

Outdoor Canada

Darryl Choronzey magazine – “Ontario whatever”.

Canadian Sports Fishing (Henry and Italo)



In 1992 started to subscribe to boating magazines.

4 power boat mags – 1 Canadian and 3 American


3 sailing mags


Then around 1994/95, I stopped reading all fishing magazines.


Around 2000, I stopped reading all boating magazines.


I quit watching TV fishing programs about 18 months ago.


This looked like a ""close down" or a "shut down". :rolleyes:


But I watch The New Fly Fisher on TV.


In-Fisherman was very good. The best one was Ontario Out of Doors because it covered Ontario.




I have kept every issue but I have started on some cleaning. I do not know what I have left.


Ontario Out of Doors is great because it is Ontario and has a lot of local info., etc.


but agree w/gbay...a lot of repetition and too many "techniques" is confusing sometimes but I still subscribe. I think it is still worth it for $25/yr and 10 issues to have something to read.


The only subscription I have is Ontario Out of Doors (because it comes with my OFAH membership) .


I do however read, Musky Hunter, In Fishermen, Outdoor Canada, Essox, pretty much every one out there. One of my favorites is Bassin'. It's the cheapest of them all and has a ton of reading info, as opposed to just advertisments. The only downfall of it is it is gear for the southern states, but I have been able to adapt those techniques here really well.


We get a ton of magazines every month .. I love them... (I spend some good quality time on the biffy!)


Fishing wise... I get 5 fishing magazines.


Ontario Out of Doors

Outdoor Canada

Esox Angler

Real Fishing (Bob needs the subscribers... he's got a new wine out... so he must be hard up...)


I get a one for free..

North American Fisherman (The club) This one cracks me up.... I've been getting it for at least 4 years now... they keep trying to get me as a member, Ive never paid them a dime and they keep sending it ... absolutely NO Canadian content ... other than the vacation photos...




Non fishing we get:


The Economist




Our Canada


Of course I put out my little email magazine... on thing for sure... 8 years and Ive never missed a month... I certianly do respect what it takes to put out one of those print magazines every month.

Posted (edited)

Hello All,


Fishing Mag Subscriptions


Ontario Out of Doors - great range of fishing and hunting articles that exclusively feature Ontario...plus I'm on staff and write for them, so probably a bit biased... :D


Bassmaster Magazine - awesome read for those into bass fishing..


Non-Fishing Subscriptions

Canadian Geographic - in the same vein as National Geographic, yet with Canadian content.


Best Life - a lifestyle magazine for men.



Good Fishing (and reading),



Edited by JustinHoffman
  T.J. Quesnel said:
Our Canada


That's a great one too TJ and one we've been receiving since the beginning.


Some really interesting articles and awesome photographs of this beautiful country !!


I have subscribed to the Walleye Insider for a number of years... it's perfect reading for me in the "library"! My wife bought me a subscription to Real Fishning magazine for Xmas, but I must say that it is very much oriented towards Bob's sponsors, read tackle and everything else Bob promotes.

I prefer Walleye insider, although, it to is oriented towards all things Berkely! Best part, I can read an entire article in one "sitting"!



Just one...The North American Fisherman (the club)...


I enjoy seeing all the new gadgets they get people to field test including the ones they sent me...They must have taken me off the field test list when I sent in a report on their knotless hooks and said what a piece of crap I thought they were...


They also keep wanting me to sign up as a lifetime member and receive the swell rod and reel and carrying case...I keep telling them "No thanks" at the age of 72 it would be just my luck to croak shortly after joining... :rolleyes:


The wife gets several but I find Reader's Digest to be the best of the lot...


I get Ontario Out of Doors as part of my OFAH membership. Getting it this way provides me with monthly updates of the OFAH activities. Read In-Fisherman, Outdoor Canada and Real Fishing from time to time but don't subscribe.


Canadian Fly Fisher - used to read it more, but not so much now. I did like it for the fly patterns and articles on fishing destinations that are more "fly fishing" specific. Still a good mag, great look, but I think I won't renew next time and maybe wait and see if down the road I get more into fly fishing.


Real Fishing - last two issues I read I thoroughly enjoyed. I'd almost cancelled this subscription though, simply because I was finding it more product plugged than others. It drives me nuts reading articles about everyday fishing but which the baits and gear mentioned in the articles is ALWAYS a known magazine sponsor. It makes you wonder how "REAL" Real Fishing actually is. That said, a number of good articles in the last couple issues kept me reading front to back without disappointment. (Specifically, How I became a Fishing Resort Owner. That was something interesting and different)


Ontario Out of Doors - Always liked this magazine... it's Ontario.


OutDoor Canada - Never dissappoints. I really enjoy travel-destination articles on far off fishing destinations in this country.


Esox Angler - I gobble up everything they publish on pike fishing. I also read anything walleye related that is not big water trolling based... it just doesn't apply to me right now. The muskie info is great and so I often read much of it, even though I don't fish them.


DestinationFish - I just got one free in the mail and I'm so far impressed. The title says it all. It's a billionaires guide to fishing the world, loaded with adds for Rolex's, Ocean Front Real Estate, Yachts... it's nuts, but interesting. I now want to fish Great Barrier Reef with this one yacht outfit... problem is, for a week it's like $20,000... but they'll put you on hundreds of fish, like marlin, wahoo, giant trevally and tuna. All week long.

  Moosebunk said:
Esox Angler - I gobble up everything they publish on pike fishing. I also read anything walleye related that is not big water trolling based... it just doesn't apply to me right now. The muskie info is great and so I often read much of it, even though I don't fish them.


Hey Moose, you've also written some incredible articles for Esox Angler too and have added alot to that magazine.


Hope it continues for you.


Ontario Fisherman was my favourite back in the day...

currently subscribe to Ontario Out Of Doors - great allround mag for the Ontario hunter & angler


I also read Great Lakes Angler, Walleye Insider, Essox Angler, Outdoor Canada & IN-Fisherman on occassion


I easily have quite a collection of over 15 various mags, probably 300-400 total? love reading old issues and looking back on things...


I agree tho, North American Fishing Club is a joke


I only subscribe to Ontario Out Of Doors, but at the Fishing Show I might grab a couple of the year end or "special" Outdoors Canada" mags. My best deal always come at the local orchestra's book drive where I believe mags are 5 or 10 cents. I got two boxes full last year for the price of one off the newsstand. :D

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