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Totally Non-Fishing


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Umm... ill be bringing disposable glasses when I travel form now on.... uhhg... thats just disgusting, but when I think of it, I don't ever really recall seeing glasses on the cleaning ladies carts... maybe they only give fresh glasses to tippers... lol...




Sorry but I had to share this...

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I can say with certainty not all hotels are this way, but I can say this is actually the norm....very very common.

As some of you know I work in hotel Managment, and I can tell you its an issue well known to the industry.


The logistics of washing the cups is simple...Dish soap & Sanitizer.

Its catching your staff cutting corners that’s tough.

We enforce this at our hotel with spot checks, and a zero tolerance termination policy....you get caught your fired

But with 300+ rooms being cleaned a day you can't watch every one, every day so all you can do is hope they are doing their job, and keep checking.


The comforter is a sad truth in the industry....No one, and I can say with 100% certainty that NO MAJOR hotel cleans the comforter after every guest leaves.

Its sad but true...


To wash a comforter every day...the comforters would simply fall apart in a month.

And can you imagine the Laundry facility you would need to wash 300+ comforters in a day, not to mention the labor, energy, and chemical costs.

Its just not practical... allthough it is definatly an unpleasant thought.


The Royal York, Delta Chelsea, King Eddy, Banff Springs, etc....do not wash their comforters each day

You can head south and stay at a Sunspree, Superclub, or a Weston resort, and not one of them will wash the comforter before you arrive.

In fact your chances of getting a washed Comforter are 10x better if you stay at a small 100 or less room hotel.

(easier to wash 100 then 300+)


Most comforters are changed once a month in a GOOD run hotel, While most rotate on 6 month cleaning blitz's....yuck



Just thought I'd share that :)

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I make an effort to avoid motels by spending nights away from home in my 10' x 10' tent from Cabela's. I tent camp going and coming from my fishing trips, and I'll be in a tent at Myakka River State Campground in Florida this March. Motel drinking glasses can be nasty, but also think about doornobs, floors, bedspreads, TV remote controls, phones, and on and on and on. Bedbugs in motels near international airports have been a problem as well.


Also, you may have guessed that I'm pretty tight with money.

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Well, if you think what you've seen is bad, try being a musician, on the road in small town Ontario and take a look at the "accomadations" provided to the band, by the hotel owners.

Coat hangers for light switches. Your actually never alone in the room, as the walls move on their own. Your cold in the room, $5.00 for an extra blanket.

The worst place I was "fortunate enough" to play was a hotel in Barrie. I can't recall the name, but it was downtown, very old building and absolutely infested with "la kucaracha" (sp) to the point where bands that had played there before us, had written in black magic marker; "go ahead, get in!" on the bath tub. :wallbash:

Not in the same class of "room" as we are discussing here, but after that life experience, I'm not surprised by very much anymore!


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I'm Sorry I couldnt resist adding this ..... And this is in normal activites I cant imagine what happens in hotels that we dont know about.



S tatistics of our daily lives


During an hour's swimming at a municipal pool you will ingest 1/12

liter of urine. (That's about 2.5 ounces)


In an average day your hands will have come into indirect contact

with 15 penises (touching door handles, etc.)


An average person's yearly fast food intake will contain 12 pubic



In a year you will have swallowed 14 insects - while you slept!


Annually you will shake hands with 2 women who have recently

masturbated and failed to wash their hands.


Annually you will shake hands with 26 men who have recently

masturbated and failed to wash their hands.


In a lifetime 22 workmen will have examined the contents of your

dirty linen basket.


At an average wedding reception you have a 1/100 chance of getting a

cold sore from one of the guests.


Daily you will breath in 1 liter of other peoples' anal gases.




...and wash your damn hands!

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in this neck of the woods


a few of them numbers would be much higher..much much higher


but I think the piss in the pool would be much lower




you would have to swallow about 80 gallons of water to get that much pee in you

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My wife can verify these findings. She worked at a Holiday Inn, you know the one, it's in between Oakville and Hamilton :whistling: on the QEW. Same things happened there. :wallbash: As a matter of fact she was instructed to follow such unsanitary procedures. That was about 16 years ago though.



Never drink from the hotel glass cups

Never walk barefoot on the carpet

Don't place bare skin next to the bedspread/comforter or the blanket that is on your bed

the top sheet from the night before becomes the bottom sheet the next night when room guests Leave and new ones come in

Never use the room's coffee pot

Always assume that the same cloth was used to clean the toilet as was used to clean the sink and counter top, just as likely that the toilet was cleaned with it first

The wrapped disposable plastic cups are safer to drink from


Remember that the cleaning people are on a very tight schedule, any corner that they can cut will be cut. Sometimes it is the workers fault and sometimes it's on management's insistence. She saw some really disgusting practices while working there and was told by supervisors to do it this way or that. She quit after several weeks, couldn't take it anymore.


I dislike staying in motels/hotels, I'd rather sleep on the ground in a tent in my own sleeping bag and on my own piece of foam padding.

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Well that is an eye opener I can`t believe I was so nieve to think that I would get a clean room.


Obviously the hotels do this because they get away with it, if the goverment agencies that are put in place to protect us would actualy lay some serious fines it might change.


Opps I`am being nieve again!!!

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