silveradosheriff Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 OK, I know he does a lot for fishing - so, no need to reiterate that. But good Lord, he is chucking them back in there with no regard. I hate to see this and then have to explain to the kids that releasing fish that way is unacceptable. Of course, they have trouble understanding why they are seeing this type of behaviour on TV.....
FISHINGNUT Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 I cant stand EATEM UP CHRONZY (based on personally meeting him on several occasions over the years)He talks more about shore lunch than any thing else on his show between the words shore lunch , and paradise it doesnt leave much time for any thing else .I dont agree with the way he handles fish by just chucking them back.IF you cant bend over because of your waste line to properly to release a fish maybe you should reconsider that next beer and shore lunch Chucking em back is better than the fryingpan which so many end up in on his show.I know someones going to say its his right he is allowed to keep his limit thats fine but dont talk about it all show.I think back in the day when he started out that was OK but with todays angler its not as acceptable I guess he has enough of a following for sponsors to keep him employed.I dont watch him any more I dont think he deserves the ratings but thats just my opinion.Im sure there are guys here that love him and thats your right to but just remember there are people who watch Gettin out With Courtney and Shelly and thats there right to its just not for me.
lew Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 I think alot of these show hosts set lousy examples for young fisherfolk who are trying to learn the sport and watch these guys to try and learn things. Obviously their not role models for anybody, at least not in my opinion, but when your on the tube and being watched by 1000's, I think they could set a better example as far as techniques are concerned. One of my biggest beefs is the way they hold a fish outta the water while they yap about a sponsors products and how they would never have caught a fish with out it, and meanwhile the fish is gasping for air. If you gonna keep a fish, that's fine, but don't hold it in your fat little mitt for 3 minutes while you and then toss it back in the drink. And what about Italo ?? He measures nearly every single fish he catches no matter how big it is. Why on earth would anyone have to take the time to measure a 17" pickeral or a 12" bass. Same as weighing a fish, why do they care if a salmon is 12 pounds or a bass 3 pounds or a musky is 9 pounds. I can see it if they hook into a trophy fish, but c'mon, are they just trying to make themselves look good with the dinks ?? And why does everybody dislike Shelly & Courtney ?? I think you guys are all just jealous cause a couple gurls got TV show & you didn't
andrey7474 Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 (edited) Check this out Edited November 4, 2007 by andrey7474
2 tone z71 Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 Lew I watch Shelly and Courntey all the time only thing I do is mute the TV cause they never shut up lol
Jonny Rebel Posted November 4, 2007 Report Posted November 4, 2007 If I was fishing in a shallow 12' boat, i would not like him to lean over the side in fear of the boat flipping! Excuse me well i eat with my fingers! LOL!
Rizzo Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 I have no idea what you are talking about as I have never seen Choronzey release a fish. It was probably a fake release you saw, there was a diver under the boat who saved that fish for the frying pan...along with the inevitable fried potatoes and baked beans. That guy's colon is a disaster waiting to happen. Pity the camera crew that has to drive home with him.
irishfield Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 (edited) Funny how these threads always go any fishing show..they all throw them back. Italo was going to throw a rainbow 20 feet on the show I saw today to get it back to the he "couldn't walk on the ice" don't fish the damn things if you can't reach the water! Bowman, Miller, Izumy (sp) all torpedo them back. And there is an arguement for that quick rush of water thru their gills to revive the fish. Different strokes for different folks. We all have our ways and as far as I'm concerned Darryl would make a great fisheries Minister. Then we sit here on OFC and view pictures of Trout/Salmon thrown in the mud and pictures taken before release. Pike and bass thrown on the floor of the boat to measure..oh and another shot while we're at it when we remember we need our dang OFC sign in the shot as well...blah..blah..blah..they all seem to swim away. Roy..clean up on alley 5 ! Edited November 5, 2007 by irishfield
danc Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 Exactly Wayne. God forbid if you aren't politically perfect these days. Especially when it comes to fishing.
Ron Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 irishfield said: Roy..clean up on alley 5 ! :clapping: :clapping:
Bassloadingzone Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 (edited) Isnt it funny how all of the so called fishing sites on the net are so full of experts, that all they do is sit in front of their comps. and whine about how others fish, if they keep, release, what the climate is doing. When a guy does come on sites he gets jumped on for one thing or another. Gets crap if he tries to hide his spot in a photo. Dont get me wrong this is as good a site as there is, but just look and see how many posts have nothing to do with fishing, and see how many threads turn into someone bashing what someone else is doing. I just find it amazing that there are any fish left in Ontario waters at all because there are so many guys on these sites that know everything there is to know a bout fishing. Angling was once a past time that people did to relax and enjoy it was a peaceful thing to do,but now thanks to the net fishing has become second,as the main goal by some seems to be to turn it into nothing but a bit ch fest. Maybe some of the experts on these sites should accually go fishing. Edited November 5, 2007 by Bassloadingzone
Roy Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 I still remember the time that someone else posted some derogatory remarks about Cronzy. His son is a member here. It must be a nice feeling to know that the folks you hang with on a fishing board amuse themselves by taking cheap shots at your dad. WTG!
Tarzan's Jane Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 Bassloadingzone said: Isnt it funny how all of the so called fishing sites on the net are so full of experts, that all they do is sit in front of their comps. and whine about how others fish, if they keep, release, what the climate is doing. When a guy does come on sites he gets jumped on for one thing or another. Gets crap if he tries to hide his spot in a photo. Dont get me wrong this is as good a site as there is, but just look and see how many posts have nothing to do with fishing, and see how many threads turn into someone bashing what someone else is doing. I just find it amazing that there are any fish left in Ontario waters at all because there are so many guys on these sites that know everything there is to know a bout fishing. Angling was once a past time that people did to relax and enjoy it was a peaceful thing to do,but now thanks to the net fishing has become second,as the main goal by some seems to be to turn it into nothing but a bit ch fest. Maybe some of the experts on these sites should accually go fishing. Life is tough I know. If ever you post a non-fishing topic I'm sure it will all be okay, people here will see that you are human. Go fishing today and give us a chance to say WTG, nice pics, great effort, or it could be that you may get a little ribbing, or a not so nice reply, but that just comes with the territory and being part of a family. Take your chances.
bowshep Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 (edited) Its All about Edict and no one wants to talk about it. l have posted 2 times about edict and they have been locked. Fishing edict is just passed down from one person to another but its not in a book because ooooooowwwwwwwww its personal, people will get offended or other people will blow it out of per potion. What is the rule of releasing a fish in the words the regs are not a 100% the use the word 'immediately' did anyone look the word up in the dictionary... to release it at the same time with out anytime (medium) in between you see its impossible. How do you net the fish... how far do you stay away from other fishermen, in a boat people get ticked at 100' but on a pier or a river bank you have your 4' space and don't move... The only way these guys are going to smarten up is if we hassle the sponsors of the show, but what prof are you going to have because you are only expressing your opinion as an individual. With the knowledge we have on this board we all can create a book on "Edict of Fishing" and that should include all the water stuff. lt should include start times(Waiting Sucks). Transporting you boat, Boat ramps and then we can work on, What you can use, how to catch, how to release. Set the Questions up like a pole, tell all the sandbox kids to play nice and lets get it done. Yes its work. Yes it will be a pain. But no one else in the fishing world is doing anything about it after all you can still by bats in some of the fishing stores... <_< <_< <_< Peace Ken Edited November 5, 2007 by bowshep
Fisherman Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 Edict, okay, how about Ethics and whether it be the ethics of fishing or driving there's not too many people that follow either. There's always someone that has to say or comment which end of the fish goes in first, maybe they should look in their own underwear and see why it smells funny around them.
pikehunter Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 He may be a bit rough around the edges but that is what makes him unique. I enjoy the way he speaks his mind. It's kind of fun to see how many times and how he can finesse a sponsors name into the chatter! Reminds me of Tim Allen's old TV show "Tooltime" Tim would sneak the Binford name in every chance he could. Same as what's his name's show, "This Old House" which Tooltime was a take off, get a sponsors name or label worked into the shot as much as you can. However.... he keeps the catch out of the water for what seems like an eternity but geesh the fish is a TV star! After all it's lucky not to become a shore lunch all coated in his new fish batter. I practice C&R but I do keep some edible fish if I feel I want to, so I don't condemn him for that. Cheers Daryl.
Greencoachdog Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 There's a little button on the remote control to the TV that will select another channel if you push it...
Bassloadingzone Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 I would rather watch him eat lunch all day than sit through 5 minutes of FISH-O MANIA
Mike Pike Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 Greencoachdog said: There's a little button on the remote control to the TV that will select another channel if you push it... LOL!!!!!!! Personally, I don't like any show host holding fish out of water while chatting too, but what the hey, we hold fish for photos so really, what makes that much different in the over all scheme of things? Although I don't agree with all of Daryl's polictics and comments, I generally like his show. He is, for lack of a better term, real. In this day of 'manufactured' tv types who walk the politically correct line all the time, he is exactly what you see. I also like the shows with his son and I think Josh will make a great host of that show when the 'old man' decides to hang 'em up.
outdoorguy61 Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 I personally believe that a lot of show hosts could do a better job at releasing fish. Most are like dinosaurs. Sorry to be a bit rough, as I have no doubt that this will slowly improve as they collectively learn from the likes of Dr. Bruce Tuft (Queens U- live release expert) and some of the Americans. I had the opportunity to observe an emailed responce by the gentleman originally mentioned and was not impressed. I like independent thought, and lost a lot of faith in him (was on the FishBC board on the web). outdoorguy61
Rich Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 I'm sorry but how is Darryl real? The only places he fished in the last 8 years on his show were expensive lodges that nobody who earns a real paycheck could ever afford, where the fishing is so easy. I like when he acts like a certain new color of lure he got from his sponsor is working for him. You could use a bare hook and get the same results where he's fishing! Same reason I don't like 90% of hte fishing shows these days. People pay to go to these lodges because the fishing is easy, plain and simple. They get free trips to these places so they can look good catching a million fish and promote a sponsor product. He's the same as all the other hosts, the only thing different is that he promotes catch and eat while most others are all about the catch and release. Grrrrrr.. that's my rant
solopaddler Posted November 5, 2007 Report Posted November 5, 2007 Hey no one's perfect. It's probably not a great idea to hurl stones when you live in a glass house either... Personally I like Cronz, faults and all. Over the course of his career he's been the voice of the common man here in Ontario when it comes to fishery issues, and has undoubtedly done more than anyone on this board to promote and enhance the sport... Heck, just last year it was HIS initiative that started the ball rolling with the steelhead stocking in the Saugeen river. Something that will very likely result in the 'Geen becoming THE premier great lakes steelhead river.
Rizzo Posted November 6, 2007 Report Posted November 6, 2007 Quote just last year it was HIS initiative that started the ball rolling with the steelhead stocking in the Saugeen river. yes, I believe he built a "fish ladder" that ends right in his fridge sorry, couldn't resist.
PatrickGG Posted November 6, 2007 Report Posted November 6, 2007 (edited) I seen a few shows where Cronzy is very sloppy at releasing fish and as for his E-mail response thats just totally garbage, In regards to Italo hes good when it comes to kids and very informative but he speaks to much about his sponsorship it kinda reminds me about rapala commercials wrapped up into a fishing show, I met Italo and i thought he was just to Egotistic and Arrogant when it came to the older crowd asking him or inquiring him about certain things in regards to fishing, Just my input. P.S Courtney and Shelly are two sexy fisher girlz and i would be thrilled to meet them in person . Edited November 6, 2007 by PatrickG
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