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Farmer shoots two Pet Dogs


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The farmer IMHO is an A hole he shot some kids pets he did not have to do that. does the law work both ways can I shoot one of his cows or pigs if it wonders on to my property?





You can if it is damaging your property, or putting your safety at risk.


Its your right to protect your property....


I'll save my opinion on this one. I'd like to hear the farmers side of the story......but of course we won't hear about that! Just the poor doggies........maybe they were ripping up his livestock?



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Golden retrievers ripping up livestock??

Not unless he was raising ducks. I've had goldens all my life. They are good at retrieving but lousy hunters. Never met a golden that wouldn't come when called and as Aplumma said, it is better to make a friend by returning said dogs than to shoot the things. If you want something to blame, blame the owners, not the dogs.

My dogs got out once when a Bell tech was in the back yard working on the pole and neglected to close the gate when he left. Had this resulted in my dogs getting shot, much, much more press would have resulted. However I would have paid for any damages they caused.

I don't know what the dogs were doing, but knowing the breed as I do, I would be very surprised if they were doing anything that could result in harm to the animals. A golden can cost up to $2,000. Don't know how much a cow or pig is worth.

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Rick, lets just say some black and whites are worth damn near half of what some peoples houses are.


I dont doubt that the dogs were just running around having a blast and they probably

didnt attack anything.


Spook a horse or a cow, they snap a leg and you can say goodbye to a 50k investment.


The man may or may not be an idiot like you guys say but we dont know the facts.



Like Rick said, blame the idiot owners.

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If the animals were legally owned and registered, they technically were not strays, as that would imply that they were fending for themselves.


I grew up near Arva in Middlesex county for close to 30 years, and never have I known Golden Retrievers or any similar domesticated dogs to represent much threat to livetsock. Not sure what the rube mentality is about randomly shooting first without much thought, I would side with the broadcaster in this case, prolly comes from the same types who distill shine and light crosses.

Edited by SIG-550
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Ive read thru the whole thread, and my initial reaction just knowing what i know from this thread ...........(and that all i know) is to agree with Rick O' on this. What could a golden possibly be doin to be deserved of a gunshot. Im not buyin the fact that the only option here was to shoot two family members. and Dogs ARE family members, flat out. He destroyed the lives of the owners of these dogs im sure. As far as the owners being stupid and at fault.......did ya ever think that maybe the situation was like Ricks situation............a door got left open and the dogs got out by mistake. We wont know as has been said. But my gut reaction to this, is that farmers should arm themselves with tranquilizers to temporarily put an animal down in this situation. Hell, maybe even fire a few shots in the air, im SURE that would have dispersed the two dogs. I dunno, this is bizarre to me that someone could raise a gun to two Golden Retreivers and pop them off. If my neighbors dogs got loose and were jumping on my new truck and scratching the paint and causing financial damage to it , would i go grab my freakin shot gun and blow them away????? Uh, .......no, any normal human being would probably not even have that cross their minds, they'd make SOME attempt to call the dogs off. I dunno, if the dogs caused some sort of damage........sue the owners for the loss of a sheep, or a herd of cattle........ya dont just start pickin off golden retreivers like your in the wild wild west for Gods sake. Sorry, im going on a rant without knowing the facts......like i said, this is just my initial reaction......its possible i could change my opinion if and when i hear the facts. But Rick is one of the few here that is making any sense right now.


Flat out, i see my Dogs laying dead in a pool of blood because they got out of the yard, Farmer boy best get that shotgun loaded again, He's gonna need it.

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Well here is my 2 cents

we hunt alot of farms in the area and this is by permisson of the farmers just so you no it takes forever to build a relationship

all farm properties we hunt there is a common request



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I see it to excessive for sure, unless the dogs were attacking any livestock, there's no justification to shooting them. Has no one heard of animal control. Wow shooting is way too extreme. As for the dogs causing a stir just by being there, hell, the blast of a shotgun would startle the animals more. Warning shots would of scared the dogs off.

Crazy country we live in, you can't shoot someone in your house robbing you, but someone's dog in your yard is OK. Pathetic.

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but maybe he just thought I have the right to shoot them and did




maybe he has had an on going problem with wild dogs attacking/scaring his herd

and at this point he felt he had no choice but to shoot dogs coming near his animals....

again I don't know what the truth is and I would think we will never know



I do remember years ago we had a pack of wild dogs around the Keswick area..they were hurting the farmers a lot

they were not afraid of people and scared the heck out of many of the locals..if you saw 2 or more dogs that you didn't know coming towards you, you ran inside till they left

and a few local pet dogs started running with the pack too.

a local trapper went out and shot them all and that put a stop to it , but for a few months it was scary to walk around by yourself


and I would think the farmer did not let the dogs get close enough to see if they had tags or not...


but who knows

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BITEME. I agree 100 percent. On any farm I hunt at the farm owner asked the same thing, Foxes, Yotes, Cats, Domesticated unleashed dogs included.


Also the reason I said Pet dogs and not Dogs is because they were pets.


It was on the radio again today, still no info from or about the farmer. They said however that the owners teenagers were walking the dogs and they let them loose and they got away. They spent the next few days looking for them but didn't find out until the farmer returned the dogs to the SPCA and they phoned the family.


My opinion hasn't changed. They let them loose in farm country. The dogs got into a farm field and got shot. Upsetting? Surely. Sad for the owners? Yep. Whos fault? The kids that let the dogs run free. Maybe thats cruel to say but its true. Thats why when in farm country I keep my dog securely leashed.


And about Golden Retriever's. An inlaws daughter of mine got attacked by there next door neighbors Golden Retriever, she has been undergoing facial reconstruction for the last 2 years.

Last year a Golden killed a child up north, Their are attacks with Godens every year, not as common as with other breeds but it does happen. Goldens are not unlike any other dog. They may look all nice and friendly but they are a DOG. Under the right or wrong circumstances they can do damage. I am certainly not condemning the breed as killers. But a Dog is a Dog. Any Dog can snap regardless of the breed.

I am sure if some of you had a relative that was nearly killed by a Golden that was previously known to the family as a loving gentle family pet, you may have a different opinion.


I unlike some others don't need to know the circumstances at whitch the dogs were shot.


They dogs were off leash.

No owner in sight.

On a farm with Livestock.

The farmer was well within his rights to protect his lively hood anyway he sees fit.


What do you guys think a pair of dogs would look like after running loose for 2 days in the bush? Likely covered in mud and thistles stinky and dirty with matted hair. They would definatly look like strays. After a few hours in the bush my little husky looks like a timberwolf on crack let alone 2 days.


Its not like the dog would look like a pair of show dogs with blue ribbons around there neck proudly perching in front of a dog crate.


How would he know that they were gone for 1 day, 1 hour or 6 months. How does he know if they have had rabies shots or whatever. Why should he risk approaching a stray dog?


Its not like he can sit down with the dogs and say, can I see your vacination chart, and how long have you been loose for? Are you intending to bite me if I try and put a leash on you? Will you run away and cause a stampede if I try and chase you out of the fence?


It would be nice to know what happened, but I don't need to know. He was within his rights.

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I side with the farmer for a couple of reasons. I also feel bad for the dogs that were killed but I feel absolutely NO REMORSE for the owners who allowed their precious family members to be out running loose. Dogs running loose in the city or country are a bad thing. I have seen a couple very bad car accidents caused by dogs runnings. People love dogs and try to avoid them, in one case I personally witnessed a charming old lady was so horrified that while she was busy avoiding running over a puppy the child (owner)chasing the puppy ran smack into the side of her car and knocked himself unconscious with a very nastly and bloody cut to the side of head. The woman had to be hospitalized as well as the child, especially after the mother of the boy attacked her.... saying she hit her kid. I stepped in and said no you silly fool your kid was the one who hit the car not the other way around. That all happened because of an unleashed INNOCENT animal doing what an animal does. I missed seeing the next accident by about a minute but it took out two parked cars, the car that hit the dog, resulting in my cousin having to pay 3500 dollars for damages to the three cars and an $800.00 vet bill for her dog the dog had to be put down weeks later anyhow as an infection setin .... Why did that happen, because her two kids are idiots who thought it would be fun to terrorize their neighbourhood by letting their 125lb mutt run loose one morning and chase some kids who were going to school that they didn't like.... Do you see a theme here? Dogs or cats for that matter that are running loose can cause a lot a damage in a city where people are traveling at 60KM max, now have the same situation on roads where the speed limit can be up to 90KM and it gets more serious. I know myself if I a traveling down a country road and a dog comes onto the road I will try to avoid it, but I HOPE I am sharp enough to not wind up flipped over in a ditch because of it. IF the dogs were any where near the farmers livestock he did the right thing, whether it was the first time or not IMHO, because as stated it is within the law and livestock is expensive!!!


For the folks on here that said a warning shot would scare off the goldens, they are assuming that the dogs weren't trained for hunting. How would the farmer know much less the pundants on here that a warning shot wouldn't just kick in the dogs hunting instincts? The dogs going into retrieve mode after the shot could have made the situation even worse.


It seems like with any story there are three sides. My side for lack of a better term, the other side and the truth is probably right smack in the middle where no one wants to hear it...

Edited by Canuck2fan
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I wanna reserve my opinion until all the facts are out there.

We don't know if the farmer has had a problem with these or other dogs before.

Here is a question for all of you though (and yes I am a dog lover and have had dogs all my life)

If the dogs had killed or done damage to the livestock how many of you would feel the necessity to have the dogs put down.

I for one having grown up on a farm would not give it a second thought.



I think before this thread gets to outta hand we should wait and get the whole story

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I honestly don't think the whole story will ever come out. The Farmer doesn't want his info released to protect himself from the hoards of dog lovers that would sooner shoot him than listen to what actually happened, and he was well within his rights to carry out the dispatch of these two stray pets.


Unless he gets pulled into court no one will know what happened.

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well i use to own horses and the neigbours dogs attacked them 2 times , there was no 3rd time, agree with the farmer just looking at my vet bills, dogs shouldn't run loose, and even if it's a freindly breed how does a farmer know right away if its not causing damage, this is whats happening has urban sprawl spreads into the countryside

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Regardless of any of the above posts..........story known or not......., owners making a mistake or not, i would do everything in my power to NOT shoot a pair of golden retreivers, pitbulls, rotweilers........whatever. Unless my life or anothers was in danger. And even then it would wrench my gut to do so. Which he may have done, and may have felt........he may have shot as a last resort. It may have made hiim feel terrible to do. It is wrong of me to make up my mind that he just went out and blew the two dogs away without a second thought. But i just find it hard to believe that there was no other option. Really hard to believe! I gotta get off this thread because Im just soooo far removed from the mindset of farmcountry that i just dont understand some of the rationale here. Not saying anyones wrong, just saying I dont get some of the opinions stated, Im scratchin my head reading some of this and I think im missing something that i just cant graspe, and i think thats due to never being anywhere near a farm and the ideals and lifestyle that goes with it.

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well i guess the next time my neighbours dog comes in my backyard im going to poison it, cause it ate my vegetables out of my garden, cost me money for the seeds and fertilizer,also go look at the price of livestock, yall are making it sound like they are worth alot of money, slaughter cows go for -20.00-51.00, milk cows go for 50.00-125.00, lambs 41-109.00, the prices are right on the net and btw those prices are american as well latest in PA, like it was said b4 call spca get them removed, shoot warning shots whatever dont just kill the 2 dogs. BTW go out to the country and see how many farm dogs u see w/o having leashes on go check the hurding dogs they have no leashes on. This just blows me away, heres a link with some cattle pricing http://www.cattle.com/Markets/barn_report.aspx?code=LN_LS157 . Newayz it was said b4 sue the stinking people for all damage from the dogs, get your money back, but to shoot 2 retrievers cause they are going after their precious wabbits is just crazi.

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He could have saved a lot of aggravation if he had practiced shoot , shovel and shut up.


Takes about 3 hrs for the neighbors to catch their goldie he's dumb as a rock, the dog that is.


Why does the media demonise farmers without the facts, just couldn't resist putting crying kids on tv. Next we'll hear from Bill O'Rielly and he'll set us right.

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Regardless of any of the above posts..........story known or not......., owners making a mistake or not, i would do everything in my power to NOT shoot a pair of golden retreivers, pitbulls, rotweilers........whatever. Unless my life or anothers was in danger. And even then it would wrench my gut to do so. Which he may have done, and may have felt........he may have shot as a last resort. It may have made hiim feel terrible to do. It is wrong of me to make up my mind that he just went out and blew the two dogs away without a second thought. But i just find it hard to believe that there was no other option. Really hard to believe! I gotta get off this thread because Im just soooo far removed from the mindset of farmcountry that i just dont understand some of the rationale here. Not saying anyones wrong, just saying I dont get some of the opinions stated, Im scratchin my head reading some of this and I think im missing something that i just cant graspe, and i think thats due to never being anywhere near a farm and the ideals and lifestyle that goes with it.


Well, you are right, but not 100% in my opinion


I follow this thread from beginning and it really blows my mind

reading all the posts, regardless of the position (to the described events) of the poster.

The LAW is on the farmer’s side and he and his supporters gladly hide behind it.

Well, the LAW says that max speed on the highway is 100km/hr, how many of you

stick to the first one and do not give a damn about the other. It is THE LAW too.

What about “who owns the water” problem – THE LAW stands behind me and I do not care what anybody has to say about this?. What about little bit of common sense, or little bit of respect for other human being and his property. No, no way this cannot be used in court.

I still cannot figure out that we call ourselves “homo sapiens”. Homo?, maybe, but for “sapiens” we have a long way to go.

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