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Farmer shoots two Pet Dogs


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Was listening on the radio this morning and they were yamemring about a pair of golden retriever that were turned into the Humain Society because the farmer shot them with his shotgun at close range as they were on his property. The family that lost the dogs while out for a lock was contacted and obviously distraught over the incident. The radio jockey was really trying to sway sympathy towards the family basically begging people to call in in support of the family. But mostly everyone that called in sided with the farmer.

Just thought it was interesting.


Apparently totally legal for any farmer to shoot and kill any stray animals. Poodles and Retrievers included.


I pretty side with the farmer on this one.


Oh yah this was in Uxbridge btw.

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I guess it depends on what the two dogs were doing. If they were harrassing livestock on a REGULAR basis, then fine fire away.

But if this was either a first time occurence or worse the dogs were doing nothing other than trespassing, well then shooting them was not justified and more than a little hasty.

Interesting nevertheless....

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If these dogs were so precious to these people, WHY WEREN'T THEY ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR THEM? They very well may be loving family pets, and they may have not been going to harm any livestock . . . . but if they did chase down a sheep, or calf, who's to say what they might do when instinct takes over? These animals are very valuable . . . . if 2 big dogs went wild in a flock of sheep, it could nearly bankrupt a guy trying to make a living off his land! Too bad we couldn't hear THE REST OF THE STORY . . .. the farmer's side, there are few farmers that would just use a couple of loveable family pets for target practice, if they were doing nothing!! I love dogs myself, but if those pets had got away on me, I'd have called everybody there was to call, and drove the area till I found them! CTV will have more about this on the 6:00 news tonight, they said last night they'd be investigating this incident, and report further today. I'm surprised the Toronto Sun hasn't blown this all outta proportion yet?



The shooting of these 2 dogs has been reported to police, who will be checking it out, they're more interested in the firearms angle. Stay tuned . . . . . .

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If these dogs were so precious to these people, WHY WEREN'T THEY ACTIVELY LOOKING FOR THEM? They very well may be loving family pets, and they may have not been going to harm any livestock . . . . but if they did chase down a sheep, or calf, who's to say what they might do when instinct takes over? These animals are very valuable . . . . if 2 big dogs went wild in a flock of sheep, it could nearly bankrupt a guy trying to make a living off his land! Too bad we couldn't hear THE REST OF THE STORY . . .. the farmer's side, there are few farmers that would just use a couple of loveable family pets for target practice, if they were doing nothing!! I love dogs myself, but if those pets had got away on me, I'd have called everybody there was to call, and drove the area till I found them! CTV will have more about this on the 6:00 news tonight, they said last night they'd be investigating this incident, and report further today. I'm surprised the Toronto Sun hasn't blown this all outta proportion yet?


Who's to say they were'n't looking for their pets?

Opinions based on assumptions and speculation have no value.

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I probably would have shot the dog had it come on my property. Its just a dog, plenty more to be had at any animal shelter.



Thats pretty callous...


we are not talking wild wolves or coyotes here...


it is a friggen golden retriever!




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I myself am very fond of dogs, have one and probably lways will, but I know that they can infact damage property and livestock and for those of us who hunt can ruin the properties ability to contain game... Although I am not sure of the particular circumstances, Shooting Rabid dogs is not uncommon and there is nothing wrong with it. They can pose safety risks to some, liability risks, risk of property damage... The Farmer not being the owner of the dog could not have possibly been able to tell its reactions to situations and whether or not it would damage his property, or pose a risk to himself. I have been in a similar situation several times before and if I see a dog harassing livestock/Game on my property without visible ID (Tags) I believe there is nothing in anyway wrong with shooting it. If within his rights which by the sounds of it it seems to be great, if on the other hand it wasn't he should be punished by law...


That though is my opinion

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The law is there to also protect the wildlife such as deer – this law may be the same law under which the farmer killed the dogs.


When dogs get in a pack of dogs they become vicious and in the wild they go after deer or anything else they can find. This is especially significant when the snow is deep and covered by a sheet of ice. In such conditions the deer have no chance. Even cute little poodles become vicious and they also end up having mouths covered in blood. Small poodles are cute at home but far from cute when running deer in the wild.


I cannot remember the precise content of the law but I may be correct in saying that dogs running in a pack (and especially at night) out in the country can be shot dead by anyone and without any reason.


Frequently, even farmer dogs are let loose at night to run.


Right now I am hearing on CTV news that the lady owner is demanding this and that and wants proof of everything. It looks like she is not accepting any blame.


The last dog I owned were 2 Irish Setter b-I-tches and even these 2 “harmless” dogs would have been happy to run with other dogs in a pack and do whatever is normal for a pack of dogs out in the country.



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Small poodles are cute at home but far from cute when running deer in the wild.


hahaha that may be one of the funniest things I have ever read! The rye and coke currently coming out my nose makes it difficult to type. Those vicious toy poodles....next on the banned list after pit bulls

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hahaha that may be one of the funniest things I have ever read! The rye and coke currently coming out my nose makes it difficult to type. Those vicious toy poodles....next on the banned list after pit bulls


I'll second that :D:D:D


Speaking of pit bulls, I mentioned it in the post about my weekend trip, but Saturday night as we were having a campfire with the 2 kids we were approached by 2 very aggressive pit bulls, without collars as far as I could see.

They circled our fire pit, hackles raised, yipping at us with the odd snarl and a couple of false charges and basically drove us indoors ending our leisurely evening.

I'm a huge dog lover, but would have had no problem whatsoever putting a bullet in those 2 dogs, especially being pit bulls...

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I find this thread interesting. Obviously there are two sides to the story. That of the Farmer and that of the unfortunate dog owners. Only these two parties will ever know the real story. What I find intersting is the media spin that is put on everyday stories and the reactions that it causes in everyday working people.


I'm sure we can all sympathize with the farmer in certain situations and with the family pet owners in other situations depending on what spin the media puts on it.


I guess in just generating conversation about the topic the media have achieved their goal. I take everything that the media reports to us with a grain of salt. Their job is to sell newspapaer/advertising.


Hope this doesn't sound to paranoid.





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Yea Sandbag, I agree. Have you ever read a news story about an incident in which you were actually involved in, you know something really basic, yet they get key things wrong on a regular basis and it still goes to print. Complicate it the slightest and you're really in trouble, truth wise.

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I dunno, I agree with th above guy, media is always trying to sway a story that makes it sell the most advertisements. But the story itself is interesting. Sad for the family and slightly supportive of the farmer. Even as a dog owner I think I tend to side a bit with the farmer. But really the thing is if the dogs were in range of a shotgun. Then he should have been able to at least determine the danger these pets were going to or have caused. I am just hoping he used some sort of judgment and wasn't just target shooting.


Also don't forget that a Golden retriver is a bread hunting dog. Maybe not to many suburbanites but Hunters see Goldens as long haired retrievers. Hunting dogs. If it were say a Black Lab, or a some other dog the story may not even get in the news. I would think with the goldens running loose in a feild full of sheep would and could cause some real havoc for the farm animals.

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I dunno, I agree with th above guy, media is always trying to sway a story that makes it sell the most advertisements. But the story itself is interesting. Sad for the family and slightly supportive of the farmer. Even as a dog owner I think I tend to side a bit with the farmer. But really the thing is if the dogs were in range of a shotgun. Then he should have been able to at least determine the danger these pets were going to or have caused. I am just hoping he used some sort of judgment and wasn't just target shooting.


Also don't forget that a Golden retriver is a bread hunting dog. Maybe not to many suburbanites but Hunters see Goldens as long haired retrievers. Hunting dogs. If it were say a Black Lab, or a some other dog the story may not even get in the news. I would think with the goldens running loose in a feild full of sheep would and could cause some real havoc for the farm animals.


Okay fine, if that's what you believe then why title your post "Farmer shoots two Pet Dogs"?

Why not simply "Farmer shoots two dogs"?

Or were you perhaps trying to sensationalize the issue not unlike the media :) .

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Even if it was the dogs first time on the property, Id shoot it if it were near the stock.

Not sure how many of you guys have grown up around farms but.......do some research and

look at cattle prices.


If a dogs been on the loose for a few days then theres no telling what diseases and junk its been into.


You dont want stock getting sick as it spreads like wildfire.

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Even if it was the dogs first time on the property, Id shoot it if it were near the stock.

Not sure how many of you guys have grown up around farms but.......do some research and

look at cattle prices.


If a dogs been on the loose for a few days then theres no telling what diseases and junk its been into.


You dont want stock getting sick as it spreads like wildfire.


Can't argue with that statement, you've got a point.

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I had one of my neighbors pit bull get into my pasture and run my sheep one day.I had every right in the state of Virginia to kill his dog on the spot.I chased him back thru the fence and went to work on the fence where the dog got thru.The owner came out and helped me and he thanked me for not shooting his dog.This farmer probably knew the dogs and the owners.He should also know that you have to live with your neighbors and just cause you can do something doesn't mean you should.The Pit Bull never harassed my sheep again and I still get along with my neighbor.


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What I had understood from the news, the dogs had been let off leash to run uncontrolled. Want to let them run loose, do it on your own property. The cost of livestock is can be quite high, and if something had gone the other way, then what, oh I'm sorry my dog didn't mean to chase/injure your livestock. Sorry doesn't recover the cost. Most all country folk know the rules about free running dogs, some just don't care.

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