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September in Temagami by irishfield


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Thought I’d break the summer down into Months and post what we’ve been up to up North. We had a great summer, with Leah only taking ill a couple times during the rainy/cold times in July and earlier in September.


I succeeded in doing some firsts, both on the fishing front and renovation fronts. Taught my two young nephews (Leah’s sisters kids) how to cast successfully and safely. One even caught a “BIG” rock bass from around the dock. Fished with my 81 year old mother and my 50+ year old sister for the FIRST time in my life. Targeted Lake Trout all season and got pretty good at figuring out where they go when it’s calm and when the wind blows. Had numerous guests up this season and not one went home without putting a Laker in the boat…or four for that matter. I learned how to split rock to any thickness I desired and hell I even managed to make it stay on a wall. May not be to Bricknblock standards…but I’m happy with my creation. Thanks to a good friend/customer (another reason why you should treat customers like they’re a king), who picked me up at the end of my dock and flew me into the back country one day, I finally got a comfortable enough feeling to explore the back country solo and over the last couple weeks did some exploring and fishing on the back lakes of Temagami.


Here’s the month of September


Anybody know if these are wild or domestic rabbits. We are told the previous owners had rabbits and may have released them on the island



As I mentioned, and Dano had posted in his thread back in the summe, I was splitting rock this summer in anticipation of doing the wall behind the wood stove. Here I am nervously starting this project.




Day 2 asking myself if I’m really sane!



Took 7 days of 1hr to 4 hours (depending how many stones I could safely “stack”) to get to the top with one rock to go and on the 8th day. Placed it the day before we came home to take our daughter back to Ottawa for University. I now know I can split and rock a wall. Been there…done that…never again! LOL






Then the infamous canoe gang came to visit….led by my youngest daughter in the purple sweater



Canoes can be towed at 16MPH…17 and they tail walk and flip over!






Wood stove install all done and burning



Got Jim Krech, the owner of Dad’s tackle shop, out for a morning of down rigging. As we were quitting, to get him back to the store, he popped his line off the rigger clip and his rod doubled over. Fought a monster for a few minutes and then it was gone…2 minutes later a 19”r grabbed the spoon and we quickly netted and released it without a picture.



Leah enjoying the sunshine while trolling



Last week I finally got around to trying my skills at getting in and OUT of the smaller back lakes. Brings a whole new meaning to having the whole lake to yourself….and you quickly realize every step you take better be thought out as there’s nobody to help you!


Makes it hard to take shots of yourself/fish to. This one is just the camera resting on the seat back. I later learned my ram mount will clamp to my door. Took some takeoff and landing video that I’ll try to figure out how to post later.





Every pilots nightmare…but I landed on it sucessfully




Caught a clam bottom bouncing. I even felt it close it’s yap



Got into another Lake and found some lazy pike that acted like I’m told Muskie do. Lazy follows, submarine disappearances. Took about 4 times for each of these fish to finally take the bucktail. Smaller one I took home to eat as it was bleeding pretty good. The bigger guy in need of a good meal is my personal best, finally beating 3 feet, and he measured a skinny 38” and a tad long.




Grey Owl Lake. Had my camera Ram mount clamped to the tree beside the rope and it fell off…right about where the paddle handle is and my last shot on the old camera. I’d changed memory cards before going back to shore after this shot.



That’s it…our summer to date. Off with Dano on Sunday for 4 days of Muskie hunting the St. Lawrence and the Ottawa River!




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Have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed readings yer summer threads. Don't they make it look sooo easy on TV with those house reno's?

Place looks good, and a fine job on the rocks, musta been some dandy work splittin em eh? Seemed like alot of work, but work worth doing. Nice, that is a summer I would love to have.

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Wow....what a summer Wayne. I can only dream of one like that. The renovations look great! That stone wall is sweet....and the floor looks aweseome too. Was very happy to hear that Leah had a good summer health wise as well.


Cant think of a better summer....complete with the work that needs to be done, friends, family, fishing....and lots and lots of smiles.

Edited by ccmtcanada
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Well Wayne you and Leah deserved a good summer. Nice handy work on the cottage.


So your daughter didn't let us down, she is still the fishmaster right?


Thanks for taking the time to post your reports, looks like a great summer to me.






Oh and Dano is a very lucky man, good luck!

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So your daughter didn't let us down, she is still the fishmaster right?


Yes, she apparently still is Phil! I reeled in a couple early in the season and they are still on the throw away camera Leah bought after I dunked the first digital. After that I took great satisfaction in learning how to find the fish and putting my guests on them. I was quite happy just "guiding" and letting my guests enjoy the fight.


SP - yes we are on the Grid..close enough to town for that and a few islands past us have power as well.


Thanks for all the comments folks!

Edited by irishfield
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You certainly had a mix of entertainment, work, family and friends. And you didn't sit on your butt the whole time. lol I enjoyed reading all your reports for the summer and three stick in my mind...the first being the scare with your daughter's canoe trip, the second your fabulous young MOM, and the third your reference to Leah's health. I do not know what her struggles are but I hope that this is just a small hiccup for her.


Thanks Wayne and welcome back.

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The place is looking great floors, stone wall, all of it. Now the best part, all that work you get to enjoy, especially the stove when it gets Temagami cold!


The rest of the photos certainly summarize the great time we all knew you'd be having with the new boat and big lake to explore. One of the things I am really looking forward to is getting all my non-fishing family out onto the boat with me. Life gets so busy and before you know it a summer has gone and you sort of regret not doing more things with family, something I want to work on for sure. Hopefully the boat will contribute to that, since a lot of family has already been mentioning getting out tubing, going to watch fireworks or whatever...Even though it's not strictly fishing, it will be an avenue to get together more. :)


Also, good to see some evidence of actual fish in Temagami :lol: After the weekend last winter I was pretty sure it had been next to fished-out!


Hope to see you soon Wayne.


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Wayne, that was a great report, I'll try to get to the others later today, kind of busy at work. I hate when work keeps getting in the way of me reading the board :lol:


Nice wall too, I love that look. Very nice job for the first time.



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G-R-A=T-E Job on the stone work there pal........

That wheelbarrow has certainly seen some use too...nice to see that one hasnt just purchased tools of the trade for one project.....hard to say if you could make a living at it though...how long did it taKE????

J/K Bud.....it looks good.

What an awesome summer you, Leah and the family have had....I was wondering if the youngsters would get back out after their last adventure.

That pic of your Mom...geeeze..sent it to my Mom...she loved it...thank-you.

Charmaine an I will make it out to fish Temagami one day..it is on our list of to do things.....we actually shopped for houses that way back some couple'a years ago.

Truly enjoyed the float pic with the trolling situation.........

You know what Bud...

I want to see Octobers pics...I figure these were just teasers....Lunge season is just about to begin.

Take care Wayne

Best wishes to both you an Leah....................CharmaineNPeter

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