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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. As I have'nt used my 14' tinny this year and hardly last year, I decided to TRY to sell it. BAM..3 days and it was gone. I really believe that I'm coming to the end of my fishing days, period. I get too busy at home, then we like to go camping. And I dont like cold weather fishing. Still having jaunts to do some shoreline fishing to relax a bit, but I think I've had it. Probably burned out after fishing 5/6 hrs a day for 5 yrs at the trailer park when I retired. Not leaving the 'Board as I still enjoy most of the reports and Queries, so I'll still be around to put my 02c in.[Occasionally LOL]
  2. Cant say I've done too many lures, But I started hand carving 'bout 5 years ago. I do animals mainly, but have done Owls, Ducks, Blue Jays and a couple of Caricatures. I try NOT to use mechanical aids. Takes all the fun out of it. Good luck with your Lures
  3. Thanks Roy ! Anything to help us poor old Dialups
  4. If you are in a Park, the owner will blow out the main water line anyway, so you wont have a water suply????
  5. So sorry for your loss, please accept our condolences.
  6. Happend to me just once, on a Ford Ranger. I was able to pull it loose by hand, to get home. Did use it again and traded it in anyway.
  7. Wish I'd known you were here, Camp Ash. is only 5 miles down the road from me. Hope you enjoyed your trip overall.
  8. I hope that is a blanket statement, or mabe can be proved. Something has changed ! When I was working[and HAD to be in the Union] the top seniority guy's believed they couldnt be fired. They were the first to run to the Union
  9. Go for it Solo; [The trip ] it may be just the thing to create that 'Miracle . My thoughts and prayers are with you and Kareem.
  10. Shee-it ! I gotta get on this "puter more. Sorry to miss you Kelvin, did'nt see this thread earlier.
  11. Welcome back Tom ! Bin wondering where ya got to.Thought maybe Lakair scared ya off !!!
  12. Congrats Avery and Monique !! Ya cant miss on the hunt this year, Guy's Ya'll will have 'em surrounded
  13. Congrats on your 30th Terry [and your BETTER half ] LOL Dont mean to steal your thunder, but I [we] just had our 49th. It actually does get better.
  14. Cant helpya with the fishing, but the two places I know of to launch are Sunset and Three Castles Resorts in Buckhorn, On either side of the bridge. Three Castles is the cheaper one
  15. Suddenly the Govt want do something............VOTE CATCHING !!!!
  16. Picked up my van after having it serviced in P'boro and drove right into the storm on the way home.Just North of Gannons Narrows the van hydroplaned on me[only doing 60/65 k's] the road was completly coverd with water like a river coming down the hill. Noticed many small Pine and Cedar trees leaning on the Hydro wires. When I got home, I tried to phone Hydro 1, they dont have human beings there, only voice mail. S o o o ! called the Police, they said; "Thanks for the call,but we're not surprised" One Hell of a storm !!!!!!
  17. That why ya getting High-speed Beans?? So ya can get done by 9:00am and get more fishing done??? For myself; I've purposely cut down my time on the 'Board. 3 - 4 hrs a night was giving me square eyeballs [Dialup] and besides, many of the Threads, seem to be repeats!
  18. I got it !!! Its all the corn you Guy's are tossing out. The lakes are fermenting and the Carp are getting drunk, and forgetting how to swim. There, who needs Fed. Labs. No new dead ones in my area of Pigeon, and fishing seems to be the same.
  19. Hi Cliff; great idea for the 'outrigger' When I bought my canoe [years ago] I told the guy who made it, I was afraid of tipping it. All he did was put the seats in lower down. Never tipped the canoe, and I felt comfortable.
  20. Yep !! Honest to the core,,,,thats us!!! OFC' ers at least1
  21. Fingers are crossed for ya Moe !! Good luck !
  22. So sorry about your loss John, please accept our condolences !!
  23. When posted about having your job stolen, I said then, that that you cant keep a good man down! You have proved it once again Cliff. Congratulations to ya, and all the best for the future. I'm sure, between us we could keep you working 'til your 80!
  24. good one Connie Happy B'day and many more. Dang;;; I thought Beans and I were the Old Farts around herel!
  25. SLOW SLOW QUICK QUICK SLOW,. [shall we dance?]Thats my life on Dialup with Sympatico
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