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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. Nanook


    So, you've never heard the phrase; " this pole suddenly appeared in front of me " I did a lot of accident investigations at one time, and it's surprising how often that excuse appeared.
  2. I also fished in the UK, using a 12' - 3 piece. An old Codger told me to use the sweat on the side of your nose to lubricate the ferrules. I never did get any stuck ferrules.
  3. I was gonna go on Sat, but can still go Sun instead. I'll be there around 11:ooam.
  4. Oh boy !!!!! has this been a long Winter, or what
  5. Merc's and Yammies, perch on the back of Lunds. They are'nt too particular. Dwarfie !
  6. There is an Outdoor Show on at the Evinrude Center this coming w/e. Its not a big one,but, I wondered if anyone will be going?
  7. WD should get a light rust off, but , why bother,your tools now have 'character;
  8. On its way now Cliff, bin messing around with my Photo Gallery.
  9. Oldphart ; I hope you are not planning on going to Lakair this year. After that post, dont book a return trip...............you wont survive
  10. Now, how the H*** did that happen????
  11. So.............I have to drain the bladder, take off the [panty] hose, insert two fingers [lubed],turn clockwise, while whistling DIXIE, and listen for the rev's. Boy, did that thread go to pot. Thanks for the responses Gentlemen. Cliff; E-mail on its way. Beans; I get up before 8:00, I just dont go chasing fishes at 5"00am anymore
  12. So.............I have to drain the bladder, take off the [panty] hose, insert two fingers [lubed],turn clockwise, while whistling DIXIE, and listen for the rev's. Boy, did that thread go to pot. Thanks for the responses Gentlemen. Cliff; E-mail on its way. Beans; I get up before 8:00, I just dont go chasing fishes at 5"00am anymore
  13. Wayne, Wayne, Wayne, Ever the 'sharpy' hey what!
  14. My wife hit a deer a few years ago,but it got up and ran off. I phoned the OPP next day [ for insurance purposes ], and was told she could have been charged for "leaving the scene". he let her off though1
  15. Last time I used the snow blower it was 'coughing' a bit. I 'm not sure, but think it may be water in the carb. Any advice on how to clean it out, befor it goes into hibernation for the summer. Any answers are appreciated, and my thanks in advance.
  16. One of the best 'Character' actors. Still enjoy the re-runs. No-one to match him nowadays,
  17. Boy !! you Guy's are quick..........I think I got double vision? Wayne, You should see some of the real good carvings at the shows.
  18. To see if i still remember how to post Pic's. My latest effort; [
  19. Sorry for your loss, 59 is way too young to go.
  20. My thoughts are with your brother Rick,and, scary as it may be, he is in the best of hands. I'm sure he will make a good recovery. I have friend who had it done years ago,and, it aint slowed him down any. Best wishes.
  21. Happy, Happy, Papa Beans ! Hope ya has a right good day! PLENTY NINE, Eh !!!!!!!
  22. Nice job on the floor Roy, the lures look pretty good too! Taking a rest from painting pictures??
  23. I had a case of Constipation, when a Guy dashed into the next stall.I heard a loud breaking of wind, and, I said "Wish that was me ". He answered, "So do I, I just crapped myself"
  24. When I try to get into "Chat", I frequently get a message 'Error connecting to Chat, please try again later'. and wont let me in that day. I try again next day, not doing anything different, and I get in. Any explanation, anybody. Its bad enough on Dialup, without these frustrations. Thanks in advance.
  25. Cliff; If ya dont get any offers. give me a call. I've always done my own painting, and maybe help you out a bit. No charge! LOL
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