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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. Had a coupla Doves call in today. First bird of any kind in months. the feeders were still full. Put fresh seed in, and waiting to hear the bird calls again.
  2. Thats tough Glen, like losing a best friend. Hope the repair aint TOO costly for you. Shore fishing does make a nice change........sometimes.
  3. Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! Glen. Hope you had a great day. Feels good to be "Plenty Nine" EH !!!
  4. You say $5000+ for that lot ? Must be cheap parts LOL. Glad you'r OK Cliff, you sounded good on the 'phone.
  5. Congrats. on re-qualifijng Moe, thr hours dont seem too bad for a Rooky! Dont forget to pull your head in soon enough Definately an ideal shift,............. for fishing. Would you be able to fit a Lazyboy in your boat???????????
  6. Point taken Mike. Forgot the 'family' part.
  7. Cant resist this one; What every man wants in bed................ The Post right below it " Rod holders "
  8. My GMC Equinowx is rated for 3500lbs, and pulls my tent trailer with no problems. It does come with all-wheel drive but I dont have it. I'm no mechanic, but, it does the job for me !
  9. Cleaned off about 6" this morning,there's now about 8" waiting for me tomorrow. I dont think my 'Blower can throw it over the snow banks down the drive any more. Then there's the roof to think about T'ell with it! i'll think 'bout it tomorrow.
  10. My thoughts and best wishes go out you and Chris,hang in there Buddie !
  11. We were there many years ago Joe ! You will have fun and enjoyment, Just dont drink the water LOL
  12. Great news Wayne, good to hear. Sounds like Jen has the strength and fortitude of her parents. Its easy to see where she gets her looks from. With TLC at home, I'm sure she will make a full recovery, and leading the life a young girl should. Best wishes to you all.
  13. Gee ! thats tough Rich, We had to do it last year,and still miss the old Guy. Rest assured, you did the right thing for your 'Friend' even tho' painful for you and your family. It's no life for a dog, if it cant run free and have an enjoyable life My condolences.
  14. Looks like real nice job there, Buddy. Do you hire out ???
  15. Glad ya mised it Glen. Keep ya head down EH !!. We had one pass 5 miles from us once when we were down there. The howling wind and shaking mobile, were quite enough for us. lots of damage where it hit. I'll take the snow !!!
  16. Ya better believe we got snow !!As much as I've seen in the last 10 yrs. A rough guess would be around 48 ins so far,and it aint over yet.
  17. Unbelievable !!!!! Hopefully its just a setup for a quirky picture, but in this day and age, I dont know.
  18. The TTC has hundreds of them lying around somewhere Moe. Talk to a Supervisor/Inspector[whatever] explain your reason, and I'm sure they will help out.
  19. Just got my test results in. The Colon is free and clear. The cancer got out of the Prostate and the Catscan shows lesions on my tail bone. It can be slowed down and/or stopped with Hormone shots over a period of time. So all in all, its good news for me. I want to thank everyone who sent good thoughts and wishes,and the PM's and e - mails to me. Believe me, they made a big difference to my attitude, and helped me in a BIG way to get thro' the last 6-7 weeks. THANKS AGAIN !! Nanook My only worry now is, if the hormones make me grow 'Boobs' will I be safe at Lakair!
  20. Glad you and your's made it thro' the storms Glen! When I saw the damage results, I thought why the Heck do we complain of too much snow. I'll take the snow........... Keep well Glen.
  21. Good one Steve !! That set me up for the day
  22. I bet that cured whatever ailed ya EH!! Good to hear from ya again Tom
  23. I wish all the best to your son and all who go with him.Also those who are there. Seems like they are doing a great job, with one hand tied behind their back. God Bless them all, and good luck.
  24. Glad ya liked the Store Meeley,when we were in Myrtle beach last year, I drove by BPS 4 times. would have loved to have gone in, but, with a wife and dog in tow, I backed off. Hope ya got enough Grubs to let me buy some LOL
  25. Thats good news to hear Rick. Thanks for the update.
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