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Everything posted by Nanook

  1. I'll be over there tomorrow Norm,and I'll show ya how 'Bout 10:00am, I like to give the fish chance to wake up ,
  2. Congrats on your PB Bucktail ! NICE monting job as well. Who needs Muskie when you can get Pike like that one
  3. Had an ear infection for some time now, and finally got to the Specialist after 10 wks. Found the infection is in the inner ear, [i 'blew the ear drum yrs ago] Apparently, once the infection is cleared up, he can operate and restore most of the hearing in that ear. Had a new eardrum put in 25yrs ago but it let go, and they said then,it coud'nt be done again. Thats the GOOD news The BAD news is I might be able to hear all the Bull that goes on around me!
  4. Hey ! dont knock the Can. Tire Nautilus too hard!! I've had one 3 years and its still good.I've used Nautilus before and never had a problem. ANY battery has to be looked after and maintained. No, I dont work for CT. I work at home for a tougher boss
  5. In Summer I take a Antihistamin a day against Mosquito bites.Swell up like a balloon if I dont. It keeps the swellings down,and helps with ITCH. 'Afterbite' helps with that.
  6. Thanks for the responses Good People[and the PM Tom] Too tired of it right now to try them,and you can see I posted a test pic "Old Maidand Friend" above. So looks like I'm having trouble with that one pic. Thanks again Friends!!!!
  7. VEEERRRRY strange !!!! I can post this pic. but theres no way I can post a pic of a Woodpecker I wanted to share. Well....backto the Drawing Board
  8. Way to go on your 25th Anniverary.Not too many make nowadays! Condolences for your loss.
  9. Ive been trying to post a pic, and its a "No Go" Ive read Ricks Help topic and had help from Beans [bless him ] When I click on Upload and waiting and waiting I get; Upload failed, file too large for space available. The pic has been resized to 500 x 720. So,,,,,,,,,,,, Help please, befor I lose what hair I have left
  10. Thanks Beans; Looks like that pic. was taken 10yrs ago LOL!!! I do get as far as the 'Upload' initiated,but its never taken this long,Ive waited 'bout 10mins, than give up. I downsize all my pics to 500 x ? so size isnt a problem. As you know I,m a KLUTZ on these puters,but have posted pics before, but its got me beat this time.........about ready to call it quits, I dont need THIS frustration. Thanks again !!!!
  11. Sounds like a better deal Jil !! LOL @ Roy, sharp as ever!!
  12. Think I'll be trying Pigeon or Upper Buckhorn. I found a real good spot last year, but it's in a sanctuary for a few weeks yet.
  13. ROTFLMAO !! I never could walk on water................the holes in my feet made me sink
  14. Make a speedy recovery Gary and get well soon! Lucky you with the sponge baths, When I was in Hosp. they just gave me a sponge, and it was DIY
  15. My first one,and Jeeze, am I looking forward to it.But a Post like this makes it seem alo-o-o-ng way away.
  16. Belated B'Day greetings to you.Hope ya had a good'un.
  17. Truly a terrible thing to have happen. I dont have any children, but my heart goes out to the parents that lost children today! I'm afraid the world is going to the dogs at breakneck speed. Sad.
  18. Dont watch 'em. They 'black' out their home games during the season, so, wont watch them in the Playoff's. Grouchy......thats me
  19. Have you checked with the Park owners? Sometimes,when trailers have a 'room' or 'permanant awnings' added, the Park owners will store the old awning for re-sale. They can be assembled easily with a bit of help. If all else fails, ONE CALL DOES IT ALL in Bobcaygeon does a good job[if its close enoughfor you]
  20. Nearly missed ya Birfday Doug.Hope it was a good one! At the rate ya going,you'll be catching up to Beans and I soon
  21. Thanks for posting that Tom,Bills bloopers are always good for a laugh.Always enjoyed his fishing shows as well.
  22. OK, I goofed. but at least I tried!
  23. Thankyou CCM, I do remember that thread, damned good idea!
  24. I see quite a few Poster's are putting the word BELIEVE in. What is the significance, what have I missed?
  25. Will TJ ever live it down........always good for a chuckle
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