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Everything posted by John

  1. Green wellies Limey? She must belong to the county set..........
  2. Bobby Orr without a doubt
  3. Congrat's on the purchase Joey and Paul, you will not regret it. As far as bank purchased life and disability insurance is concerned most are not worth the paper they are written on. The language is designed to confuse and you will receive zero help from the banks other than they will tell you that you need it. Get your insurance company to quote you and do your own due diligence. You may require a medical. I know of two people who had so called life insured mortgages through bank purchased insurance. Neither collected a penny when their husbands died Caveat Emptor!
  4. My wife Barbara and I will be there Thursday staying through Monday. Looking forward to meeting y'all again.
  5. Mike, my choice probably would be a Passat TDI wagon. They are rare but one comes up now and again. There is a big however on this though.........if diesel continues to eclipse gasoline in price ($0.85 a gallon more than regular in Detroit on Friday) then I may rethink things.
  6. Let us know how she flies Roy. Should move her across the water real well!
  7. A woman from Vancouver, who was a tree hugger and anti-hunter, purchased acres of timberland, near Lake Cowichan , Vancouver Island . There was a huge tree on one of the highest points in the tract. She wanted to view the natural splendor of her land, so she climbed the tree. As she neared the top, she encountered a spotted owl . It attacked her! In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground. The ensuing fall incurred several wood splinters: in her crotch. In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest doctor, 35 minutes away, in Duncan . She told him she was an environmentalist and anti-hunter and how she came to receive all of the splinters. The doctor listened to her story with great patience. He then told her to go into the examining room and he would see if he could help. The woman sat, and sat, waiting for three hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry woman demanded, "What took you so long?" He smiled and said , "Well, I had to get permits from Environment Canada, the BC Forest Service and Worksafe BC before I could remove old-growth timber from a recreational area. I'm sorry, but they turned me down."
  8. Amazing as usual Drew. I read it again this morning and it was a "two and a half coffee" read ..... I hope that you are archiving your trip reports somewhere. One winter you should edit them, I'm certain that someone would love to publish your "work"....
  9. I guess that my thinking has changed over the years. I was always connected, even when technology was a mere shadow of what it is today. The older I get the less willing I am to be "available" 24/7. I still have the laptops, phones and other so called essential business tools but they are 'off line" when I am "off duty"..... I don't pick up e-mail evenings and weekends as I have the philosophy that if I open it I have to deal with it. I don't think that I have become lazier perhaps just a little smarter.
  10. :clapping: :clapping:
  11. Detroit in 6? You are dillusional Stoty. Anyway not wanting to jinx Marty's boys.......................
  12. I am a great supporter of making our roads safer. The problem that I have is that is not necessarily what is accomplished. It is easy pickin's to set up radar and pull over and ticket a steady steam of 20 - 25 clicks over traffic. What is not done, in my opinion, is target those that are really putting us and our loved one's lives in danger. The overly aggressive drivers who tailgate, make unsafe lane changes, pass at speed on the inside, weaving in and out of traffic to get one, two , three car lengths ahead, running red lights, those that insist on eating, talking on the phone, applying makeup, searching for the ideal CD for the occasion............it goes on and on. Until we patrol the highways relentlessly, take away their privilege to drive and make it financially crippling for these idiots when we catch them, unfortunately we will not accomplish much.
  13. Welcome aboard.......
  14. You hungry or havin' a party going down? Someone buying you a new motor?
  15. Wonderful news Lew.
  16. Great report Cliff. Awesome way to spend Mom's day! Unfortunately, you are going to be net boy pretty soon!
  17. We all know that it's 29.......come on 'fess up Joey! Hope you have a great one Hun............
  18. Very best wishes Art. Have a great day.
  19. Have a great summer Guys. Drive safe and of course boat safe. See you in Sept.
  20. Thanks Norm, sound advice and something that I live by. In my young and foolish days I said the 'you're not my mother" thing to Barbara and I am still reminded of it to this day. She has tolerated not being my mother for 34 years.
  21. :clapping:
  22. Thank you for allowing us into your life Peter. Reading your autobiography brought smiles, a tear and lots of respect. Hope that we get the opportunity to chat more this year. By the way what part of Yorkshire is your Dad from? J...
  23. That's great news Dave.
  24. Philly will eat 'em alive! That is if they can catch them! Pittsburgh in 6 or 7.........
  25. I know that area well Steve, between York and Gettysburg right? Glad you are getting settled. I'm sure that you will get the bugs under control soon. I hear that the single malt grows on trees down there!......
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