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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. I just want to go fishing . If Im dumb enuogh or drunk enough that I have to be rescude of the ice or soft water than I would say that its time to stay home!!! Ignorance is no excuse for stupidity...
  2. Im in got a new camera from Santa as well as a new tapemesure. Whatever the format Im in Looking forward to a new year on the water and a return to the rivers Tight lines and good luck.
  3. Who cares.... 4 DOWNS phuuu..... Hockry is up now. Go CANADA
  4. Maps are nice to have but your main concern should be .? Where are the presure cracks and where is the good ice..
  5. You are more than welcome to hit simcoe with me . Bring yor stuff and we will start in cooks bay and move out to the big water Feel free to pm me...
  6. If only we could get a kick but cricket taem cherp cherp cherp.
  7. Nice Drifter Getting up there for a couple months is tops on my bucket list.
  8. Unfortunatly I was asked today if I could work through the hollidays. I said shure The only fishing Ill be doing is in my dreams. On the brite side I did mannage to swing 3 mid week floater days when the Ice is on Lady Simcoe or Quinty. So good luck to you all getting out Be carefull. Titelines Look forward to your reports..
  9. Congrats on the new job sounds like a good one I myself have never worked shifts but do have a couple friends that have for the past 20yrs. The key thing with them is after their shift they eat then sleep on the turn they go till they drop then prep for next shift. They also watch what they eat.Mainly nothing but heathy food no fast or proccesed food and they dont drink/ coffey/caffene. Keep your body cleen and you will be fine. They also work out at a gym at least 2wice a week. It will be hard at first but go for it you wont regret it. You can DO IT! Good luck Gerrit Don.
  10. Say what you will. Santa said he would give old man winter a kick in the but. Or maby Ive been a bad boy??? I believe
  11. Arrgggg Simply awesome
  12. And I thought this was all about a fishing party? The drive would be easy for you and the fishing good if you get good info. An ATV or sled would help.
  13. Sounds like the party is at Jerrits house..
  14. You guys are going to say Im crazy.... I have had good luck with a Canadian wigler. You have to tweek it a little but you guys will figure it out
  15. Yes it is very important to have a healthy popolation of large fish. It keeps the ballance of nature in check. Smaller fish will carry the same DNA as the larger ones and given time some will grow to be as big if not bigger depending on the overall heath of the ecosystem. My own expirence with this is as a child I grew up fishing a lake surrounded by private land it is a typycal bass/pike lake. It wass nothing to go out and comme back with 4 or 5 sweet 3-5 pound bass. Untill a cirtaian portian of land was opened to the public and within the space of about 5 years the lake was almost dead. People stopped comming to fish it and all the locals adopted a catch and release aproach that would be about 25yrs ago. About 5 years ago I cought my Pb 29 inch 8 pound largmouth.(released) Im happy to say that the lake is strong however there arnt nearly as many spawning beds as there used to be 35yrs ago. The other thing that should be thougt about in small inland lakes is the DNA pool being bottle necked but thats a whole different topic.
  16. To funny. It will give me somthing to laugh about on the way to work. Getting better
  17. Don't forget that there is no failer in quiting smoking only success. If you want to you will.... Its easy after 4 days
  18. Send it down my way Simcoe needs the help.
  19. dido. A 12-16 ft can go almost any where. Regardles of engine size 9-25 horse. 30ft you wil need to focus on a large body of water as well as have no moth balls in your wallet. It isnt cheap.. Gas/maitenance/gear...Yikes$$$$$$$$$$$$
  20. Hmm. My sled will destroy your sled any day As a secondary thought it might be time to find a leader that has extensive knolage of hockey not a bettman but a hockey person . Say for instance like a Pat Quinn? Thats what the NHL needs to lead it into the future. Im shure there must be several great hockey minds/buisnes men through out the northern climates.Not only within North Aerica but ovrseas as well? Please correct me if im wrong but Betman did well with baseball and basketball yet openly addmited that hockey will be a challange. When he took the job of commisioner? He is failing.
  21. Can't wait for the world junior tourny. I agree . It is all about greed. Pls correct me if Im wrong but didn't I just hear on the news last week that the hockey players got 10.000$ ?? (STIKE PAY??) If that is so than that is an insult to every hockey fan. I think its safe to say that most people would be thrilled to make 10.000$ over 3 months working every day never mind sitting on your duff trying to figure out what to do today. The biggest problem players/owners and agents have is tying to figure out what golf course to play next week. As a fan Ive had enough... Let them call off this year and next year. Enuff of the spioled brats. On a side note I have often thoght that if every hockey fan were to boycot watching any sport including every thing/ or gambling this would see the revenue of all sport related media suffer thus putting preasure on the advertisers as well as broacasters news meada in genneral causing a ripple effect.? Dont forget WE are the customer/client not the players/owners or meadia... Just a thought.
  22. So I edited the origonal post in order to include all of your most memorable expierences. As stated earlier there are to many to mention. But some of the highlites are worth mentioning. As random as they may be. There is no 1 2 3 order just a welth of experience and memories. I concider myself extreemly fortunate to have been exposed to fishing ond hunting from a very early age and these range from being 5 yrs old fishing with my father and going through his tacklebox simply because I was board to striking out on my own going on fly in trips in my early 20's to meeting OFC members in my 40's It truly is endless So Ill try this again. It realy is a toss up between my son hooking a 6 pound bass on an ultralite at 4 yrs old to landing my first muskie on my own at 9 yrs old..(my Dad made me do it).. . Don. Titelines.
  23. I look at it this way. The average price for winter tires is about 800 insalled on a car 1200 on a truck. 2 sets of tires should last about 6 yrs for winter 4-5 for all season tires. During the winter it only takes 1 trip into the ditch to justify the cost of snow tires. Lost time from work 2-4 bills/towing150-300 bills not to mention repair cost 4-1000 depending on deductable. cost min 750 bills Winter tires work and save you money. Not to mention you probably wont end up in the ditch if you have snows...
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