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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. Im thinking Sunday?

  2. You would be catching fish... You would need to adoped catch and release practices.?
  3. Something some may want to look at is . Lake Nipissing Data Review . I found it on google and it is from the MNR. After reading it a couple times it would seem to me that the problem is with youth mortality and the fish are growing into the slot size before they have a chance to regenorate the population. So this would suggest to me that the fish are very heathy and have lots of food with very little competition? So hear is somthing to ponder. What if the slot size was changed? Nothing can be kept under 50 cm? This would alow the youth to mature and spawn while not hurting tourisim. This may be a case of MNR not wanting to admit that the slot size program didnt work? Regardless Nipissing is in trouble. If you alow the smaller fish to grow and spawn there will be tonns of fish it may take 6-7 years but I dont see what the alternative is? Just my thoughts..
  4. mmmmm Meatloaf with potato annd carrots and corn on top and a few shrimp.....OMG My mouth is drouling!! Thursday is a meet loverers speciail....

  5. The beer isnt helping think its time to hit the rum..
  6. But you can fine it. Now lets just think about this. 4 morons go icefishing for pertch... 4 morons go swimming. Its 12c and the sun is shining and no snow to shield the ice from the sun almost all day. several highly trained men risk their safety in order to rescue 4 morons from their own foolishness. Ive thought for several years that their should be a seperate licence for ice fishing a one time written exame just like a boating licence and that woud probably keep most idiots away from ice fishing and educate those that dont understand how ice conditions and weather are so closely linked together. I wonder if they were checked for fishing licence? And yes I have absolutly no pitty for those idiots.
  7. Not shure what happend with my post??
  8. I think that if an adult wants to risk their own well being than so be it. but to risk the well being of a child well that in my mind is neglegent in every scence.12 c. 5 inches of ice at best reported Thursday morn and the warming trend had allready set in? Thats just STUPID. I also have gone for a unexpected swim in a back lake. By the time we got back to the house i was full on hypo. Thanks to my uncles quick thinking im still here.I was 9yrs old. Allmost 2ft of ice but we hit a hloe. I hope they have to pay for their gross neglagence and if they took some one under the age of 18 out with them then they all should be criminaly charged. No excuse for stupidity...
  9. I hope they get charged... No exuse for that stupidity..
  10. A few years ago I had a jetta and broke 2 rods Jetta is gone
  11. Awsum Theres no way that was a 5 minniut vid seemed more like 2 mins but I lost track of time Nice fight.
  12. Good nite for the chat room. bring on the cold snap and impending insanity. OHHYAAAAA

  13. Im 1 cold snap away from insanity..And I will embrace it with open arms..

  14. I use 9 not shure why .?
  15. There is a way to by pass your ignition switch but that would mean anyone could start it and drive away.??
  16. When I was living out west a friend had a plate on his truck LUV 269 i still laughf about it That prety much covers the letters and numbers? Dont ya think????
  17. Mine is 14.
  18. Nice catch But 13?
  19. Nice I know of a little spot where those would get gobbled up in a hartbeat. Well done
  20. The sence of entitelment within Canadin culture is discusting to say the least. Personaly I feel that the treaties are a joke... the only people that gain are corporations that use the (so called Native land) Our forfathers/pioneres made these treaties with (native)peoples in order to stave off gorilla warfare... The same can be said about peoples just east of Ontario? If the old time generals had their way than we would all be governd by 1 goverment regardless of province culture or sence of entitlment ?? The long and short is that if Canada did not have to deal with bleeding hart liberals or the sence of entitlment that so many in this country abuse/Or so called native concernes/or a social system that allows abuse/Or free hand outs to newly arived immagrants.. Stop the blatent abuse and we all might have somthing to stand on. Personaly Im sick of people thinking that they have a right to a stanard of living that alows them the same standard as a person that WORKS every day to provide for their family.. I am a liberal. But if you dont work or go to school or have a lagitiment dissability. Then screw you. Get off your but and get a job....
  21. Good job B
  22. yuuuuuppppppp. Watching the best 50 plays on TSN. No fishing though???
  23. What would you think about each person is only aloud one entry per species based on inches? In other words all team members will be motivated to catch the big one Not the most fish. Example would be that I can catch 50 bass on a good day and none of them are worth concideration on the one day I cant catch a minnow a 6-7 pound bass comes up?? Or I can go out on Simcoe and hammer 12-13 inch pertch at will(not fair to othes) Not every one has the oppertunity to fish 100 days per year . Thats not to say those that only fish 20-30 days dont know what their doing?? Inches work. 0 0
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