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Everything posted by dhickey

  1. I had one from Hungary asking me for money. It was supposed to be sent from my Mother. I knew where my mother was . I reported it to Google and they sent me new updates unfortunately my Mother lost all of her info with Google .. Her account was wiped clean everything and I mean everything!!! Don.
  2. Nice The creeks and small rivers are clean up in Mono as well. Not seeing any fish yet?
  3. Time to talk hockey....Congrats Chicago and Boston Yaaaaaaaaaa lets go...

  4. Early summer bass are everywhere the small ones are still on beds. What you should focus on is drop offs structure and throw everything you can think of at them. Different depths and patterns. If you can see them turn away from your lure then your in to a hard battle. Go lite 4-6 pound mono or flouro and a slow retrieve and go back to the drops and structure. Water temps don't mean much this time of year but extreme weather changes do factor in to the hunt. Early summer bass are the best fun and challenge once you tune into them you should be able to catch them all summer and they only get easer . Good luck. Don.
  5. There must be a way to figure this out. I have caught so many herring over the past 7-8 years it becomes annoying at times simply because I have to put back fish that I am sure will die. The worst of them are in the11-14 inch range?? To big for walleye and only the huge lakers go after herring that big. Pike could but I don't think that pike would be a considerable factor? Therefore a slot size might be in order combined with a daily catch limit along with a possession limit that allows knowledgeable anglers to expand their options ? Those that don't know the difference. Screw them hit them with fines. Fines would help generate money for the MNR as well as keep the clowns off the lakes. Just my humble /biased opinion. Don.
  6. I will take all of it motor controls boat and trailer. I am a cabinetmaker/finish carpenter looking for a boat like this. I learned to fish in a boat like that. My Father sold it when I was in Alberta I could have killed him.grrrr I would even go one step further and post the restoration on OFC. Don.
  7. Boxes full of specific lures for the prey at hand is the only way to go. I forgot to mention that I use bags in the boat.
  8. Lets go Chicago................

  9. Steel without a doubt. Like any thing ells there are details you should be aware of. And venting is extremely important because it helps stop the freeze thaw cycle inherent to steel roofs and that's what does damage. You should also make sure that when the snow slides off it doesn't hit your eavestrough and do damage to it. Another thing I would strongly recommend is cover the entire roof with ice and water shield on top of your substrate (plywood or God forbid aponite} because metal moves with temperature changes (winter/summer) as well as the freeze thaw cycle during fall winter and spring and don't forget the wood framing structure supporting your roof.(it moves independent of the steel.) Thus the ice and water shield creates a flexible waterproof seal between the steel and wood over your entire roof not just the first 3 feet above your eavestrough. (VERY IMPORTANT) If you can post a picture of your roof and that would give us a better idea of material cost(aprox) labour and time is easy to figure out. Its hard to judge a price without seeing the roof but on average it seems a little on the low side for a roof that will never leak? Don.
  10. Chicago yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  11. Just a simple thought. Balance is the key. If its boats/trucks/trailers/planes/canoes or even pond boats.. If the load isn't balanced with regard to power then you will have problems.
  12. They can also grab up to 4 inch thick material .(Brafasco ) Check them out. AND yes if the void is filled with foam it does become difficult thus the question. Do you want to cut into your bow??
  13. Would you be willing to cut into your bow a little bit in order to add support to your mounting bolts? Ive used Toggler high performance toggle bolts in several tricky situations at work and never once had a problem. I would make a plate to go under your mount to sit on top of your bow. The plate and mount would be secured to the bow using the toggles. I think it could be done without adding support under the bow and cutting into it using PL in combination with the toggles but that's to hard to try and explain on a computer. If this sounds like an option Pm me your # and I will explain it to you. Don.
  14. Ok so pickled is good. I want some. But I don't understand why herring should be funneled in with whitefish??? Just because lazy people cant take 2 minutes to figure out the simple difference between the two seems extremely unfair to those that abide by the rules and know the difference between different types of fish or even the hybrids within a particular species . Personally I would love the opportunity to take home 2 herring along with a whitefish or 2.
  15. Are they any good pickled? Combining it with whitefish is stupid on several levels. Don.
  16. We have traps set in place.!
  17. I would love to have a chance like that. Be yourself and talk about what you know. Don't be afraid to ask questions... Be yourself and don't bull crap.
  18. I just watched a show on WFN and it was all about how to make money$$$ off of the carp invasion? My line of thought was to use these fish to feed people that need food? 0 Like the pig hunt in the southern States.(It goes to the food bank) The USA government does not want to subsidize fishermen or processing plants in order to fund commercial harvest of an invasive fish that is good to eat?? Send it to the food bank.!! The USA is currently spending 22 mill every year on electric fences across inlets (rivers) into the Great lakes. What do you think?
  19. OMG Im thinking big pike.

  20. Nice Good catch.
  21. Hey Hey. Whats going on? Looking forward to soft water/ pike then Bass.

    1. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Where have you been dawg??Nice to see you back!

  22. The best advice is be extremely cautious when exploring a back lake. Its not like fishing a big lake with huts and people every where. Things can and do go bad in a hart beat on a back lake.(trust me) You should know the lake or at least know someone that knows it. A underground spring /underwater currents or faulty equipment can spell disaster. Faster than you can say OHH CRAP. Good luck.
  23. I never had a problem as long as I went in person to bps / Le Barron or Canadian Tire . I would think that Sail or any other large retail store would be credible. I have had problems online and with smaller independent retail stores. Not every thing can or should be done online. My 2 sense and experience over the years. Don. Good luck.
  24. OMG. I cant wait for the winter slow down at work. I need to spend days on the ice, Hmmm

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. aplumma


      the only good place for ice is in a warm drink.


    3. grizzlybri


      I'm excited for the ice also, but the lake is calling me this weekend

    4. davey buoy

      davey buoy

      Trib fishing first Don and lots of it !!!!!!!!!That time will come lol.

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