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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Actually when in Las Vegas, i visited a neighborhood and was amazed at some of the great ways to landscape without grass, and weeds. So your idea is great Dan. Just need some gravel and cacti No mere dandelions.
  2. so does that mean i leave my boat at home?
  3. Great story Chris.Warms my heart. No doubt about it, FF is a great guy. This whole community blows me away with the amount of generosity and benevolance here. Hats off to you!!!
  4. Awesome Rig !!! Even if you werent a duck hunter, that camo is way cool !!!
  5. Rideau, gonna have to get a good rain suit though.
  6. There are certain things dealers can do to help ease the pain of delays and such.Losing money isnt one of them. I know its a pain in the , but i am sure the dealership treated you well during the sale, and acted professional and courteous to you. The delay is out of thier hands, and they have offered to make it right. I bet the salesman feels terrible for you, because i bet he is an angle just like you and the rest of us. If you dont want more HP, see if they can offer you something else. Seems simple enough to me
  7. They used to make thier own, years ago i believe. I guess they wanted to tap into the growing market again. They look alot like Minnkota, with some subtle changes in appearance.
  8. What a great idea !!! I leave mine a bit dirty so that it looks like i am a crusty old fisher.Which i am, but thats besides the point
  9. Insurance should cost around 300$ a year.Storage Oil, filter and gearcase lube 60$.Licence for trailer about 30 bucks, but thats a one time thing.
  10. Dang Bob !!!!!At least let me finish my Cheerios first
  11. Nice Congrats on you PB. Great fish
  12. Almost did that to my dad when i was a kid.Didnt hook him, but the rapala hooked his glasses and his hat and i pitched them into 40 FOW.Saved the hat, lost the glasses
  13. Toyota---This One You Oughta Tow Away
  14. If it doesnt read bottom while you are traveling at high speed, tilt it down a notch.
  15. Nice ride Dude !!! Congrats No go git er slimed !!!!!
  16. Dana !!!!! So glad yer back bud !!!!This is one great report, and some great pics So tell me mate......are ya closer to the illusive Aurora? If anyone can get one, its you my friend !!
  17. Great May Steve !! Love them Gators !!!!
  18. Great report Frankie Fishing soothes the mind and repairs the soul
  19. Great Report MTBF Awesome fish, and sexy boats !! My Brother has a Ranger and i love the speed. Triton Eh? Nice, but i heard they were prone to excessive Chine Walk at WOT
  20. God Bless them Bob.Being broght up in a military household, i have always been interested in Military History. the storey of Dollitles Raiders is one of the strories that intrigued me most. It was an important turning point in WW2. It showed the Japanese, that the the Americains could reach out and get them where it counted, The homeland.
  21. Wow !! Thats terrible Dan.I sure hope the get things fixed up quickly. If you need anything, drop me a note and i'll get it to ya.
  22. Same here. Don't even know why they call it a trolling motor. Should be called a positioning motor
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