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Everything posted by mercman

  1. Nice Cudz..........Congrats on the opener and for opening your eyes on your self.To paraphrase."This is gonna be a changeing day in your life" The wife sounds like a really nice lady Paul
  2. He is Brian.......an always was too See ya friday.........Bro.
  3. The much anticipated day arrived like it always does.The result of very little planning and much reminiscing.Two brothers, from different walks of life, with different styles of living,meeting at the crossroads where thier love of the sport of fishing, brings them as close as they have ever been, and ever will be. I left the city of perpetual construction at 2PM on Friday.Those who know Montreal, know that in the summer, she trys to keep her citizens to herself.Useing a maze of detours and endless road projects, as a barless jail cell,allowing a glimpse of freedom down one of her many exiting highways and biways,only to tear it from your gaze by another U turn detour. An hour later, i am on the 20/401,heading for freedom. I arrived at my brothers secluded and peaceful home at 4.30PM, and we got into the sibling trash talk that all boys get into, about who caught the biggest fish the last time we got out, and who was the better angler.We agreeded that Dad had taught us both well.Imparting his own love of the sport and of the outdoors in both of us. On a side note, my brother gave me a brand new rod.Not just any old rod, but a Kistler LithiumII LTX. This is my very first high end rod, and i will most definately use it as it was made do, I just wont think about how much it cost I always bring a camera with me, and i always am never ready to snap a pic But i did manage to get a couple. ********************************** We hammered them for the 5 or 6 hours we spent on the Lake, and we kept a few good eaters and just fished and enjoyed the day. I will be doing it again next friday, and i am already excited about it.Everything except the getting up at 2.30 AM so we can be on the water for sun up. Actually Bro,(he's a member here) it was alot easier than i thought.Just remember,the Restaurant opens at 5.AM not 4 C'ya then. Tite Lines Paul
  4. Good on you Ron, for giveing of yourself to the FFT event. That picture shows it all right there !!! Glad you boys had a great day on the water.Thanks for sharing Ron
  5. Mine did that too, and i looked her in the eyes and said YUP..... "REALLY'' I said "Carla, in all the years you have known me, have you ever known me to not do something i say i'll do? She grew up just fine after that.
  6. yup..............That'll work just fine.You cant tiptoe around the tulips with kids today.Strait,in your face ........Thats the only thing they understand. That and the threat of blunt force trauma
  7. That is very cool Roy !!!! Hope you had a great day my friend.
  8. Ya wany i should send ya back some of those baits you sent me They catch bigger fish than that one Nice fish Terry!!!! Snapping turtles are OOS Brian
  9. Heading up to Arnprior for my Annual Bass opener trip with my Brother.This year along with the secret plastics fished texas rigged, i will be bringing my new found Spinnerbait skills, and my Drop shot setup. I will for sure, reserve a part of the day for some cranks too. B A double S..... Big ole Bass !!!!
  10. Have a great vacation Bud !!!Dont for get the Pics
  11. Awesome and emotional all in one!!! Tight Lines to you too Richard!!!
  12. MUST BE IMMEDIATELY RELEASED. thats the law. But what is causeing the problem amongst us is the ETHICS of ANGLING As good law abiding citizens and anglers with high ethics, we all would put the fish back in the water as gently as possible, with out pics. In a perfect world, maybe, but i am sure there are pics of OOS fish in all of our personal photo books. The problem is caused when photos are shown and bragged about on fishing forums and you tube. This community, in the regs, frowns upon the display of OOS fish.Its not against any forum rules if you do, but its not an accepted practice. In stateing that, this community is doing its part to stop OOS fishing and poaching, IMO. By removeing the audience, you remove what drives these people to do such things. Legal ? No Common Practie? Yup.Unfortunately so.
  13. Beautiful Tiger!!! Why would you not expect to find one at this location:dunno:
  14. Another viciously cute varmint:wallbash: Have you ever heard them in mortal combat? I had a bunch of them in my yard at 3Am a few weeks ago. Woke the whole neighborhood up with thier banshee screams and wolflike growls. I guess urban encroachment will mean that these new "cute" neighbors will be around for a while.Not to even mention the smell of roadkill skunk wafting through the bedroom window in the wee hours of the morning.
  15. the multitude of excuses that are used to justify stupidity,should never be accepted as a defence for destroying the environment,and the flora and fauna in it. Its our responsiblity to be ambassadors of the fishing community, and to speak out against anything that is illegal,irresponsible or impacts the resource in a negative way. Burying our heads in the sand, and turning the other cheek, have no place in the real world.
  16. Awesome report Joey !!!! Those pics are world class too !!! What setup are you using?
  17. Cute !!!??? Have you ever seen the teeth on those things? They are like Land Sharks Like huge bristley rats with more teeth than a skillsaw blade !!! I mean look at it. Its daring someone to get within 10 feet so it can pounce on then like the killer rabbit in The holy Grail !!!
  18. Chris !!!! I hope she doesnt log in and read that !!!
  19. Love seeing this kind of appliace abuse:clapping: ka-ching...ka-ching $$$$$$$
  20. They have a face you just wanna smack:whistling: Full grown they can be vicious when cornered.
  21. my mistake:oops: , thats what i did.Last fall before storing the boat.Did the motor oil last week.
  22. I was the same way when i picked up my ride last spring. After i got it slimed, havent given it anymore thought. Changed the lower unit oil in the spring, looks good. Changed the motor oil and filter last weekend, looks good. got fresh slime on her this year, so life is good!!!
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