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Everything posted by mercman

  1. stick 2 together, paint a nose and eyes....Stay Puffed Marshmallow Mouse. X2 on the rubber mouse.I personally could not bring myself to use real
  2. If you are going to use SB, i would suggest you add a stinger hook to them. I did lose a couple of big fish because of short strikes. I could see them follow it right up to the boat and nip at the skirt, then turn an swim away.With a stinger, i would have boated a few more fish.
  3. Dont forget your spinnerbaits !!! Dress em up a bit too.They worked like a charm for me today
  4. Me and a Bud planned this day a week ago.St louis in the morning to try a new to us spot.Plus i wanted to try my Spinner Baits Well after today, i have a new goto lure. Spinnerbaits are awesome.Tried a few colors, and Chartreuse/Orange with a Green Slurpy was the ticket today.Fished from 8am till 4 pm when an approaching storm forced us off the water. All in all we caught 12 nice pike, and numerous of an OOS species which we released unharmed without pics .Here are pics of the 2 best of the day. All the fish caught today were on Spinnerbaits. Of Ya forgot.This next fish was caught on a lite fly rod, and sone kinda red and white fly.
  5. Impressive list I havent got 1/4 of that list, but i have caught everything i have ever fished for.
  6. Yes you would...............
  7. My heart went pitter patter when i laid eyes upon that combo.So....whens the tackle purge Lew Congrats
  8. The ones i tried didnt work too well.The mice were gone and all that was left was little butt shaped tufts of hair where they sat for a minute to ask themselves if they had really fallen for that old trick again
  9. Its my experience that you have to slightly bend the trip lever most of the time on these traps, to make them more sensitve.sometimes they get bent in packing or shipping.They are still the best and cheapest way to trap the little guys.
  10. Glenn is the older of the 2. i cant find out how old he is, but if Mitchel was 48, the Glenn must be 53-54
  11. Get it Mike.With a tv like that, you have no idea what you are missing out on.
  12. If you like watching WFN, NatGeo, or any outdoors or wildlife/nature shows, HD All the way
  13. Man thats on ugly ass monster !!! Must be a blast to catch though.
  14. Dang.I call for a week of mourning. Only 48??? Hard life in the swamp i guess. I thought he was in his late 60s. I feel sad for Glenn. They were closer than scales on a gators rear end. RIP Mitch.
  15. Gee Bob ! I almost missed this one. Some real nice fishies ya got there. Hope the wife got the stain outta yer drawers after that Musky tried for a free lunch
  16. If you have a plug inside the cold room, get one of those ultrasonic mouse deterrants.I plugged one in my basement, havent seen a mouse since.They do not affect dogs either.
  17. The trick is to reel in to keep the line taught. If the rod tip is pointing up, a quick jerk from 10 to 11 oclock position, and reel in the line to take up the slack. Same idea if pointed down.Quick jerk from 4 to 5 oclock position.Practice practice, you cann do it.
  18. X2.....Beauty Pics, but that close bear scares me just looking at it
  19. My Mom turns 80 in February God willing. Dads been gone for 18 years, and we were sure she would waste away.But she surprised us all and lived in thier home until last spring. 2 years ago we thought we were losing her due to a medication mix up, but she bounced back .She is a tough old bird, and continues to surprise us every day. I drove to Ottawa yesterday morning, met up with Brother at my sisters place. She picked up mom, who had no idea we were there. When mom got out of my sisters car and saw me standing there, the tears in her eyes spoke volumes of the love she has for me. At 57, i am truly blessed to have my Mom still alive and well and there when i need a hug. God Bless Moms
  20. Happy B day Joey.Mothers Day and Birthday, Twice the presents
  21. Never caught a trout in my life, but if i did, i'd wanna catch one like that Congrats on the PB!!!
  22. Congrats Awesome report anf great fish porn
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