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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Thanks for the replies and advice. We went shopping yesterday (to Gagnon's) and Christmas came early . A big thanks to Mike (the bass fisher) for the PM's regarding availability & pricing. Too bad you weren't working, would of been nice to meet. Dave (dmasse) & Justin did a great job filling in for you. Thanks Dave. We spent the extra $ and went with the Clam Command Post Thermal and I did manage to get one of the Rapala augers as well as a tank top heater (10 -15K btu). True Bill. The plan is to put up the shelter on the 'perch grounds' and leave the 'outlaws' there while my son/son-in-law & I go runnin & gunnin for whities. Leave the manual auger at home Craig. But don't forget the bananas We set up the CP in the garage complete with folding chairs. Tons of room for 4, enough for 5/6 in the rare event we have that number. Seriously, I could put this shelter on top of my Veracruz and cover it completely. Very happy with the space (6' x 12' base & lowest ceiling height is 6'). As far as the walk, I think our 'fishing party' would benefit from the exercise . We are now good to go and eagerly awaiting the ice. Thx again. Simon
  2. Hey All, Wondering if any of yuze can provide some reviews/advice/insight on 6/8 person ice shelters. I see that there are a couple of Rapala set ups on sale @ Gagnons & CTC but they appear to have minimal thermal qualities. As well, doing some online research for these bigger set ups, I can't seem to find any manufactures that do offer higher quality 'thermal' covering (maybe because of weight?). Here's some additional information relative to what I am looking for; Typically, there are 3-5 full size adults on day outings. We are typically out 3 out of 4 weekends. We fish shallower water close to shore (1-2 km). No sleds, we walk. We will probably venture (via SUV) out to deeper waters on Simcoe later in the season. Last year, we collectively spent $600+ on ice shack rentals. Will also invest in portable propane heater & auger. We all do have good quality boots and thermal outerwear. So $$$ aside, my main concern with the larger shelters is their thermal properties as well as their larger 'profile'. I'm curious to know; Will they maintain heat @ a comfortable level? i.e above 0 C. Do they hold up to significant/sustained winds? With regards to the above 2 questions, we will certainly be 'selective' regarding weather/wind/temps. I am not remotely interested in fishing in -15/20 C and heavy winds. I think a reasonable budget for shelter, propane heater & power auger would be in the range of $800 for new/sale priced items (less for used). I would greatly appreciate any and all input. Regards, Slayer
  3. I added the SS to my HDS last spring. AWESOME tool on the in land lakes (especially ones that I have never fished before). Pretty cool to see/mark a bait ball on Lake Ontario as well. I would wait for the late winter/early spring as this is when they usually come out with the rebates. Slayer
  4. Very nice post Mike . FYI; in 20 years or so, Marissa will be asking "Why aren't you fishing today??" Cheers, Simon
  5. See you soon my friend. The sooner the better!!! Congrats. Most awesome
  6. Here's the pix........... Sean's first & PB sheephead...... John's farm animal............. My best of the day............... Cliff's best of the day.......... Then John's................... Another PB for Sean.............. As a bonus, we had a full time escort for the day................... Happy fisherman after a day on board U & Me with Captain Lloyd (who needs to work on his camera skills LOL) A big thanks to Lloyd for a great day and a 'lesson learned'; Stick with your program and persevere. And thank you Cliff for picking up the slack on this post. I had a few things go sideways the last few days. Thank you my friend. As well, it was a pleasure to finally meet up with John and last but not least, a bonus day spent with my son Sean (who has been kidnapped by Cliff & Sue). Cheers all, Simon
  7. New Zealand. Black Marlin. Within the next 2 years. Slayer.
  8. Nice vid. Would of been nice to see a take.
  9. Sincerely sorry for your loss Simon. Seems this has been a rough week for fellow members here. Sincerely, Simon.
  10. God Bless your Mother Dave. Sincerest condolences, Simon
  11. Hi All, On behalf of our family,sincerest thanks for your kind words, prayers, sympathies and condolences. Yesterday was tragic and surreal. Today, things are coming together. Mom's legacy is strong and will live on. God bless you all. Simon & Family.
  12. Alrighty then. In keeping with the rules and guidelines here on OFC, I wont post the link or embed the YouTube video. But if y'all want a good look at a real Canadian redneck, check out "Rays last jump" on YouTube. He kinda reminds me of one or two OFC members I have had the pleasure to meet. Slayer
  13. Being hearing impaired has many advantages :whistling: Permanent exemption from JD is just one. Slayer
  14. Arrived in Montreal Friday with my beautiful bride to spend the w/e with our good friends Bob & Grizelda. Friday pm: Great dinner, fine wine and 18 yr highland Saturday: breakfast rain shopping, rain, lunch @ Hurley's rain, the Ancient Greek wine exposition at the cultural museum rain great dinner, more wine, more scotch Sunday: rain, breakfast rain, shopping, rain, lunch, rain, rain, rain and more rain. VIA 1 home No and Grizelda didn't allow time to meet up with Mercman (sorry Paul). But we did get to see some exposition which I have now (thankfully) zero recollection of. It's good to be home. Sorry, no pix. It rained. Slayer
  15. Couldn't have said that any better Wayne. :whistling:
  16. Ordered many times from Cabelas Canada. Never disappointed. Spend more $$ there than Bass Pro. Simon
  17. Awesome great lake boat as Mike mentioned. Mine's a '91 21 ft. and easy to tow as Dave mentioned as well. As seen below, 3400 lbs with dual axle trailer.
  18. Awesome Frank :thumbsup_anim: My dream starts tomorrow. 10 days in Seguin with whole famn damily!! 4 generations!!
  19. Good to know it's a decent reel Brian. I've never used it. And the rod has only seen the water twice more than 10 years ago. May as well go to a good fishing buddy eh?? Cheers, Simon
  20. Vince, Here's the photos: BTW, the rod has been up in the rafters for a few years. It's 10' 6". Your's if you want/need it as well.
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