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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Or you could forget about the fishing and just go swimming and hang out on the beach together (with Dan)
  2. Thx for the tip Lew. That will definitely come in handy. Interesting to see if it will work on asphalt? Simon
  3. worth reading............... http://voices.yahoo.com/why-older-dogs-bite-6082010.html
  4. For the record, I have stopped there many times over the last couple of years while on route to the cottage. Whenever I have guests requiring licenses, they are typically purchased/registered there. Everybody I know who purchased there, has always received their card via mail. That said, I can't speak for the new system introduced late last year. Slayer
  5. "Age if Aquarious, south/east, planet, moon, two plants, west" Deja vu
  6. I run structure scan with HDS7 on my Sylvan. Transom mount transducer and yes they do draw a lot of power. (what Terry said). Mine is connected to my auxilary battery which is connected to my kicker w/alternator. I would think twice about connecting it to your cranking battery?? Disclaimer- I am not electrically profficeint. If I've mentioned something wrong in the above statement, feel free to correct me.
  7. Not sure but probably? Just know there called bream south of the MDL. And plenty fun to catch.
  8. OH MY GOODNESS CLIFF. What were you thinking? http://www.google.ca/search?q=sturgeon+lake+ontario&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari&redir_esc=&ei=ZGZuT-a7OqeY0QGg0djDBg We're not allowed to name lakes anymore (apparently) BTW, what song are you listening to?
  9. Um... Mom doesn't even know this site exists LOL. But dad does So you're saying Sean was up studying late Cliff? That's my boy
  10. http://www.anglingbc.com/index.cfm/page/75/Steelhead.html
  11. Yep. What Lew said When I got my 'bigger' boat , I trailered it down to a 'quiet' launch in the middle of a weekday to practice. A couple of 'veterans' took the time to teach & coach me how to properly 'power load' my boat onto the trailer as well as launching. When time permits and fellow boaters are accepting of help, I gladly help them out. If time doesn't permit, I'll give them a friendly heads up and let them know that You Tube is a good resource for learning the basics. I think most of us always volunteer to help out the 'solo launcher'. Especially when there's rods in the boat. Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about the boaters that launch, tie up the dock and then go back to the car to retrieve the dog and the cooler and the wife from the washroom.
  12. Haha. Already rigged Albert.
  13. Awesome Ryan!! March! Can you believe it??
  14. Nice shooting there Greg. PD is one of the first hot spots on the lake for early kings, but typically mid to late April. Who knows with the weather this year? As far as the browns for this weekend, with the easterlies moving in tomorrow, the warmer shore water will be blown back farther of shore. Not sure if I'd even want to be on the big lake this weekend (as Grimace has already mentioned).
  15. I've been giving this thread a lot of thought since it was posted. I suppose what would make me most happy, is to never see another locked/deleted thread related to a fishing report on OFC. There have been many positive ideas and opinions expressed so far and it seems there is no shortage of members who would welcome positive change. So....what if, There was a sub forum devoted to fishing reports. Where a report is delayed/hidden from viewing for a short period of time (as BillM suggests). What if, This sub forum was 'managed' by a group of volunteer mentors who are passionate about this sensitive issue? Mentors could review,approve or request revisions (by the OP) before releasing for general view. What if, Members of this community continue to "opt out" of posting a report because they're "not sure about proper etiquette". Yes, there are rules as Art reminded us all. Some are black & white, others are grey. Does "prefer" mean yes you can, or no you can't? As for "common sense"; “Common sense is not so common.” ― Voltaire “Common sense is the most widely shared commodity in the world, for every man is convinced that he is well supplied with it.” ― René Descartes So what if, We tried 'change'? Something different. Something that would make us a stronger community? And that's what might make us all happy. “Don't find fault, find a remedy; anybody can complain” ― Henry Ford Sincerely, Slayer
  16. Yep, you're right. Assumptions is what started this whole thing. Sincere apologies if I offended you? Considering one of the mods 'fuelled' this fire, yes it is right to let it play out. It's the right thing to do.
  17. He doesn't need to. It's the others that made the slanderous accusations that seem to be posting their defense.
  18. Keep grasping at those straws. It's all you got goin' for ya. You might be an exceptional fisherman but you're a pretty weak lawyer.
  19. And the date of the pix is still unknown despite the amateur detective work. Wouldn't be the first time a report is posted weeks later uh? Yet the sandbox bullies just can't wait to jump all over someone here. Sad day for OFC!
  20. Awesome Vince! You and Chris couldn't have asked for a better day.
  21. Way to go buddy. Don't take that shiiit. Especially from a Mod.

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