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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Just thought I'd post a little tease; <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/irG9u6FxuuQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. 500+ lbs salmon, 300+ lbs rainbow (total weight) on Lady O this summer.
  3. Ditto For those that provided prizes, auction items, the bidders, organized and attended, you have an open invitation on my boat anytime. PM me if you'd like to get out on LO for salmon/rainbow. Simon
  4. I just heard from a very unreliable source (The Weather Network), that the GTA is going to get 10-15 cm of snow. LMAO
  5. Fooled Ya With your handle, you'll fit right in. Welcome aboard Whiskey BTW, sorry to tell you that there's no fish in Sturgeon. Zero, nada, zippo. Nice sunsets though. We were just drilling through the ice to harvest some greens to go with the frozen fish dinner.
  6. What can one say about Cliff and Sue's hospitality? They are family in our household! I needed a mini vacation, arrived Wednesday and reluctantly left on Monday. IT WAS EPIC! Beautiful weather, awesome fishing, great food (and drink) and new friends (Steve & Troy). Not to mention, I got to spend six days with our AWOL son Sean. He is blessed with Sue and Cliff and calls Sturgeon 'home' while attending Fleming College. On to the pix........ A snowy Saturday set up........ The Command Post saw limited use due to mild temps.... Troy, our son in law Steve, our outlaw (Troy's Dad) Sean..... Sunday. Blue skies and light winds........ FISH Boot ON !!! Monday rolled around a little too quickly, but that's always the way. Anyways, here's my favourite photo of the weekend but least favourite moment. Hometime................ Thanks again Cliff and Sue. The 'staycation' was just what the doctor ordered!! Simon
  7. You need to make a claim first and ask your insurance company if they will reimburse you.
  8. Dana, My wonderful wife works for a major insurance company. She say; " Call your insurance provider and ask them for guidance". They will be able to determine wether or not your neighbors property is insured. She also states that; "You are currently liable if anyone is injured on your property from broken glass". Forget the broom! Pick up the phone! Slayer
  9. Or maybe something worth looking into :whistling:
  10. Hey T, Just to clarify; I don't believe I made a 'blanket statement'. I was just wondering if any company is claiming the tax benefit ??? Regards, Slayer
  11. It seems everytime I go through a check out at the LCBO and grocery stores, I am asked if I would like to make a $2.00 donation to a designated charity. So I'm wondering; with the 10's or 100's of thousands of dollars collected at retail locations, WHO IS GETTING THE 'CHARITABLE DONATION TAX CREDIT' for the accumulated amount?? Anybody on this board know? Don't get me wrong. I regularily contribute to Princess Margaret, Canadina Cancer Society and others (I dropped $10.00 in the Sally Anne kettle on my way out the LCBO earler). But I'm a little irked when I have to constantly say no thank you. Especially if corporations are benefitting from this. Cheers, Slayer
  12. 0.0879 Is that good? I'm gonna do again tomorrow (I've had a a little bit of scotch tonite).
  13. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE DAILY !!!!!!!!!!
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