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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Nice Report RC. Here's another tip; If someone you know doesn't like fish, eat theirs Cheers, Slayer P. RTRD
  2. Hoping for the best for Jack. Slayer.
  3. Hey Frank, The link works fine. Nice work!! BTW, who are the three amigos/gangsters?? Cheers, Simon
  4. For the record Cliff, it was a little over 18 lbs 18.7 I believe. Great to have you out. First class treatment for a first class guy!!
  5. Nice Muskie Paulskie :clapping: Slayer P. RTRD
  6. Umm Frank, You do know that team GR8 is looking for a carp right :whistling: Oh, and some bass upgrades would be nice. Ya'all have a great time fish-a-thoners :thumbsup_anim: Slayer P. RTRD
  7. Umm Frank, You do know that team GR8 is looking for a carp right :whistling: Oh, and some bass upgrades would be nice. Ya'all have a great time fish-a-thoners :thumbsup_anim: Slayer P. RTRD
  8. Were not talking hypothermia here. The topic of the day is hyp er thermia. We're not out of the humidity until a few more days, so for all OFC/OFC comrades and especially the fish-a-thon participants this weekend, I thought this would be a timely safety read; http://chealth.canoe.ca/channel_condition_info_details.asp?disease_id=68&channel_id=44&relation_id=54611 Especially for the youngsters and us mature ones. Please read. Thx, Grampa Slayer
  9. Lately, I've seen a lot of animals sleeping on the shoulder of the road. Might be the heat???
  10. It is pretty swassy out there. Slayer
  11. Unfortunately, with GTA bylaws and maybe a snotty neighbour or two, the boat might not last long in the driveway. Hopefully you are fortunate. As far as security/theft deterrant, I have a surveillance camera/system and the best available insurance (thanks to Mrs. Slayer). As stated, if someone is determined to take your boat, they will. Make sure you have appropriate coverage. Slayer
  12. You're welcome. BTW, 3 more posts and you're a certified OFC guide. Slayer
  13. Okay Mike. Sorry for the hijack, but all 'wisdom' aside; I will speak to the walleye aspect as I have no desire to hunt musky as I would not harvest them. I have been on a BOQ guided charter previously and have two more planned for this late fall. First is a single day with three other fisherman. For this trip, I would expect that we all finish the day with 2-3 regulation keepers each. My second trip is a two day/two night solo trip. I have planned with the guide to cull and limit out on day one. Day two will strictly be a 'trophy hunt' targeting a new PB's, strictly catch and release. For the two day booking, I expect the guide to educate and allow me to participate in lure/location selection and be actively involved in rigging. Sharing a scotch and cigar would be a bonus. Hope this helps. Slayer
  14. I'm a low maintenance customer; A double double @ the dock (double Baileys + double Baileys & any coffee except TH) A really hot net girl. Preferably between 29 & 33 years of age. A few good drams of 15 yr. scotch and a Cohiba after the day is done. And some pictures (any pictures) of some fish to show Mrs. Slayer that I was really fishing that day. Slayer
  15. I'm with Art. I have the same set up (as Art) and it is so far advanced vs. your unit shown. I don't use the LSS much on lake O, but on the lakes in Seguin it is an awesome tool. I'll save some screen shots on my card and post at a later date. It is day vs. night compared to what you are seeing. Slayer.
  16. Awesome fish Frank . Sounded like the crew was really excited and well entertained. Were your knees a knockin?? I couldn't see them. Here's the upgrade of your upgrade; 32" 13.8 lbs. PB 07.17.11 Lake Ontario-Blue Zone Oh!! But Wait!! There's more Team GR8 news. NEWSFLASH - BREAKING NEWS ALERT !!! THIS JUST IN- Another member of Team GR8 has upgraded my upgrade of your upgrade. And another PB for our team mate. That's 3 trophy GL Trouts in 3 days for Team GR8 More to come....................... Slayer out.
  17. Bettys going to kill me,you all know that right? New fridge, stove, washer/dryer and a Kobo for Miss Betty. Worked for Miss Slayer.
  18. Gals & Guys, For sure I am no meterogical expert forecaster (heck, I'm barely sane), but I do know that from previous years experience on western Lake Ontario that this weekend (Saturday in particular) may develop into a bumpy ride out there. Rigging can get downright sketchy. see this; http://en.wikipedia....etch_(geography) then look at this; http://www.sailflow....Forecast+Graphs Easterlies have been blowing since early yesterday and forecast to continue through tomorrow pm. The wind speed can be misleading. It is the distance the waves travel (i.e. the full length/width of Lake Ontario from the east) that can result in rough seas. I'm not sure if Simcoe is succeptibe to fetch waves/winds?? Here's a link to a Grimsby (west end of LO) web cam; http://www.arservices.ca/webcam2.html Does anyone know of any others??? I'm not trying to scare/keep anyone off the water, but if you are travelling a good distance to get to the lake, or have a smaller boat, you may want to do a little homework before heading out. Any lake condition updates from fellow members would be greatly appreciated over the weekend. I have guests scheduled for Sunday am and will be keeping an eye on Sailflow. Be safe out there, Slayer
  19. Cliff, Bring thos photos with you next week. A lot of Dalwhinnie and a few cohibas, we'll git r dun!! Simon
  20. I wear one of those sometimes when I'm gardening.
  21. When I was living in the Spirit World, I would try to make as much noise as possible to communicate with the living and I would try to get as close as possible. But the dumb never understood . Maybe now, your friend will understand? Slayer
  22. Well.......seein as ya live in Colorado.........Welcome Aboard 8 Do you have Pike in Colorado? Slayer
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