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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. Ummmm.......No it does not. There were is no reference to dates that the actual photo were taken on (with the exception of the stringer shot) Seems to me that you guys are desperately reaching for straws. You posted assumptious remarks and railroaded the thread. No to mention publicly/openly questioned a members intergrity. The right thing to do is apologize openly IMHO. But knowing the way things work around here the general consensus is it will be easier to make it go 'poof'.
  2. Good of you to clear that up BBM. Hopefully they will retract the assumptions and post a deserved apology???
  3. Hmmmmmmmm. Hope no one is jumping the gun here??? OP's thread title did refer to "last 3 outings". Wasn't the season open less than 3 weeks ago?? Maybe it's a 'late' report? No expert here, but I wouldn't know how to triangulate the distance from the dam in the one 'referenced' photo. BBM, you may want to post an update accordingly. Or not. Slayer.
  4. Hey Vince, Figured I'd get this up before contest close. Addie goes ice fishing. Sturgeon Lake, March 13th. Thanks for running the contest again Vince and girls. You done good :thumbsup_anim:. Slayer
  5. Justin, You may find this article of interest: http://www.ontariooutofdoors.com/hunting/BigGame/?ID=322&a=read Good Luck and Happy Hunting Simon
  6. Nope, My point is; there are different rules for different members/mods in terms of how they can make disrespectful comments and get away with it even when their post is 'reported' as offensive. And I apologize fir going over the top and generalizing Mike. It was not directed at you for sure. But there are certain senior members here who are arrogant towards others and take self righteous liberties.
  7. Well since I 'reported' a very early post (to the mods) on this thread and suggested that this would eventually go south, and judging by the non response, it affirms the common theory of the 'old boys club'. Different rules for different members. Especially if your best fishing buddy is a mod. Heck, the mods themselves even get to sling crap at members without reprise. There are definitely different standards of members here with different rules depending on whose you kiss. I find it interesting that those of you who love to take liberties and shots at the 'unworthy' ones, do absolutely nothing to contribute to the community (fishing for Tyler/for a cure). You just take. You give zero. So let's give that theory a little test now shall we?
  8. Meant to say really bad scotch. Really really bad.
  9. Top Secret :ninja: If I told you, I'd have to make you drink Scotch.
  10. Hey Whiskey. I'm in your 'hood' this Sat & Sun. Hopefully with the help of some strong winds and the warm temps we might be doing some soft water fishing :thumbsup_anim: . Slayer
  11. thx to my friend Jason @ Spoonpullers for finding and posting this article.
  12. Well Vince, since the photo passed the PM scrutiny, I'll post the full sized photo. Note; someone screamed like a little girl and no pike were harmed as a result of this 'incident'.
  13. Wifey and I have stayed here a few times and highly recommend...... http://www.evenholmeestate.com/main/#aboutus Used to be 'Jakobstettel House'. Note they are somewhat negotiable on 2 night packages depending on time of year. Simon
  14. Sorry, link only. No YouTube yet. http://www.theglobea...article2361299/ And his wife isn't too happy :dunno:....
  15. Who ever is in first, that's my team :whistling:. My team wins every year :thumbsup_anim:
  16. That really bites. Really bites. If you find out who stole it, I will kill them dead for you. No charge, no questions. Honestly, Slayer
  17. I actually feel sorry for the old man. The only thing worse than losing respect from your peers/fans is flushing your dignity down the toilet. I believe he is a couple of years past his best before date.
  18. Letting their sponsors know might be better.
  19. Okay, so this father and son team film this fishing show where the son is diving under water while instructing his father on board the boat. Already 'dubious', but they consistently run bait through a same spawning bed and repeatedly catch the same fiat after multiple releases. So they call this fishing? I call it cheating and disgusting (regardless of the state regs). I'm surprised WFN has this show featured. Maybe I missed something?
  20. Thanks for the kind comments all. Yep, she's a cutie all right. I bought her first rod the day she was born 10.10.10. For Christmas a proper sized PFD. I figure Leah will be ready for panfish off the dock in September when the bugs start to disappear. Assuming we can keep her out of the water ( no fear) Regards, Simon
  21. WOOHOO !!! Another hottie member on the forum :thumbsup_anim: Just kidding (sort of) Frankie. Welcome Aboard Juli. Simon
  22. Well, I had a little time on my hands today and started to figure out the new camera/software. I wanted to share this with all my friends here. Poppa's Pride & Joy...................... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/oe4iGWWlxBQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Little Leah will be fishing with Poppa this summer
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