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Everything posted by Pikeslayer

  1. The only losers in this case are the idiots who have total disregard for the law. I don't care how they catch them. These self centered people who continue to text and talk while driving are ignorant
  2. If anybody is thinking about launching out of Port Credit or Promenade this weekend, you may want to read this: http://www.mississaugamarathon.com/roadclosures.shtml Sunday Summary, Promenade is totally shut down from 0630 - 1800. Access to Port Credit Launch (Front St. S) is closed from 0930-1410. You will be hard pressed to launch a boat in Mississauga On Sunday. Today/Saturday should be okay as long as you are out of the Port Credit/Promenade area by 1700. Hopefully this will save someone from a little grief. Slayer
  3. Being unreasonable? NO Rediculous? YES Might want to call the manufacturer direct. Could the dealer be having some financial issues??? Fishndevil is getting his new Yammy (see status updates). Maybe pm him??
  4. Put 20K on deposit @ the casino. They'll comp you a room & meals. Works every time. Slayer
  5. Agreed H. But not every member here has open boat invitations and a 'room at the inn' like you or I, and many others. Some are here on a very casual basis and may already have a boat load of fishing buddies. They just want to post a report. And unfortunately get 'jumped'. I too defer to the preference. My favourite rule, is the first one: "We'll keep it simple. Be nice and be respectful. Like your Mom probably told you, if you have nothing nice to say, then say nothing at all." This specific incident being referred to here, would of been best handled via PM. We could of kept another member involved and possibly enjoyed future reports. Cheers & tight lines, S
  6. Just to be clear, the OFC rules state: "We would prefer that you do not post pictures of fish caught out of season." There's been lots of incidental OOS pics posted on this forum. Seems to me, getting 'jumped' depends on who you are, how long you've been a member and how many posts you have. That's my nickel. Slayer
  7. OUCH !!! I just got back from 'The Manly Weekend'. We lounged, drank Glenlivit XXV, smoked a variety of fine Cubans, ate like kings, watched hockey, baseball and Ellen. Played poker won $$$$. Played euchre, won more $$$. It was exhausting!! That said, 'you know who' doesn't want the 32" Sharp Auqous in the laundry spa?? So you are welcome to it. Sorry, can't help with the flashlight though
  8. Nick, I tried to embed like youtube but just get a screen grab that links to the PB video. BTW, you might want to edit the video to get rid of personal information. Healthy looking baby by the way. Congrats.
  9. Nick, You can have multiple 'albums' on PB within your account. Sign in, click on 'Albums', then 'Create new album'. You can then set privacy settings accordingly- public/private/password protected. I use my 'public' album for posting photos here. Everything else is in seperate private albums. Family photos are kept in a password protected album so they can visit anytime. Hope this helps. Simon
  10. Any update on this proposed LE G2G?? You may want to call it; BAY OF PIGS 2012
  11. I'd be happy to direct you to the search field in the upper right hand corner of this page. Slayer
  12. Been there, done that and wouldn't hesitate to do it all over again. All three of these 'H&S advocates' were a risk to their colleagues and the company. There's nothing 'crazy' about that. Slayer
  13. Well..........looks like I better get my passport renewed and a NYS fishing licence too. What's the limit on gobies???????????
  14. Come on down Cliff. The guest suite is finished!!!
  15. And now I know something new. Thx For sharing Brian. I've learned on Quinte that you try to avoid the deeper 'eyes when trolling cause it's tough to control the rate of ascent, but never thought that way about perch. I guess that's why I like pike. LOL.
  16. Brian, Here's a quick excerpt from an article I found on line: Walleye and perch have a reduced chance of survival if they are caught in water deeper than seven metres, brought to the surface, and then released. When walleye or perch are caught in deep water, their swim bladders can’t adapt quickly enough to the change in atmospheric pressure. This causes the fish equivalent of ‘the bends’. The internal damage that results will likely kill the fish. Simon
  17. Well done BB Can you save a few for treats for my cats? I'll trade you some venison tenderloin for Tundra ?
  18. Yuze guys must be 'dog people' used to have one myself. Sega, a golden. She used to get venison treats. Now I make them for my neighbours dogs. They love 'em.
  19. I thought you just filmed fish Terry JK
  20. All money owing is due in 7 days or the next regularly scheduled payroll. Whatever is longest. All means termination and severance.
  21. Not too sure Sinclair. The bottle was full when I started to clean them. Not so much when I finished As far as taste? Not sure there either. Everything went into the food processor together for another batch of cat treats. Actually, I was celebrating your belated birthday Brian. Looks like you had a good oneand many more to come Tried it but not the same flavour. Decent enough though. 3 out of 5 in my book.
  22. I played hookie for a few hours today and visited a little urban lake (somewhere in Zone 16 ) that is literally minutes from my home. I didn't expect anything other than a relaxing break from the day. Heck, I've rarely been known to fish from shore let alone for panfish. There was quite a few (a couple of dozen?) other fisherman there as well and when I saw them landing fish upon my arrival, things were looking up. I had a line in the water within 5 minutes of arrival, and a fish on 10 seconds later. A decent crappie. Very surprised. Within the hour, I had landed 2/3 of my possession limit. All good sized crappie + a couple of decent sized blugill. Another surprise. So here's a couple of pics. Left out any of the lake and surroundings even though I don't think this place is a big secret. These were 'typical' size wise. A few a little smaller, a few a little bigger. Looks like I've found a nice little lake (more like a big pond) that I can 'retreat' to when I have an hour or two to pass the time. Slayer
  23. I had a similar experience with a 'certified' dealer (somewhere in Oakville/Burlington ) approx 5 yrs ago. I tried to resolve it as civily as possible and they chose not too. Explained that I would post my experience (on another well known site). That didn't phase them, so I posted. Members are still constantly reminded to avoid this particular dealer when looking for advice/recommendations. I asked one more time for a resolution. They basically told me to 'screw off'. So I took them to small claims court. They were so arrogant, they didn't even show up. I was awarded just under $5000.00 for a disputed service bill of 1700.00 Then they tried to negotiate after they recieved their court notice/order. I told them to 'screw off' and recieved my $5K within 6 weeks of the court date. It was very rewarding and worth the time and effort. Slayer
  24. I currently own my own business and have managed staff of up to 60 employees in the past. I can conclusively assure you the following; Your employer owes you the following based on your two week notice of resignation; Length of Employment- Less than 3 months Notice Required- None 3 months but less than 1 year 1 week 1 year but less than 3 years 2 weeks Your employer also owes you for any accrued vacation pay/time (if it is not paid out on your regular pay cheque). Check this link for further details; http://www.labour.go...termination.php Depending on the nature of the business, especially where WSIB claims are a possibility, smart employers will terminate the employee upon receipt of the notice and pay out the termination requirements. Smart employees (who work in this type of environment) will give maximum notice according to maximum termination allowances; Length of Employment- Less than 3 months Notice Required- None 3 months but less than 1 year 1 week 1 year but less than 3 years 2 weeks 3 years but less than 4 years 3 weeks 4 years but less than 5 years 4 weeks 5 years but less than 6 years 5 weeks 6 years but less than 7 years 6 weeks 7 years but less than 8 years 7 weeks 8 years or more 8 weeks (maximum termination pay) Note- do not confuse 'termination' pay vs 'severence' pay. They are both unique. In this case, you are seeking termination pay based on your years of service to the maximum of 2 weeks (your written/verbal notice). Regards, Slayer
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